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Complete Solutions to EVALUATION (SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS) of chapter ELECTRO CHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions27
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Define anode and cathode.

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  2. Why does conductivity of a solution decrease on dilution on the solution?

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  3. State Kohlrausch Law. How is it useful to determine the molar conductivity of weak electrolyte at infinite dilution?

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  4. Describe the electrolysis of molten NaCl using inert electrodes.

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  5. State Faraday's Laws of electrolysis.

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  6. Describe the construction of Daniel cell. Write the cell reaction.

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  7. Why is anode in galvanic cell considered to be negative and cathode positive electrode?

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  8. The conductivity of a 0.01 M solution of a 1:1 weak electrolyte at 298 K is `1.5 times 10^(-4)" S " cm^(-1)`.
    i) molar conductivity of the solution
    ii) degree of dissociation and the dissociation constant of the weak electrolyte
    Given that
    `lambda_("cation")^(@)=248.2" S "cm^(2)mol^(-1)`
    `lambda_("anion")^(@)=51.8" S "cm^(2)mol^(-1)`

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  9. Which of 0.1 M HCl and 0.1 M KCl do you expect to have greater `underset(m)overset(0)(wedge)` and why?

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  10. Arrange the following solutions in the decreasing order of specific conductance.
    i) 0.01 M KCl `" "` ii) 0.005 M KCl
    iii) 0.1 M KCl `" "` iv) 0.25 M KCl
    v) 0.5 M KCl

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  11. Why is AC current used instead of DC in measuring the electrolytic conductance?

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  12. 0.1 M NaCl solution is placed in two different cells having cell constant 0.5 and 0.25 `cm^(-1)` respectively. Which of the two will have greater value of specific conductance?

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  13. A current of 1.608A is passed through 250 mL of 0.5 M solution of copper sulphate for 50 minutes. Calculate the strength of `Cu^(2+)` after electrolysis assuming volume to be constant and the current efficiency is 100%.

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  14. Can `Fe^(3+)` oxidises Bromide to bromine under standard conditions?
    Given : `E_(Fe^(3+|Fe^(3+)))^(@)=0.771`
    `" "E_(Br_(2)|Br^(-))^(@)=1.09V`

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  15. Is it possible to store copper sulphate in an iron vessel for a long time?
    Given : `E_(Cu^(2+)|Cu)^(@)=0.34V " and " E_(Fe^(2+)|Fe)=-0.44V`

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  16. Two metals `M_(1) " and " M_(2)` have reduction potential values of -xV and +yV respectively. Which will liberate `H_(2) " and " H_(2)SO_(4)`?

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  17. Reduction potential of two metals `M_(1) " and " M_(2)` are `E_(M_(1)^(2+)|M_(1))^(@)=2.3V " and " E_(M_(1)^(2+)|M_(2))^(@)=0.2V` Predict which one is better for coating the surface of iron. Given : `E_(Fe^(3+)|Fe)^(@)=-0.44V`

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  18. Calculate the standard emf of the cell: `Cdabs(Cd^(2+))abs(Cu^(2+))Cu` and determine the cell reaction. The standard reduction potentials of `Cu^(2+)|Cu " and " Cd^(2+)|Cd`u are 0.34V and -0.40 volts respectively. Predict the feasibility of the cell reaction.

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  19. In fuel cell `H_(2) and O_(2)` react to produce electricity. In the process, `H_(2)` gas is oxidised at the anode and `O_(2)` at cathode. If 44.8 litre of `H_(2)` at `25^(@)C` and also pressure reacts in 10 minutes, what is average current produced? If the entire current is used for electro deposition of Cu from `Cu^(2+)`, how many grams of Cu deposited?

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  20. The same amont of electricity was passed through two separate electrolytic cells containing solutions of nickel nitrate and chromium nitrate respectively. If 2.935 g of Ni was deposited in the first cell. The amount of Cr deposited in the another cell? Give : molar mass of Nickel and chromium are 58.74 and 52 `gm^(-1)` respectively.

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  21. A copper electrode is dipped in 0.1 M copper sulphate solution at `25^(@)C`. Calculate the electrode potential of copper.
    `["Given :" E_(Cu^(2+)|Cu)^(@)=0.34]`

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  22. For the cell
    calculate the equilibrium constant at `25^(@)C` and maximum work that can be obtained during operation of cell. Given :
    `E_(Mg^(2+)|Mg)^(@)=-237V " and " E_(Ag^(2+)|Ag)^(@)=0.80V`

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  23. `8.2 times 10^(12)` litres of water is available in a lake. A power reactor using the electrolysis of water in the lake produces electricity at the rate of `2 times 10^(6)Cs^(-1)` at an appropriate voltage. How many years would it like to completely electrolyse the water in the lake. Assume that there is no loss of water except due to electrolysis.

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  24. Derive an expression for Nernst equation.

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  25. Write a note on sacrificial protection.

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  26. Explain the function of `H_(2)-O_(2)` fuel cell.

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  27. Ionic conductance at infinite dilution of `Al^(3+) " and " SO_(4)^(2-)` are 189 and 160 mho `cm^(2)" equiv"^(-1)`. Calculate the equivalent and molar conductance of the electrolyte `Al_(2)(SO_(4))_(3)` at infinite dilution.

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EVALUATION (SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS) questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTRO CHEMISTRY of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 12