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Complete Solutions to JEE Main And Advanced of chapter MODERN PHYSICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

SUNIL BATRAJEE Main And Advanced
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. To produce characteristic `X` - rays using a Tungsten target in an x - ray generator , the accelerating should be greater then ……. Volts and the energy of the characteristion is …… eV .
    (The binding energy of the intermost electron in Tungsten is - 40keV).

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  2. The radioactive decay rate of a radioactive elemant is found to be `10^(3) ` disintegration // second at a cartain time . If the half life of the element is one second , the dacey rate after one second ….. And after three second is ……

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  3. The maximum kinetic energy of electrons emited in the photoelectric effect is linearty dependent on the ………. Of the incident radiation .

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  4. In the final Uranium radicactive series the initial nucleus is ` _(238)^(92) U ` and the final nucleus is ` _(82)^(206) pb` . When Uranium necleus docays to lead , the number of a - particle is …….. And the number of `beta` - particles emited is ……

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  5. When the number of electron striking the anode of an X - ray tube is increase , the ……. Of the emited X - ray increases , while when the speeds of the electrons the anode are increased , the cut - off wavelength of the emitted X - ray ……….

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  6. when Boron nuclus `(_(3)^(10) B)` is bombarded by neudrons , a- particle are emitted . The resulting nucleus is of the elenent …….. And has the mass different ……… are called isotopes .

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  7. Atoms having the same …… but different ….. Are colled isotopes .

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  8. The binding energy per nucleon number for deuteron `(_(1) H^(2) ) `and belium `(_(2) Hx^(4))` are `1.1 MeV` and `7.0 MeV` respectively . The energy released when two deuterons fase to form a belium nucleus `(_(2) He^(4)) ` is ……..

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  9. In the forward blas arrangement of a `p-n` junction rectifier , the `p` and is connected to the ….. Terminal of the bettery and the direction of the currect is from …… to …. In the reclifier .

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  10. …… bissing of `p-n` junction . Affers high resistance to currect flow across the junction . The biasing is obtained by connecting the `p - side` to the ……. Terminal of the battery

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  11. The wavelength of the characteristic X - ray `k_(alpha )` line emited by a bydroges like element is `0.32 lambda ` . The wavelength of the `K_(beta)` line emited by the same element will be …..

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  12. The Bohr radius of the fifth electron of phosphorous alom `(atomic number = 15)` acting as a dopant in sillcon `(relative dielectric constant = 12)` is …….. Å

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  13. For the given circult shown in fig to act as full wave reclifer , the a, c, input should be connected accoss …… and ……. And the d. c. output would suppear across …….. And ……….

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  14. In an X- ray tube , electrons accelerated through a potential different of `15000` volts strike a copper target . The speed of the emitted X - ray inside the tube is …….. `m//s`

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  15. In the Bohr model to the local energy of the electron in a puantum state `n` is …….

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  16. In the nuclear process , `_(6) C^(11) rarr _(2)B^(11) + beta^(11) beta^(+) + X , X` stadnds for…….

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  17. In a ……. Biassed `p- alpha` of janction , the net flow of holes is from the `n` region to the `p` regain .

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  18. A potential diffrence , the `20kv` is applied across an X- ray s tube . The minimum wavelength of x- ray generated is …….` Å` .

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  19. The wavelength of `k_(alpha) ` X- rays produced by an X - rays tube is `0.76 Å` . The atomic number of the anode material of the tube is …….

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  20. Fill in the blanks with appropriate items :
    Consider the following reaction, `.^(2)H_(1)+.^(2)H_(1)=.^(4)He_(2)+Q`.
    Mass of the deuterium atom= `2.0141 u ` , Mass of the helium atom = `4.0024 u`
    This is a nuclear ________ reaction in which the energy Q is released is ______ MeV.

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  21. The kinetic energy of photoelectrons emitted by a photosensitive surface depends on the internsity of the incident radiation

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  22. In a photoelectric emission process the maximum energy of the photo - electrons increase with increasing intensity of the incident light .

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  23. For a dlode the variation of its anode current `1_(a) ` with the anode vollage `V_(a)` at two different cathode lemperatures `T_(1)` and T_(1)`

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  24. The order of magnitude of the density of nuclear matter is `10^(4) kg m^(-3)`

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  25. The plate resistance of a triode in `3 xx 10^(3)` aloms and its muthal of the triode is

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  26. The half life of radioactive Radon is `3.8 days` . The time at the end of which `(1)/(20) th` of the radon sample will remain undecayed is `(given log e = 0.4343 ) `

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  27. An alpha particle of energy `5 MeV` is scattered through `180^(@)` by a found uramiam nucleus . The distance of appreach is of the order of

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  28. Beta rays emitted by a radicactive material are

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  29. If element with particle quantum number `ngt4` were not allowed in nature , the number of posible elemant would be

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  30. Consider the spectral line resulting from the transition `n = 2 rarr n = 1 ` in the atoms and lons given . The shortest wavelength is produced by

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  31. The equation
    `4[H^(+) rarr _(2)^(4) He^(2+) + 2e bar + 26 MeV` represents

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  32. Fast neutrons can easily be slowed down by

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  33. Consider a particle , `beta` particle and `gamma - rays` , each having an energy of `0.5 MeV` . In increase order of panetrating poewr , the radiation are .

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  34. As energy of `24.6 eV` is required to remove one of the required to remove both the electrons from a nuture brfore alon is

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  35. A radiacative moterial docays by simulataneous emission of two particle from the with respective half - lives `1620` and `810` year . The time , in year , after which one - fourth of the material remins is

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  36. The probbility of electrons to be found in the conduction band of an intrinsit semiconductor at a finile temperature

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  37. A full - wave rectifier circult along the out - put is shown in figure . The contribution (s) from the diode `1` is are

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  38. As per Bohr model , the minimum energy (in eV) required to remove electron from the ground state of daubly joinized `Li` alon `(Z = 3)` is

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  39. Which of the following statement is not true ?

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  40. The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons emitted from a surface when photons of energy `6 eV` fall on it is `4 eV` . The stopping potential , in volt is

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  41. In hychrogen speactrun the wavelength of `H_(a)` line is `656nm, ` where in the spactrum of a distance galaxy `H_(a)` line wavwlength is `706 nm` . Estimated speed of the galaxy with respact to each is ,

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  42. A particle of mass `M` at rest decay's into two particle of masses `m_(1)` and `m_(2) ` having non zero velocity. The ratio of the de Broglie wavelengths of the masses `lambda _(1) // lambda_(2)` is

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  43. Which of the following is a correct statement ?

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  44. Onder of magnitude of density of uranium nucleus is , [m = 1.67 xx 10^(-27 kg]`

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  45. Ne nucleus , the after absorbing energy , decays into two `a - particle` and an unknown nucleus . The unknown nucleus is

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  46. Binding energy per vs mass curve for nucleus is shown in the figure `W,X,Y`and `Z` are four nuclei indicated on the curve . The process that would rease energy is

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  47. Imagine an atom made up of a proton and a bypothetical particle of double the mass of the electron but having the same charge as the electron . Apply the Bohr atom model and consider all possible transitions of this bypothrtical particle that will be emited level . The longest wavwlength photon that will be emidet has longest wavwlength `lambda` (given in terms of the bytherg constant `R` for the hydrogen aton) equal to

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  48. The electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition from an excited state to the ground state. Which of the following statements is true?

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  49. Two radioactive `X_(1)` and `X_(2)` have docay constants `10 lambda ` and `lambda` respecttively . If inittially they have the same number of noclei, then the radio of the number of nuclei of `X_(1)` to that of `X_(2)`will be `1//e` after a time .

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  50. Electrons with energy `80 keV` are incdent on the tungsten target of an X - rays tube , k- shell electrons of tangsten have `72.5 keV` energy X- rays emitted by the tube constain only

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  51. The electron emitted in beta radiation orinates from

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  52. The transition from the state `n = 4 to n = 3 ` in a bydrogen - like atom results in ultravioet radition infraced radiation will be obtained in the transtion

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  53. The intensity of X- ray from a coolidge tube is plotted againest wavelength `lambda` as shown in the figure . The minimum wavelength found `lambda_(c)` and the wavelength of the` k_(a)` line is `lambda_(lambda)`, As the accelerating voliage is increase

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  54. A radicactive sample consider of two distinct species having equial number initially . The mean life time of one species is `tau` and that of the other is `5 tau` . The decay prodects in both cases are stable . A plot is made of the total number of radioactive nuclei as a function of time , which of the following figure best represent the from of this plot?

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  55. The potential diffrence appling to an X- ray tube is `5kV` and the current through it is `3.2mA`. Then the number of electrons striking the target per second is

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  56. A Hydrogen alon and `Li^(++) ion` are both in the second excired state . If `l_(H) ` and `l_(Li)` are their respective energies, then

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  57. The half - life of `^(215)` At is `100 mu , s.`The time taken for the radioactivity of a sample of `^(215)` At to dacay to `1//16^(th)` of its initialy value is

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  58. Which of the following process represents a `gamma- decay`?

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  59. The elecrric potential between a proton and as electron is given by `V= V_(0) ln (r /r_(0))` , where`r_(0)` is a constant . Assuming Bohr's model to be applicable , write variation of `r_(n)` with `n`, `n` being the principal quantum number ?

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  60. If the itom` _(100) Fm^(257)` follows the Bohr model the radius of `_(100)Fm^(257)` is a time the Bohr radius , then find `n` .

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  61. For uranium nucleus low does its mass very with volume?

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  62. A nucles with mass number `220`initilly at rest enits an `a -` particle. If the `Q` value of the reaction is `5.5MeV`, calculate the kinetic energy of the `a - `particle

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  63. In a photoelectric experiment anode potential is ploted againest plate currect.

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  64. A `280 `days old cative substance shown an activity of `6000 dps 100 days` later its activity between `3000` days what was its initial activity ?

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  65. A proton has kinetic energy `E = 100 keV` which is equal to that of a photo is `lambda_(1)` . The ratio of `k_(2) // lambda_(1) ` is proportional to

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  66. `k_(a) ` wavelength emitted by an atom of atomic number `E= 11` is `lambda` find the atomic number for an atomic that amils `k_(a)` radiation with wavwlength `43`.

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  67. A photon collides with a stationary hydrogen atom in ground state inolestically . Energy of the order of inicro second another photon collicles with same hydrogen atom indastisically with an energy of `15 eV` what will be observad by the detanctor?

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  68. A beam of electronis as `YDSE` experiment . The slit width is d when the velocity of electron is increase , then

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  69. If a star can convert all the .He nuclei comnpletely into oxigen nucles , the energy released per oxigen nucles is . He nuclease is `4.0026` amu and mass of oxigen nuclease is `15.9994`amu]

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  70. `_(87)^(223) `Ra is a radioactive substance having half life of `4` days Find the problability that a nucleas undergoes after two half lives

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  71. In the option given below , let `E` denote the rest mass energy of a nucleas and `n` a neutron .The correct option is

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  72. The largest wavelength in the ultraviolet region of the hydrogen spetrum is `122` nm. The samallest wavelength in the infrared ragaion of the hydrogen spetrum (to the nearest integer) is

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  73. Eletrons with de- Broglie wavwlength `lambda` fall on the target in an X- rays tube . The cut off wavelength of the emitted X- rays is

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  74. Which one of the following atatement i9s `WRONG` in the context of X- rays generated from X- rays tube ?

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  75. A radioactive sample `S_(1)` having an activity `5 mu Ci` has twice the number of inucle as another sample `S_(2)` which has as activity of `10 mu Ci` . The half lives of `S_(1) `and `S_(2) `can be

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  76. photoelectric affect experiments are performer using ther different medal plates `p,q` and`r` having work function`phi_(p) = 2.0 eV, phi_(e) = 2.5 eV` and`phi_(r) = 3.0 eV` respectively A light beam containing wavelength of `550nm , 450 nm` and `350nm ` with equal intensities illuminates each of the plate . The correct `1 -V` graph for the experiment is` [Take hc = 1240 eV nm]`

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  77. The wavelength of the spectral live the Balner series of hydrogen atom is `6561 A^(@)` . The wavelength of the second spectralline in the Balmer series of singly - ionized belium atom is

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  78. A pulse of light of duration `100ns` is alsorbed completely by a small object inillally at rest power of the pulse is `30 mW` and the speed of light is `3 xx 10^(8) ms^(-1)` The final momentum of the object is

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  79. If `lambda_(c mu )` is the wavelength of `K_(a) X - rays line of cappor (atomic number 29) and `lambda_(Mo) ` is the wavelength of the `k_(a)` X- rays line of molyndenum (atomicnumber 42) then ratio `lambda_(ca) ^(1 lambda_(Mo)` is close to

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  80. A metal is illumimated by light of two different wavelength `248nm` and `310 nm` . The maximum speeds of the photoelecrtron corresponding in these wavwlength are `u_(1) and u_(2)` respectively . If the ratio `u_(1) : u_(2) = 2 : 1 ` and `hc = 1240 eVnm `, the work function of the inetial is rearly

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  81. The electrotatic energy of `Z` protons uniformly distributed throughout a spherical nucleus of ratio `R` is given by
    `E = (3 Z(Z- 1)e^(2))/(5 4 pi e _(0)R)`
    The measured masses of the neutron `_(1)^(1) H, _(7)^(15) N and , _(8)^(15)O` are `1.008665 u, 1.007825 u , 15.000109 u` and `15.003065 u` repectively Given that the ratio of both the` _(7)^(12) N and _(8)^(15) O nu8cles are same , 1 u = = 931.5 Me Vc^(2) ` (c is the speed of light ) and `e^(2)//(4 p-i e^_(0)) = 1.44 MeV` fm Assuming that the difference between the binding e4nergies of `_(7_^(15) N and _(8)^(15) O ` is puraly due to the electric energy , The radius of the nucleas of the nuclei is

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  82. As accident in a nuclear laboratory resulting in deposition of a certain amount of radioaction radioctive material of half life `18 `days inside the loboratory Teste revealed that the radiation was `64` times more than the permissible lovel repuered for save operation of the laboratory what is the minimum number of days after which the laboratory can be considered safe for use?

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  83. The shorted wavelength of X- rays emitted from an X- rays tube depends on

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  84. The threshold wavelength for photoelectric from a material is `5200 Å` photoelectric will be emittillumnated with when this meterial is illiuminated with monecharnatic radiation from a

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  85. from the following equation pick out the possible nuclear fasion reactions

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  86. In Both 's model of the hydrogen atom

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  87. Selected the correct statement from the following

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  88. for a give a plate voltage , the plate currect in a triode cvalve is maximum when the potential of

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  89. The X- rays beam coming from an X- rays tube will be

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  90. The mass number of a nucleus is

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  91. photoelectric effect supports quantion nuture of light because

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  92. Dividing a negative beta dacay

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  93. During a nuclear fasion reaction

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  94. The potential different applied to an X-rays tube is increase .As a result , in the emitted radiation

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  95. A freshly prepared radioactive source of half life `2` hr emited radiation of intencity which is `64` times the permissibe level . The minimum time after which it would be possible to work safely with this source is

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  96. impurity atoms with which pure silicon should be doped to make a p - type semiconductor are those of

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  97. Two identical p=- a junctions may be connected in seres in which a bettery in three ways , fig . The potential drops access the two p - n junction are equal in

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  98. The decay constant of a radiaoacation sample is `lambda` . The half life and mean life of the sample are respectively given by

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  99. When a monochromatic point source of light is at a distance of `0.2` m from a photoelectron cell the cut off voltage and the saturation currect are respectively `0.6V` and `18.0 mA` if the same is plased `0.6 m` away from the photoelectric cell , then

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  100. In an n- p-n transistor cirrect , the collectorcurrect is `10m A if 90 %` of the electrons reach the collector.

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JEE Main And Advanced questions and complete solutions for chapter MODERN PHYSICS of SUNIL BATRA 41 YEARS IITJEE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12