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Complete Solutions to ADDITIONAL QUESTION AND ANSWERS (CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER) of chapter ELECTRO CHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions50
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which one of the following solution has highest equivalent conductance?

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  2. Pick out the correct statement regarding resistance of an electrolytic solution

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  3. Which among the folJowing is the strongest reducing agent?

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  4. Which of the statements about electrolytic conductance is not true?

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  5. A device in which spontaneous chemical reaction generates electric current.

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  6. Kohlraush's law is applied to calculate

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  7. The limiting molar conductivities of HCl, `CH_(3)COONa` and NaCl are respective 425, 190 and 150 mho `cm^(2)mol^(-1)` at `25^(@)C`. The molar conductivity of 0.1 M acetic acid is 9.2 mho `cm^(2)mol^(-1)`. The degree of dissociation of 0.1 M acetic acid is

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  8. Using the data given below find out the strongest reducing agent
    `E_(Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-))^(@)Cr^(3+)=1.33V," "E_(Cl_(2)//Cl^(-))^(@)=1.36V`
    `E_(MnO_(4)^(-))^(@)//Mn^(2+)=1.51V, E_(Cr^(3+)//Cr)^(@)=-0.74V`

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  9. Recharging of lead storage battery involves

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  10. The laws of electrolysis were enunciated first by

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  11. What happens during the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride?

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  12. For the given cell
    `Cr_((s))abs(Cr_((aq))^(3+))abs(Cu_((aq))^(2+))Cu_((s))` which is correct?

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  13. When one coulomb of electricity is passed through an electrolytic solution, the mass deposited on the electrode is equal to

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  14. Faraday's laws of electrolysis are related to

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  15. The specific conductance of a 0.01 M solution of KCl is `"0.0014 ohm"^(-1)" cm"^(-1)` at `25^(@)C`. Its equivalent conductance is ...............

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  16. When sodium acetate is added to acetic acid, the degree of ionisation of acetic acid

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  17. The equivalent conductivity of `CH_(3)COOH` at `25^(@)C` is 80 `ohm^(-1)cm^(2)eq^(-1)` and at infinite dilution 400 `ohm^(-1)cm^(2)eq^(-1)`. The degree of dissociation of `CH_(3)COOH` is

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  18. `NH_(4)OH` is a weak base because

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  19. `lambda_(c)=mu_(c)` for,

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  20. An example for 1:1 electrolyte is

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  21. The important use of Kohlrausch's law is deducing the

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  22. According to Faradays's first law m = ZIt, where Z is

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  23. Ohm's law is mathematically expressed as

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  24. 1 mho is equal to

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  25. Which among the following has same equivalent and molar conductance

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  26. When `lambda_(c)` decreases linearly with increase in `sqrt(C)`, then it is

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  27. Debye, Huckel and Onsager equation for strong electrolytes is `lambda_(c)=lambda_(infty)(A+Blambda_(infty))sqrt(C)`. The slope value is

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  28. Ionic conductance at infinite dilution of `Al^(3+) " and " SO_(4)^(2-)` are 1890 `ohm^(-1)cm^(2)gm" equiv"^(-1)` and `1600 ohm^(-1)cm^(2)gm" equiv"^(-1)` respectively. The equivalent conductance is

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  29. If 0.2 ampere can deposit 0.1978 g of copper in 50 minutes, how much of copper will be deposited by 600 coulombs?

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  30. The potential of a single electrode is a half cell is called the

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  31. The relationship between free energy change and emf of a cell is

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  32. The feasibility of a redox reaction can be predicted with the help of

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  33. The metals near the bottom of the electro chemicals series are

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  34. The emf of a cell with 1 M solutions of reactants and products in solution at `25^(@)C` is called

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  35. The relationship between equilibrium constant and standard emf of a cell is

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  36. Calculate the standard emf of the cell, provided the standard reduction potentials of cathode and anode are -0.763 V and 0.80 V.

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  37. How will you predict whether a reaction is not feasible?

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  38. The condition to obtain standard emf is

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  39. What is/are the factor(s) that govern the single electrode potential of a half cell?

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  40. How many half cells are present in an electrochemical cell?

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  41. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction between silver nitrate and metallic zinc.

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  42. In which of the following processes, electrical energy is converted to chemical energy?

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  43. The electrode where there is loss of electron is called

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  44. In an electrochemical cell, the wrong statement is

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  45. The overall reaction that takes place in an electrochemical cell is

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  46. Which of the following statement is wrong with regard to galvanic cell?

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  47. In the cell representation (+) represents

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  48. The standard conditions for determination of standard emf of the cell are

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  49. The emf generated by an electrochemical cell is given by the symbol

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  50. The maximum work that can be derived from a chemical reaction is

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