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Complete Solutions to Advabced Level Problems (PART-2) of chapter SOLUTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

RESONANCEAdvabced Level Problems (PART-2)
Number Of Questions35
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A solution of `2.8g` of `Cdl_(2)` molar mass `=364g "mol"^(-1)`) in `20g` water has elevation in boiling point of `0.20^(0)`. What is molecular state of `Cdl_(2)` in aqueous solution ? `[K_(b)(H_(2)O)=0.52^(0) "mol"^(-1)kg]`

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  2. Figure explains elevation in boiling point when a non-volatile solute is added to a solvent. Provide a thermodynamic explanation of the elevation in boiling point.

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  3. It is found that elevation in boiling point of a given aq. `NaCl` solution is equal to depression in freezing point of `0.25` molal aq. `Na_(2)CO_(3)` solution. If `K_(f)=1.86^(@) "mol"^(-1) kg`, calculate molality of `NaCl` solution, assume complete ionisation of `NaCl` and `Na_(2)CO_(3)` in aqueous solution.

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  4. There are two solutions each at `27^(@)C`
    Solution `A`: contains `6g` urea in `200mL` solution
    Solution `B`: contains `6g` acetic acid in `100mL` solution.
    (i) Are they equimolar ? (ii) Are they isotonic ?

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  5. How many grams of `NaBr` must be added to `270g` of water to lower the vapour pressure by `3.125mm Hg` at which vapour pressure of water is `50mm Hg (Na=23,Br=80)` ? Assume `100%` ionisation of `NaBr`.

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  6. How many grams of sucrose must be added to `360g` of water to lower the vapour pressure by `1.19mm Hg` at a temperatue at which vapour pressure of pure water is `25 mmHg` ?

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  7. The vapour pressure of pure liquid A at `300K` is `577` Torr and that of pure liquid `B` is `390` Torr. These two compounds form ideal liquid and gaseous mixtures. Consider the equilibrium composition of a mixture in which the mole fraction of `A` in the vapour is `0.35`. Calculate the total pressure of the vapour and the composition of the liquid mixture.

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  8. Phenol `(C_(6)H_(5)OH)` is found to exist as polymer. If there is `100%` polymerisation, determine number of phenol molecules polymerised inaqueous solution if `9.4g` aqueous solution in `100g` water freezes at `-0.93^(@)C`.

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  9. Following are equimolal (`=`f equimolar) aqueous solutions
    (A) `1 m glucose `
    (B) `1m NaCl` (C) `1m BaCl_(2)`
    (D) `1m Na_(3)PO_(4)` (E) `1m` benzoic acid.
    assume `100%` ionisation in `B,C,D` and `100%` dimer formation in `E` arrange them in increasing (1) boiling point, (2) freezing point, (3) osmotic pressure, (4) vapour pressure.\

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  10. The freezing point depression of `0.001 m K_(x)` `[Fe(CN)_(6)]` is `7.10xx10^(-3) K`. Determine the value of x. Given, `K_(f)=1.86 K kg "mol"^(-1)` for water.

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  11. The vapour pressure above a solution of `50g` acetic acid `(H_(2)H_(3)O_(2)~ in `100.0g H_(2)O (P_(H_(2)O^(0)=23.756` Torr at `25^(0)C)` was `23.40` Torr and in `100.0g C_(6)H_(6) (P_(C_(6)H_(6)^(0)=72.5` Torr at `25^(0)C)` was `70.0` Torr. Assuming `HC_(2)H_(3)O_(2)` to be non-volatile, use these date to discus the intermolecular bonding in `HC_(2)H_(3)O_(2)~.

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  12. 1000 g of 1 molal aqueous solution of sucrose is cooled and maintained at `-3.534^(@)C`. Find out how much ice will separate out at this temperature. `(K_(f)` for water `=1.86 k m^(-1)`)

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  13. A certain solution of `1 m` benzoic acid in benzene has a freezing point of `3.1^(@)C` and a normal boiling point of `82.6 ^(@)C`. The freezing point of benzene is `5.5^(@)C`. And its boiling point is `80.1^(@)C`. Analyze the state of the solute (benzoic acid ) at two temperature and comment .

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  14. An aqueous solution containing 288gm of a non-volatile compound having the stochiometric composition `"C"_("X")"H"_("2X")"O"_("X")` in 90gm water boils at `101.24^(@)"C"` at 1.00 atmospheric pressure. What is the molecular formula?
    `"K"_("b")("H"_(2)"O")=0.512" K mol"^(-1) "kg"" T"_("b")("H"_(2)"O")=100^(@)"C"`

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  15. The freezing point of an aqueous solution of `KCN` containing `0.1892 mol kg^(-1)` was `-0.704^(circ)C`. On adding `0.45` mole of `Hg(CN)_(2)`, the freezing point of the solution was `=0.620^(circ)C`. If whole of `Hg(CN)_(2)` is used in complex formation according to the equation,
    `Hg(CN)_(2)+mKCN rarrK_(m)[Hg(CN)_(m+2)]`
    what is the formula of the complex ? Assume `[Hg(CN)_(m+2)]^(m-)` is not ionised and the complex molecule is `100%` ionised. `(K_(f)(H_(2)O)` is `1.86 kg mol^(-1) K`.)

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  16. Sea water is found to contain `5.85% NaCI` and`9.50% MgCI_(2)` by weight of solution. Calculate its normal boiling point assuming `80%` ionisation for `NaCI` and `50%` ionisation of `MgCI[K_(b)(H_(2)O) =0.51 kg mol^(-1)K]`

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  17. Calculate the boiling point of water at `700mm` pressure of `Hg`. The heat of vaporisation of water is `540 "cal' g`.

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  18. Vapour pressure of `C_(6)H_(6)` and `C_(7)H_(8)` mixture at `50^(@)C` is given by `P(mm Hg) = 179 X_(B) +92`, where `X_(R)` is the mole fraction of `C_(6)H_(6)`. A solution is prepared by mixing 936g benzene and 736g toluene and if the vapours over this solution are removed and condensed into liquid and again brought to the temperature of `50^(@)C`. what would be mole fraction of `C_(6)H_(6)` in the vapour state?

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  19. An aqueous solution of glucose boils at `100.01^(@)C`.The molal elevation constant for water is `0.5 kmol^(-1)kg`. The number of molecules of glucose in the solution containing `100g` of water is

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  20. Match the boiling point with `K_(b)` for `x,y` and `z`, if molecular weight of `x,y` and `z` are same.

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  21. Pure benzenen boils at `180^(@)C`. If latent heat of vaporization of benzenen is `90 "cal"` per `g`, calculate the molecular weight of solute.

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  22. `2g` of benzoic acid dissolved in `25g` of `C_(6)H_(6)`. Shows a depression in freezing point equal to `1.62K`. Molal depression constant of `C_(6)H_(6)` is `4.9K kg "mol"^(-1)`. What is the percentage association of acid if it forms double molecules in solution?

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  23. Calculate the osmotic pressure `0.2%` (wt.//vol) of anhydrous `CaCl_(2)` solution at `27^(@)C` assuming `90%` ionisation of `CaCl_(2)`. Also report the temperature at which this solution will boil and freeze if `K_(b)` and `K_(f)` for water are `0.51` and `1.86K` molality`^(-1)`. If vapour pressure of water at `27^(@)C` is `24mm` , find out the vapour pressure of his solution. Assume molarity and molality same.

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  24. What will be the osmotic pressure of `0.1 M` monobasic acid its `pH` is `2` at `25^(@)C`?

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  25. A complex is represented as `CoCl_(3)Xnh_(3)` . Its `0.1` molal solution in water `DeltaT_(f)=0.588 K. K_(f)` for `H_(2)O` is `1.86K" molality"^(-1)`. Assuming `100%` ionisation of complex and co`-` ordination number of `Co` is six calculate formula of complex.

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  26. `xg` of `NaCl` (`M=58.5`) put in a dry flask and water was added with continous strring to produce exactly `1L` solution having a molality of `2.00`. Find `x` using the data below: ltbr. Weight `% NaCl`
    Weight `% NaCl 0 10 12 14` ltbr. Density of solution in `g//mL` 1.0591 1.0742 1.0895 1.1049`

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  27. Two liquids `A` and `B` are miscible over the whole range of composition and may be treated as ideal (obeying Raoult's law.) At `350K` the vapour pressure of pure `A` is `24.0kPa` and of pure `B` is `12.0 kPa`. A mixture of `60%` `A` and `40%` `B` is distilled at this temperature, what is the pressure in a closed distillation apparatus from which air is exclued ? A small amount of the distillate is collected and and redistilled at `350K` What is the composition

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  28. A solution containing 0.1 mol of naphthalene and 0.9 mol of benzene is cooled out until some benzene freezes out. The solution is then decanted off from the solid and warmed upto `353 K` where its vapour pressure was found to be `670 mm`. The freezing point and boiling point of benzene are `278.5 K` and `353 K` respectively, and its enthalpy of fusion is `10.67 KJ "mol"^(-1)`. Calculate the temperature to which the solution was cooled originally and the amount of benzene that must have frozen out. Assume ideal behaviour.

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  29. A very small amount of a non-volatile solute (that does not dissociate) is dissolved in `56.8 cm^(3)` of benzene (density `0.889 g cm^(3))`. At room temperature, vapour pressure of this solution is `98.88 mm Hg` while that of benzene is `100 mm Hg` . Find the molality of this solution. If the freezing temperature of this solution is `0.73` degree lower than that of benzene, what is the value of molal the freezing point depression constant of benzene?

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  30. The composition of vapour over a binary ideal solution is determined by the composition of the liquid. If `X_(A)` and `Y_(A)` are the mole fractions of `A` in the liquid and vapour, respectively, find the value of `X_(A)` for which `Y_(A)-X_(A)` has a maximum. What is the value of the pressure at this composition in terms of `P_(A)^(@)` and `P_(B)^(@)`.

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  31. The following is a table of the vapour pressure of pure benzene and chlorobenzene. Determine the boiling point of a mixture containing `40` mole per cent of benzene and `60` mole per cent of chlorobenzene at a pressure of `1000 mm Hg`. `{:(t_(@)C,90,100,110,120,132),("Vapor pressure of benzene"(mmHg),1013,1340,1744,2235,2965),("Vapour pressure of chlorobenzenen"(mm Hg),208,293,403,542,760):}`

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  32. Benzene and toluenen form nearly ideal solutions. At `300K,P_("toluene")^(@)=30 mmHg` and `P_("benzene")^(@)=100mm Hg`. A liquid mixture is composed of `3` mol of toluene and `2` mol of benzene.
    (a) If the pressure over the mixture at `300K` is reduced. At what pressure does the first vapor form ?
    (b) What is the composition of the first trace of vapor formed ?
    (c) If the pressure is reduced further, at what pressure does the last trace of liquid disappear ?
    (d) What is the composition of the last trace of liquid ?

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  33. In the production of quinoline this compound is isolated from the reaction mixture by steam distillation. Calculate (a) at what temperature the mixture of water and quinoline will boil under a pressure of `740,mm Hg`. (b) What is the maximum number of grams of quinoline which can be distilled with `1000g` water vapour under this pressure.
    The temperature dependence of vapour pressure.
    The temprature dependence of vapour pressure of water and quionoline is given as follows :

    Molecular weight of quinoline `=129`

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  34. A stream of air is bubbled slowly through liquid benzene in a flask at `20.0^(@)C` against an ambient pressure of `100.56kPa`. After the passage of `4.80L` of air, measured at `20.0^(@)C` and `100.56kPa` before it contains benzonb vapor, it is found that `1.705g` of benzene have been evaporated. Assuming that the air saturated benzene vapor when it leaves the flask. Calculate the equilibrium vapor pressure of the benzene at `20.0^(@)C`.

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  35. What is van't Hoff factor in each of the following cases?
    (A) Aq. K_(4)[Fe(CN)_(6)]` which is `20%` inosed
    (B) `PCl_(5)` which is `50%` dissociated
    (C) Benzoic acid which forms dimer to the extents of `50%` in benzene
    (D) Glucose solution

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Advabced Level Problems (PART-2) questions and complete solutions for chapter SOLUTIONS of PHYSICAL, INORGANIC, AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY of Class 12