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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples of chapter SOLUTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

RESONANCESolved Examples
Number Of Questions66
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If we have `6% W//W` urea solution with density `1.060g//mL`, then calculate its strength in `g//L`?

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  2. If 20 ml of `0.5M Na_(2).SO_(4)` is mixed with `50ml` of `0.2M H_(2)SO_(4)` & 30 ml of `0.4M Al_(2)(SO_(4))_(3)` solution. Calculate `[Na^(+)],[H^(+)].[SO_(4^(2-))],[Al^(3+)]`. [Assuming `100%` dissociation]

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  3. Calculate molality of `1.2M H_(2)SO_(4)` solution? If its `p=1.4g//mL`

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  4. If we have `10` molal urea solution, Calculate mole fraction of urea in this solution `&` also calculated `% W//W` of urea `(MW=60)`.

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  5. Calculate molarity of `CaCO_(3)`(aq.) solution which has concentration of `CaCO_(3)=200`ppm.

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  6. The Henry's law constant for the solubility of `N_(2)` gas in water at `298K` is `1.0 xx 10^(5)` atm. The mole fraction of `N_(2)` in air is `0.8`. The number of moles of `N_(2)` from air dissolved in 10 moles of water at 298K and 5 atm pressure is

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  7. The vapor pressure of water at `80^(@)C` is `355` torr. A `100 ml` vessel contained water-saturated oxygen `80^(@)C`, the total gas pressure being `760` torr. The contents of the vessel were pumped into a `50.0m` vessel at the same temperature. What were the partial pressure of oxygen and of water vapor, with was the total pressure in the final equilibrated state? Neglect the volume of any water which condense.

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  8. (a) A liquid mixture of benzene and toluene is composed of `1` mol of benzene and `1` mol of tolune if the pressure over the mixture at `300K` is reduced, at what pressure does the first bubble form?
    (b) What is the composition of the first bubble formed.
    (c) If the pressure is reduced further, at what pressure does the last trace of liquid disapper?
    (d) What is the composition of the last drop of liquid?
    (e) What will be the pressure, composition of the liquid and the composition of vapour, when `1` mol the mixture has been vaporized? Given `P_(T^(0))=40mmHg, P_(B^(0))=100mmHg`

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  9. An equimolar mix of benzene `&` toluene is prepared the total V.P. of this mix as a fraction of mole fraction of benzene is found to be `P_(T)=200+400X_(ben)`.
    (a) Calculate composition of vapours of this mix. [Assume that the no. of moles going into vapour phase is negligible in comparsion to no. of moles present in liq. phase].
    (b) If the vapour above liq in part `A` are collected `&` are condensed into a new liquid calculate composition of vapours of this new liq.

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  10. Calculate wt of urea which must be dissolved in `400gm` of water so final solutions has `V.P.2%` less than `V.P.` of pure water:

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  11. `10gm` of a solute is dissolved in `80gm` of acctone V.P. of this sol`=271mm "of" Hg`. If V.P. of acctone is `283mm "of" Hg`. Calculate molar mass of solute.

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  12. `V.P.` of solute containing `6gm` of non volatile solute in `180gm` of water is `20 "Torr"//mm` of `Hg`. If `1` mole water is further added in to the `V.P.` increase by `0.02`. Torr calculate `V.P.` of pure water `&` molecular of non volatile solute.

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  13. What is the final volume of both container.

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  14. If `0.1M` solutions of `K_(4)[Fe(CN)_(6)]` is prepared at `300K` then its density`=1.2gm//mL`. If solute is `50%` dissociated calculate `DeltaP` of solutions if `P` of pure water `=25mm "of" Hg`. `(K=39,Fe=56)`

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  15. If same volume solution of different solute is used then what is order of (a) vapour pressure (b) moles solute (c) molar mass of solute.

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  16. A solution of `122gm` of benzoic acid is `1000gm` of benzene shows a `b.p.` elevation of `1.4^(@)`. Assuming that solute is dimerized to the extent of `80` percent `(80^(@)C)` calculate normal `b.p.` of benzene given molar enthalpy of vap. Of benzine`=7.8 Kcal//mol`.

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  17. `1 Lit`. Of aq. Solution of urea having density`=1.060gm//mL` is found to have `DeltaT_(b)=0.5^(@)C`, if temp. of this solution increase to `101.5^(@)C` then calculate amount of water which must have gone is vapour state upto this pt. given `K_(b)=0.5K kg mol^(-1)` for water

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  18. Van't Hoff factors of aqueous solutions of `X,Y,Z` are `1.8,0.8 "and" 2.5`. Hence, their (assume equal concentrations in all three cases)

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  19. `1000gm H_(2)O` have `0.1` mole urea and its freezing point is-`0.2^(@)C` and low now it is freezed upto`-2^(@)C` then how much amount of ice will form.

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  20. If boiling point of an aqueous solution is `100.1^(@)C`. What is its freezing point? Given latent heat of fusion and vaporization of water are `80calg^(-1)` and `540 calg^(-1)` respectively.

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  21. A `0.001` molal solution of a complex represented as `Pt(NH_(3))_(4)Cl_(4)` in water had freezing point depression of `0.0054^(@)C`. Given `K_(f)` for `H_(2)O=1.86 K m^(-1)`. Assuming `100%` ionization of the complex, write the ionization nature and formula or complex.

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  22. The depression in freezing point of `0.01 m` aqueous `CH_(3)CooH` solution is `0.02046^(@)`, `1 m` urea solution freezes at `-1.86^(@)C`. Assuming molality equal to molarity, `pH` of `CH_(3)COOH` solution is

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  23. In which solution side complex `[Cu(MH_(3))_(4)]^(2+)` will form and deep blue colour will obtain.

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  24. If `V_(1)mL` of `C_(1)` solution `+V_(2)mL` of `C_(2)` solution are mixed together then calculate final concentration of solution and final osmotic pressure. If initial osmotic pressure of two solutions are `pi_(1)` and `pi_(2)` respectively?

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  25. Calculate osmotic pressure of `0.1M` urea aqueous solution at `300K`.

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  26. If `10gm` of an unknown substance (non-electrolytic) is dissolved to make `500mL` of solution, then osmotic pressure at `300K` is observed to be `1.23` atm find molecular weight?

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  27. If `6gm` of urea, `18gm` glucose `&` `34.2gm` surcose is dissolved to make `500mL` of a solution at `300K` calculate osmotic pressure?

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  28. If `200mL` of `0.1M` urea solution is mixed with `300mL` of `0.2M` glucose solution at `300K`. Calculate osmotic pressure?

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  29. If urea (aq) solution at `500K` has `O.P.=2.05` atm. `&` glucose solution at `300K` has `OP=1.23` atm. If `200mL` of `I^(st)` solution `& 400 ml` of `2^(nd)` solution are mixed at `400K` then calculate `O.P.` of resulting solution at `400K` (assume molarity is not dependent on temp.)

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  30. `(0.1M "urea")/((A)),(0.1M NaCl)/((B)),(0.1MBaCl_(2))/((C))`

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  31. Calculate osmotic pressure of a solutions having `0.1M NaCl & 0.2M Na_(2)SO_(4)` and `0.5MHA`.
    (Given : Weak acid is `20%` dissociated at `300K`).

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  32. If `0.04 M Na_(2)SO_(4)` solutions at `300K` is found to be isotonic with `0.05M NaCl` (`100%` dissociation) solutions. Calculate degree of dissociation of sodium sulphide.

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  33. If `6gm` of `CH_(3)COOH` is dissoved in benzene to make `1` litre at `300K`. Osmotic pressure of solution is found to be `1.64` atm. If it is known that `CH_(3)COOH` in benzene forms a dimer. Calculate degree of association of acetic acid in benzene?

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  34. If `200ml` of `0.2 M BaCl_(2)` solution is mixed with `500ml` of `0.1M Na_(2)SO_(4)` solution. Calculate osmotic pressure of resulting solutions?

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  35. If `200ml` of `0.2M HgCl_(2)` solution is added to `800ml` of `0.5M Kl` (`100%` dissociated) solution. Assuming that the following complex formation taken place to `100%` extent.

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  36. `Ba^(2+)` ions, `CN^(-) & Co^(2+)` ions form a water soluble complex with `Ba^(2+)` ions as free cations for a `0.01M` solution of this complex, osmotic pressure `=0.984` atm `&` degree of dissociation `=75%`. Then find ccordination number of `Co^(2+)` ion in this complex (`T=300K, R=0.082L "mol"^(-1) K^(-1)`)

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  37. A sample of charcoal weighing `6 g` was brought into contact with a gas contained in a vessel of one litre capacity at `27^(@)C`. The pressure of the gas was found to fall from `700` to `400` mm. Calculate the volume of the gas (reduced to STP) that is adsorbent under the condition of the experiment `("density of charcoal sample is" 1.5 g cm^(3))`.

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  38. When `SO_(2)` is bubbled into `H_(2)S` gas, colloidal sol is formed. What type of colloidal sol is it ?

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  39. A reddish positive charged sol is obtained by adding small quantity of `FeCl_(3)` solution to freshly prepared and well washed `Fe(OH)_(3)` precipitate. How does it take place?

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  40. Suppose we have a cube of `1.00 cm` length. It is cut in all three directions, so as to produce eight cubes, each `0.50 cm` on edge length. Then suppose these `0.50` cm cubes are each subdivided into eight cubes `0.25` cm on edge length, and so on. How many of these successive subdivisions are required before the cubes are reduced in size to colloidal dimensions of `100 nm`.

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  41. Under what conditions is Tyndal effect observed ?

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  42. In the layer of the atmosphere, there is a great deal of dust. When the weather is fine, it is possible to see the magnificent red colour of the setting sun. what have these observation to do with colloids?

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  43. Classify the following sols according to theirs charges:
    (a) gold sol (b) ferric hydroxide sol (c) gelatine (d) blood
    (e) sulphur (f) arsenious sulphide (g) titanium oxide.

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  44. `SnO_(2)` forms positively charged colloidal sol in acidic medium and negatively charged colloidal sol in basic medium. Explain ?

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  45. The particles of a particular colloidal solution of arsenic trisulphide `(As_(2)S_(3))` are negatively charged. Which 0.0005 M solution would be most effective in coagulating this colloidal solution. `KCl, MgCl_(2), AlCl_(3)` or `Na_(3)PO_(4)` ? Explain.

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  46. Which of the following is (are) lyophobic colloids ?

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  47. The presence of colloidal particles of dust in air imparts blue colour to the sky. This is de to

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  48. The volume of nitrogen gas Um (measured at STP) required to cover a sample of silica get with a mono-molecular layer is `129 cm^(3) g^(-1)` of gel. Calculate the surface area per gram of the gel if each nitrogen molecule occupies `16.2 xx 10^(-20) m^(2).`

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  49. Which of the following has minimum gold number ?

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  50. Which of the following are correctly matched ?

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  51. Explain the adsorption of nitrogen on iron.

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  52. How do size of particles of adsorbent, pressure of gas and prevailling temperature influence the extent of adsorption of a gas on a solid ?

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  53. How is adsorption of a gas is related to its critical temperature ?

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  54. Physical adsorption is essentially quite appreciable :

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  55. What type of colloidal sols are formed in the following ?
    (i) Through cooled water, vapours of sulphur are passed.
    (ii) White of an egg is mixed with water.

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  56. What happens when persistent dialysis of colloidal solution is carried out?

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  57. Gelatin is generally added to ice creams. Why?

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  58. Which colloidal sol is administered to a patient suffereing from arscenic poisoning?

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  59. Name two industrial processes in which heterogeneous catalysts are employed?

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  60. Why are substance such as platinum and palladium often used for carrying out electrolysis of aqueous solutions?

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  61. Why is it necessary to remove CO when ammonia is obtained by Haber's process ?

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  62. Why is it essential to wash a precipitate with water before estimating it quantitatively ?

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  63. What are the factors which influence the adsorption of a gas on a solide ?

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  64. Which will be adsorbed more readily on the surface of charcoal and why`-NH_(3)` or `CO_(2)`?

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  65. What do you understand by "isoelectric point" of a colloid ?

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  66. Gold number of haemoglobin is 0.03. Hence 100 ml of gold sol will require haemoglobin so that gold is not coagulated by 10 ml of 10% NaCl solution

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Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter SOLUTIONS of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12