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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples of chapter APPLICATIONS OF DERIVATIVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
RS AGGARWALSolved Examples
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The rate of change of the area of a circle with respect to its radius r at `r = 6`cm is

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  2. A stone is dropped into a quiet lake and waves move in circles at a speed of 4cm per second. At the instant, when the radius of the circular wave is 10 cm, how fast is the enclosed area increasing?

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  3. A spherical soap bubble is expanding so that its radius is increasing at the rate of 0.02 cm/sec. At what rate is the surface area increasing when its radius is 5 cm ? (Take `pi = 3.14`)

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  4. 6) The volume of a spherical balloon is increasing at the rate of 20cm / sec. Find the rate of change of its surface area at the instant when its radius is 8 cm.

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  5. The surface area of a spherical bubble is increasing at the rate of 2 `c m^2//s` . When the radius of the bubble is 6cm, at what rate is the volume of the bubble increasing?

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  6. The volume of a cube is increasing at a rate of `7c m^3//s e cdot` How fast is the surface area increasing when the length of an edge is 12cm?

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  7. The length x of a rectangle is decreasing at the rate of 5 cm/minute and the width y is increasing at the rate of 4 cm/minute. When x = 8cm and y = 6cm, find the rates of change of (a) the perimeter, and (b) the area of the rectangle

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  8. Water is leaking from a conical funnel at the rate of `5 cm^3 /sec`. If the radius of the base of the funnel is 5 cm and its altitude is 10 cm, find the rate at which the water level is dropping when it is `2.5` cm from the top.

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  9. Sand is pouring from a pipe at the rate of 12 `c m^3//s` . The falling sand forms a cone on the ground in such a way that the height of the cone is always one-sixth of the radius of the base. How fast is the height of the sand cone increasing when t

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  10. A ladder 5 m long is leaning against a wall. The bottom of the ladder is pulled along the ground, away from the wall, at the rate of 2 cm/s. How fast is its height on the wall decreasing when the foot of the ladder is 4 m away from the wall?

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  11. The two equal sides of an isosceles triangle with fixed base `b` are decreasing at the rate of `3c m//sdot` How fast is the area decreasing when the two equal sides are equal to the base?

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  12. A point source of light along a straight road is at a height of 'a' metres. A boy 'b' metres in height is walking along the road. How fast is his shadow increasing if he is walking away from the light at the rate of 'c' metres per minute ?

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  13. A man 160 cm tall, walks away from a source of light situated at the top of a pole 6m high at the rate of 1.1 m/sec. How fast is the length of his shadow increasing when he is 1 metre away from the pole.

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  14. A particle moves along the curve `6y=x^3+2`. Find the points on the curve at which the y-coordinate is changing 8 times as fast as the x-coordinate.

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  15. Find the point on the curve `y^2dot`=`8xdot` for which the abscissa and ordinate change at the same rate.

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  16. The points of the ellipse `16x^2+9y^2=400` at which the ordinate decreases at the same rate at which the abcissa increases is

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  17. The total cost `C(x)` of producing `x` items in a firm is given by `C(x)=0.0005x^3-0.002x^2+30x+6000` Find the marginal cost when `4` units are produced

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  18. The total revenue received from the sale of x units of a product is given by
    `R(x) = 3x^(2) + 40 x + 10`
    Find the marginal revenue when x = 5

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  19. Using differentials, find the approximate value of `(82)^(1/4)` upto 3 places of decimal .

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  20. Use differentials to approximate the cube root of 127.

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  21. Using differentials, find the approximate value of `sqrt(26)`

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  22. Using differentials, find the approximate value of `sqrt(0. 037),` correct upto thre decimal places.

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  23. Using differentials find the approximate value of `tan46^0,` if it is being given that `1^0=0. 01745` radians.

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  24. Using differentials, find the approximate value of `(log)_(10)10. 1` , it being given that `(log)_(10)e=0. 4343` .

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  25. If `f(x) = 3x^(2) + 15x + 5`, then find the approximate value of `f(3.02)` using differentials

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  26. If radius of a circle increases from 5 to 5.1 , find the increase in area.

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  27. If `y=x^4-12` and if `x` changes from 2 to 1.99, what is the approximate change in `y`

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  28. If there is an error of 2% in measuring the length of simple pendulum, then percentage error in its period is: 1% (b) 2% (c) 3% (d) 4%

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  29. If the error committed in measuring the radius of a circle be `0.01%`, find the corresponding error in calculating the area.

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  30. If in a triangle `A B C ,` the side `c` and the angle `C` remain constant, while the remaining elements are changed slightly, show that `(d a)/(cosA)+(d b)/(cosB)=0.`

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  31. The area S of a triangle is calculated by measuring the sides b and c, and `angleA`. If there be an error `deltaA` in the measurement of `angleA`, show that the relative error in area is given by
    `(deltaS)/(S) = cot A.deltaA`

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  32. Verify Rolles theorem for the function `f(x)=x^3-6x^2+11 x-6` on the interval [1, 3].

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  33. Verify Rolle's therorem for the function `f(x) = x (x -1)^(2)` in the interval [0,1]

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  34. Verify Rolles theorem for the function `f(x)=(x-a)^m(x-b)^n` on the interval `[a , b],` where `m , n` are positive integers.

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  35. Verify Rolle's theorem for each of the following functions:
    (i) `f(x) = sin 2x " in " [0, (pi)/(2)]`
    (ii) `f(x) = (sin x + cos x) " in " [0, (pi)/(2)]`
    (iii) `f(x) = cos 2 (x - (pi)/(4)) " in " [0, (pi)/(2)]`
    (iv) `f(x) = (sin x - sin 2x) " in " [0, pi]`

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  36. Verify Rolle's theorem for each of the following functions:
    (i) `f(x) = sin^(2) x " in " 0 le x le pi`
    (ii) `f(x) = e^(x) cos x " in " - (pi)/(2) le x le (pi)/(2)`
    (iii) `f(x) = (sin x)/(e^(x)) " in " 0 le x le pi`

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  37. verify Rolle's theorem for the function `f(x)=x(x+3)e^(-x/2)` in `[-3,0]`

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  38. Verify Rolles theorem for function `f(x)=log(x^2+2)-log3` on `[-1,\ 1]`

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  39. Verify Rolle's theorem for the following functions
    (i) `f(x) = sqrt(4 - x^(2)) " in " [-2, 2]`
    (ii) `f(x) = log ((x^(2) + ab)/((a + b)x)] " in " [a, b], " where " 0 lt a ltb`

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  40. Verify Rolle's theorem for the function `f(x) = 2x^(3) + x^(2) - 4x -2`.

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  41. Discuss the applicability of Rolle's theorem to the functions :
    (i) `f(x) = x^(2) "in " [1, 2]`
    (ii) `f(x) = x^(2//3) " in " [-1, 1]`

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  42. Discuss the applicability of Rolle's theorem on :
    (i) `f(x) = |x| " in " [-1, 1]` (ii) `f(x) = tan x " in " [0, pi]`

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  43. Discuss the applicability of Rolle's theorem on the function
    `f(x) = {((x^(2) + 1),"when " 0 le x le 1),((3 -x),"when " 1 lt x le 2):}`

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  44. If Rolle's theorem holds for the function `f(x) = x^(3) + bx^(2) + ax + 5` on [1, 3] with `c = (2 + (1)/(sqrt3))`, find the value of a and b

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  45. At what points on the curve `y = (cos x -1) " in " [0, 2pi]`, is the tangent parallel to the x-axis?

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  46. Verify Lagrange's mean-value theorem for the given functions: (i) `f(x) = x (2 -x) " in " [0, 1]`

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  47. Verify the hypothesis and conclusion of Lagrange's mean-value theorem for the function `f(x) = (1)/((4 x -1)), 1 le x le 4`

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  48. Find 'c' of the mean -value theorem for the functions
    (i) `f(x) = 2x^(2) - 10x + 29 " in " [2, 7]`
    (ii) `f(x) = x ( x -1) (x -2) " in " [0, (1)/(2)]`

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  49. Using LaGrange's mean value theorem, find a point on the curve `y=sqrt(x-2)` defined on the interval [2,3], where the tangent is parallel to the chord joining the end points of the curve.

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  50. Find a point on the parabola `y = (x -3)^(2)`, where the tangent is parallel to the chord joining (3, 0) and (4, 1)

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  51. Without using the derivative, find the maximum or minium values, if any of the function `f(x) = 4x^(2) - 4x + 7` for all `x in R`

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  52. Find the maximum and minimum values, if any, of the following functions given by (i) `f" "(x)" "=" "|x" "+" "2" "|" "" "1` (ii) `g(x)" "=" "" "|" "x" "+" "1|" "+" "3 ` (iii) `h(x)" "=" "s in" "(2x)" "+" "5` (iv) `f" "(x)" "=" "|" "s in" "4x" "+"

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  53. Find the local maxima or local minima, if any, of
    (i) `f(x) = (1)/((x^(2) + 2))` (ii) `f(x) = (x^(3) - 3x)`
    In each case, find the local maximum or the local minimum values, as the case may be

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  54. Find the local maxima or local minima of `f(x) = x^(3) - 6x^(2) + 9x + 15` Also, find the local maximum or local minimum values as the case may be

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  55. Find the points of local maxima, local minima and the points of inflection of the function `f(x)=x^5-5x^4+5x^3-1` . Also, find the corresponding local maximum and local minimum values

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  56. Find all the points of local maxima and local minima as well as the corresponding local maximum and local minimum values for the function `f(x)=(x-1)^3(x+1)^2` .

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  57. Find all the points of local maxima and minima and the corresponding maximum and minimum values of the function `f(x)=-3/4x^4-8x^3-(45)/2x^2+105.`

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  58. Find the local maxima and local minima of the functions:
    (i) `f(x) = sin 2x, " when " 0 lt x lt pi`
    (ii) `f(x) = (sin 2x -x), " when " - (pi)/(2) le x le (pi)/(2)`

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  59. Find the local maxima and local minima of the functions:
    (i) `f(x) = (sin x - cos x), " When " 0 lt x lt (pi)/(2)`
    (ii) `f(x) = (2 cos x + x), " when " 0 lt x lt pi`

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  60. Find the point of local maxima or local minima of the function
    `f(x) = (sin^(4) x + cos^(4) x) " in " 0 lt x lt (pi)/(2)`

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  61. Find the local maxima and local minima, and the corresponding local maximum and local minimum values of the following functions:
    (i) `f(x) = x sqrt(1 - x)`, where `x gt 0`
    (ii) `f(x) = (x)/((x -1) (x -4)), " where " 1 lt x lt 4`

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  62. prove that maximum value of `(1/x)^x` is `e^(1/e)`

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  63. Find the point on the parabola `y^(2) = 2x` which is closest to the point (1, 4)

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  64. Prove that the following functions do not have maxima or minima:(i) `f (x) = e x` (ii) `g(x) = log x`(iii) `h(x)=x^3+x^2+x+1`

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  65. Show that `s in^p\ theta\ cos^q\ theta` attains a maximum, when `theta=tan^(-1)sqrt(p/q)` .

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  66. Find both the maximum value and the minimum value of `3x^4-8x^3+12 x^2-48 x+25`on the interval [0, 3].

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  67. Find the maximum and minimum values of `x + s in 2x`on `[0,2pi]`.

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  68. Show that `f(x)=sinx(1+cosx)` is maximum at `x=pi/3` in the interval `[0,\ pi]` .

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  69. Amongst all pairs of positive number with sum 24, find those whose product is maximum

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  70. Amongst all pairs of positive numbers with product 256, find those whose sum is the least.

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  71. Find two positive numbers `x` and `y` such that `x+y=60` and `x y^3` is maximum.

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  72. Find two positive numbers whose sum is 16 and the sum of whose cubes is minimum.

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  73. Show that all the rectangles with a given perimeter, the square has the largest area.

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  74. Show that of all the rectangles of given area, the square has the smallest perimeter.

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  75. Prove that the area of right-angled triangle of given hypotenuse is maximum when the triangle is isosceles.

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  76. If the sum of lengths of hypotenuse and a side of a right angled triangle is given, show that area of triangle is maximum, when the angle between them is `pi/3dot`

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  77. Two sides of a triangle are given. The angle between them such that the area is maximum, is given by

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  78. Show that of all the rectangles inscribed in a given fixed circle, the square has the maximum area.

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  79. Show that the triangle of maximum area that can be inscribed in a given circle is an equilateral triangle.

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  80. The combined resistance R of two resistors `R_(1) and R_(2) " where " R_(1), R_(2) gt 0` is given by `(1)/(R) = (1)/(R_(1)) + (1)/(R_(2))`
    If `R_(1) + R_(2) = C` (constant), show that the maximum reistance R is obtained by chossing `R_(1) = R_(2)`

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  81. A beam of length `l` is supported at one end. If `W` is the uniform load per unit length, the bending moment `M` at a distance `x` from the end is given by `M=1/2l x-1/2W x^2dot` Find the point on the beam at which the bending moment has the maximum value.

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  82. A wire of length 25m is to be cut into two pieces. One of the wires is to be made into a square and the other into a circle. What should be the lengths of the two pieces so that the combined area of the square and the circle is minimum ?

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  83. Show that a cylinder of a given volume which is open at the top has minimum total surface area, when its height is equal to the radius of its base.

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  84. Show that the right circular cylinder, open at the top, and of given surface area and maximum volume is such that its height is equal to the radius of the base.

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  85. Show that the semi-vertical angle of the cone of the maximum volume and of given slant height is `cos^(-1)1/(sqrt(3))`

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  86. Show that semi-vertical angle of right circular cone of given surface area and maximum volume is `sin^(-1)(1/3)`.

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  87. Show that the surface area of a closed cuboid with square base and given volume is minimum, when it is a cube.

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  88. Show that the height of a closed right circular cylinder of given surface and maximum volume, is equal to the diameter of its base.

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  89. A closed cylinder has volume 2156cm3. What will be the radius of its base so that its total surface area is minimum?

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  90. Show that the height of the cylinder of maximum volume that can be inscribed in a sphere of radius R is `2R/sqrt(3)` . Also find maximum volume.

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  91. Show that the cone of greatest volume which can be inscribed in a given sphere is such that three times its altitude is twice the diameter of the sphere. Find the volume of the largest come inscribed ina sphere of radius R.

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  92. Prove that the area of right-angled triangle of given hypotenuse is maximum when the triangle is isosceles.

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  93. An open box is to be made out of a piece of cardboard measuring `(24 cm xx 24 cm)` by cutting off equal square from the corners and turning up the sides. Find the height of the box when it has maximum volume.

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  94. Show that `f(x) = 3x + 5` is a strictly increasing function on R

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  95. Show that the function `f(x) = e^(x)` is strictly increasing on R.

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  96. Show that `f(x) = e^(-x)` is a strictly decreasing function on Rgt

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  97. Show that the function `f(x)=a^x ,\ a >1` is strictly increasing on `Rdot`

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  98. If a is real number such that `0 lt alt 1`, show that the function `f(x) = a^(x)` is strictly decreasing on R.

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  99. Show that the function `f(x) = (x^3 - 6x^2 + 12x - 18)` is an increasing function on R.

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  100. Show that the function `f(x) = e^(x)` is strictly increasing on R.

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Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter APPLICATIONS OF DERIVATIVES of RS AGGARWAL MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12