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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE-2(PART-1) of chapter SOLUTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions25
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What volume of `98%` sulphuric acid should be mixed with water to obtain `200mL` of `15%` solution of sulphuric acid by weight ? Given density of `H_(2)O=1.00 g cm^(-3)`, sulphuric acid `(98%)=1.88g cm^(-3)` and sulphuric acied `(15%)=1.12g cm^(-3)`.

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  2. If at a particular temperature, the density of `18MH_(2)SO_(4)` is `1.8g cm^(-3)`, calculate (a) molality, (b) `%` concentrating by weight of solute and solvent (c) mole fraction of water and `H_(2)SO_(4)`.

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  3. Why is benzene soluble in toluene but not in water ?

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  4. Consider the following four liquids :
    1.Water : highly polar, `H-`bonging 2. Hexanol : slightly polar, some `H-`bonding
    3.Chloroform : slightly polar, `no H-`bonding 4. Octane : non-polar , no `H-`bonding
    Which pair of liquids is immiscible ?
    The solutions of water and octance are immiscible. Why?

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  5. The vapour pressure of fluorobenzene at `t^(@)C` is given by the equation
    log `p(mm Hg)=7.0-(1250)/(t+220)`
    Calculate the boiling point of the liquid in `.^(@)C` if the external (applied) pressure is `2.26%` more than required for normal boiling point. (log `2=0.3`)

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  6. An organic liquid, `A` is immiscible with water. When boiled together with water, the boiling point is `90^(@)C` which the partial vapour pressure of water is `256 mm Hg`. The superincumbent (atmospheric) pressure is `736 mm Hg`. The weight ratio of the liqid water collected `2.5:1`. What is the molecular weight of the liquid.

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  7. The vapour pressure of chlorobenzene and water at different temperature are
    (A)At what pressure will `phiCl` steam-disillation at `90^(@)C`?
    (B)At what temperature will `phiCl` steam-dissillation under a total pressure of `800 mm Hg`?
    (C) How many grams of steam are required for distillation of `10.2g` of `phiCl` (i)at `90^(@)C` and (ii) under `800` torr total pressure?

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  8. `A` and `B` form ideal solution, at `50^(@)C,P_(A^(0)` is half `P_(B)^(0)`. `A` solution containing `0.2` mole of `A` and `0.8` mole of `B` has a normal boiling point of `50^(@)C`. Calculate `P_(A)^(0)` and `P_(A)^(0)` at `50^(@)C`.

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  9. An aqueous solution containing liquid `A(M.Wt.=128) 64%` by weight has a vapour pressure of `145mm`. Find the vapour pressure A. If that of water is `155mm` at the same temperature.

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  10. (a) `A` liquid mixture of benzene and toluene is composed of `1` mol of benzene and `1` mol of toluene. If the pressure over the mixture at `300K` is reduced, at what pressure does the first bubble form?
    (b) What is the composition of the first bubble formed.
    (c) If the pressure is reduced further, at what pressure does the last trace of liquid disapper?
    (d) What is the composition of the last drop of liquid?
    (e) What will be the pressure, composition of the liquid and the composition of vapour. when `1` mol of the mixture has been vaporized? Given `P_(T)^(0)=100mmHg`

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  11. At a constant temperature liquid `'A'` has vapour pressure of `170 mm Hg` and liquid `'B'` has vapour pressure of `280 mm Hg`. A solution of the two at the same temperature in which mole fraction of `A` is `0.7` has a total vapour pressure of `376 mm`. Identify whether the solution process is Endothermic or Exothermic ?

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  12. Calculate the concentration of `CO_(2)` in a soft drink that is bottled with a partial pressure of `CO_(2)` of 4 atm over the liquid at `25^(@)C`. The Henry's law constant for `CO_(2)` in water at `25^(@)C` is `3.1 xx 10^(-2) "mol/litre-atm"`.

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  13. The air is a mixture of a number of gases. The major components are oxygen and nitrogen with approximate proportion of `20%:79%` by volume at `298K`. The water is in equilibrium with air at a pressure of `10atm` At `298 K` if Henry's law constants for oxygen and nitrogen at `298 K` are `3.30 xx 10^(7)mm` and `6.51xx10^(7)mm`, respectively, calculate the composition of these gases in water.

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  14. At `300 K, 40 mL` of `O_(3)(g)` dissolves in `100g` of water at `1.0atm`. What mass of ozone dissolved in `400g ` of water at a pressure of `4.0atm` at `300 K` ?

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  15. The vapour pressure of an aqueous solution of glucose is `750 mm` of `Hg` at `373 K`. Calculate molality and mole fraction of solute.

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  16. `2g` of a non-volatile hydrocarbon solute dissolved in `100g` of a hypothetical organic solvent (molar mass `=50`) was found to lower the vapour pressure from `75.00` to `74.50 mm` of `Hg` at `20^(@)C`. Given that the hydrocarbon contains `96%` of `C`, what is the molecular formula of the hydrocarbon ?

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  17. Dry air was successively passed through a solution of `5g` solute in `80g` water and then through pure water. The loss in weight of solution was `2.5g` and that of pure water was `0.04g`. What is mol. wt. of solute ?

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  18. (a) `A` solution is prepared by dissolving `10g` of non-volatile solute in `180g` of `H_(2)O`. If the relative lowering of vapour pressure is `0.005`, find the molar mass of the solute.
    (b) How many grams of sucrose `(C_(12)H_(22)O_(11))`must be dissolved in `90g` of water to produce a solution over which the relative humidity is `80%`? Assume the solution is ideal.

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  19. `1g` of a monobasic acid dissolved in `200g` of water lowers the freezing point by `0.186^(@)C`. On the other hand when `1g` of the same acid is dissolved in water so as to make the solution `200mL`, this solution requires `125mL` of `0.1 N NaOH` for complete neutralization. Calculate `%` dissociation of acid ? `(K_(f)=1.86(K-kg)/("mol"))`

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  20. A `0.001` molal solution of a complex represented as `Pt(NH_(3))_(4)Cl_(4)` in water had freezing point depression of `0.0054^(@)C`. Given `K_(f)` for `H_(2)O=1.86 K m^(-1)`. Assuming `100%` ionization of the complex, write the ionization nature and formula or complex.

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  21. A solution containing `24g` of a non-electrolyte per `kg` of water starts to freeze at `-0.75^(@)C`. The molar mass of the solute is `60g "mol"^(-1)`. Calculate the molal depression constnat for water. If the solution is cooled to `-1^(@)C`. How much of ice would separate ?

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  22. If `V_(1)mL` of `C_(1)` solution `+V_(2)mL` of `C_(2)` solution are mixed together then calculate final concentration of solution and final osmotic pressure. If initial osmotic pressure of two solutions are `pi_(1)` and `pi_(2)` respectively?

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  23. `A` solution contains `68.4gms` of cane sugar `(C_(12)H_(22)O_(11))` in `1000gms` of water. Calculate the following for this solution (a) Vapour pressure: (b) Osmotic pressure at `20^(@)C`, (c) Freezing point, (d) Boiling point. [density of the solution `=1.024gm cm^(-3)`, vapour pressure of water `=17.54mm`, latent heat of fusion `=80 "cal" cm^(-1)`]`

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  24. `10gm` of solute `A` and `20gm` of solute `B` both are dissolved in `500ml`. Of water. The solution ha the same osmotic pressure as `6.67 gm` of `A` of `B` are dissolved in the same volume of water at the same temperature. What is the ratio of molar masses of `A` and `B`.

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  25. At `27^(@)C,a1.2%` solution (`wt.//"vol.")` of glucose is isotonic with `4.0g//"litre"` of urea solution. Find the molar mass of urea, if the molar mass of glucose is `180`. Also report the osmotic pressure of solution if `100mL` of each are mixed at `27^(@)C`. (`R=0.082 L` atm `"mol"^(-1)K^(-1)`, Molar mass of glucose `=180g//"mole"`)

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EXERCISE-2(PART-1) questions and complete solutions for chapter SOLUTIONS of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12