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Complete Solutions to PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE of chapter ELECTRO CHEMISTRY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What is the electrochemical equivalent of a substance when 150 gm of it is deposited by 10 ampere of current passed for 1 sec?

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  2. The electrochemical equivalent of an electrolyte is 2.35 gm `amp^(-1)sec^(-1)`. Calculate the amount of the substance deposited when 5 ampere is passed for 10 sec.

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  3. To 1 M solution of `AgNO_(3)`, 0.75 F quantity of current is passed. What is the concentration of the electrolyte, `AgNO_(3)` remaining in the solution?

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  4. 0.5 F of electric current was passed through 5 molar solution of `AgNO_(3), CuSO_(4) " and " AlCl_(3)` connected in series. Find out the concentration of each of the electrolyte after the electrolysis.

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  5. To one molar solution of a trivalent metal salt, electrolysis was carried out and 0.667 M was the concentration remaining after electrolysis. Calculate the quantity of electricity passed.

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  6. A conductance cell has platinum electrodes, each with 5 `cm^(2)` area and separated by 0.5 cm distance. What is the cell constant?

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  7. Specific conductance of 1 M `KNO_(3)` solution is observed to be `5.55 times 10^(-3)` mho `cm^(-1)`. What is the equivalent conductance of `KNO_(3)` when one litre of the solution is used?

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  8. The equivalent conductances at infinite dilution of `HCl, CH_(3)COONa " and " NaCl` are 426.16, 91.0 and 126.45 `ohm^(-1)cm^(2)` gm `"equivalent"^(-1)` respectively. Calculate the equivalent conductance `(lambda_(infty))` of acetic acid.

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  9. The standard reduction potential for the reaction `Sn^(4+)+2e^(-) rarr Sn^(2+)` is + 0.15V. Calculate the free energy change of the reaction.

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  10. Write the Nernst equation for the half cell `Zn^(2+)""_((aq))//Zn_((s))`.

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  11. The emf of the cell `Cd//CdCl_(2)," "25H_(2)O" "//AgCl_((s))Ag` is 0.675 V. Calculate of the cell reaction.

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  12. The standard free energy change of the reaction `M^(+)""_((aq))+e^(-) rarr M_((s))` is -23.125 kJ. Calculate the standard emf of the half cell.

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  13. The emf of the half cell `Cu^(2+)""_((aq))//Cu_((s))` containing 0.01 M `Cu^(2+)` solution is +0.301 V. Calculate the standard emf of the half cell.

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  14. If `E_(1)=0.5V` corresponds to `Cr^(3+)+3e^(-) rarr Cr_((s)) " and " E_(2)=0.41V` corresponds to `Cr^(3+)+e^(-) rarr Cr^(2+)` reactions, calculate the emf `(E_(3))` of the reaction `Cr^(2+)+2e^(-) rarr Cr_((s))`.

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  15. Calculate the standard emf of the cell having the standard free energy change of the cell reaction is -64.84 kJ for 2 electrons transfer.

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  16. Calculate the emf of the cell `Zn//ZnO_(2), OH^(-)""_(aq),-HgO""//Hg` given that `E^(@)` values of `OH^(-), ZnO` and `OH^(-), HgO""//Hg` half cells are -1.216 V and 0.098 V respectively.

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  17. The equilibrium constant of cell reaction: `Ag_((s))+Fe^(3+) iff Fe^(2+)+Ag^(+)` is 0.335 at `25^(@)C`. Calculate the standard emf of the cell `Ag//Ag^(+), Fe^(3+), Fe^(2+)//Pt`. Calculate `E^(@)` of the half cell `Fe^(3+), Fe^(2+)//Pt` is 0.7791 V Calculate `E^(@)` of `Fe^(3+), Fe^(2+)//Pt` half cell.

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  18. Calculate the emf of the cell having the cell reaction `2Ag^(+)+Zn iff 2Ag+Zn^(2+) " and " E^(@)""_(cell)=1.56V " at " 25^(@)C` when concentration of `Zn^(2+)=0.1 M " and " Ag^(+)=10M` in the solution.
    `" "["Hint :" E_(cell)=E^(@)""_(cell)-(RT)/(nF)In([Zn^(2+)])/[Ag]^(2)]`

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  19. The emf values of the cell reactions `Fe^(3+)+e^(-) rarr Fe^(2+) " and " Ce^(2+) rarr Ce^(3+) e^(-)` are 0.61 V and -0.85 V respectively. Construct the cell such that the free energy of the cell is negative. Calculate the emf of the cell.

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  20. A zinc rod is placed in 0.095 M zinc chloride solution at `25^(@)C`. EmF of this half cell is -0.79V. Calculate `E^(@)""_(Zn2+//Zn)`.

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PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTRO CHEMISTRY of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 12