Complete Solutions to section -E of chapter XII BOARDS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. (a) define electrie flux. Write its, S.I unit.
    " Gauses'[s law in electrostatis is true for any closed surface, no matter what its shape or size is.
    Justify this statement with the help of a suitable example.
    (b) Use Gauss's law to prove that the electric field inside a uniformly charged spherical shell is zero.

    (a) Derive the expression for the energy stored ina parallel plate capactor. Hence obtain the expresion for the energy density of the electric field.
    (b) A fully charged parallel plate capacitor is connected across an ucharged identical capacitor. Show that the energy stored in the combination is less than that stored initially in the single capacitor.

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  2. Explain, using a laballed diagram, the principal and working of a moviong coil galvnometer.
    What is the function of (i) unifrom radial magnetic field (ii) soft iron core ?
    Define the terms (i) current sensitivity and (ii) voltage sensitively of a galvanmeter. why does increasing the current sensitivity not neessarily increases voltage sensitivity ?
    (a) Write, using Biot-Savart law, the expression for the magnetic field `vecB` due to an element `vecdl` carrying current I at a distance `vecr` from it in a vector form.
    Hence ,derive the expression for the magnetic field due to a current carring loop of radius R at a point P distant x from its centre along the axis of the loop.
    (b) Explain how Biot- Savart law enables one to express the Ampere,s cicuital law in the integral from , viz
    ` ointvecB, vec(dl) = mu_(0)I`
    Where I is total current passing through the surface.

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  3. Consider two coherent sources `S_(1) and S_(2)` producing monochromatic waves to produce interference patten. Let the displacement of the wave produced by `S_(1)` be given by
    and the displacement by `S_(2)" be" " " Y_(1) = acos omegat`
    `Y_(2) = a cos ( omegat -phi)`
    Find out expression for the amplitude of the resultant displacement at a point and show that the intensity at that point will be
    ` I = 4a^(2) cos^(2) phi//2`
    Hence establish the conditions for constructive and destructive interference.
    (b) What is the effect on the interference friinges in Young's double slit experiment when (i) the width of the source slit is increased, (ii) the monochromatic source is replaced by a source is replaced by a source of white light ?
    (a) A ray, 'PQ' of light on the face AB of glass prism ABC (as shown in the figure) and emerges out of the face AC. Trace the path of the ray. Show that
    ` anglei + anglee= angleA+ angledelta`
    Where ` delta` and e denote the angle of deviation and angle of emergence respectively.

    Plot a graph showing the variation of the angle of deviation as a function of angle of incidence. state the condition under which `angledelta` is minimum.
    (b) Find out the relation between the refractive index `(mu)` of the glass prism and ` angleA` for the case when the angle of prism (A) is equal to the angle of minimum deviation ` (delta_(m))` . Hence obtain the value of the refractive index for angle `Ae=60^(@)` .

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  4. (a) The relation, between the angle of incidence :(i) and the corresponding , angle of deviation `(delta)` , for a certain optical decice, is represented by the graph shown in the figure. Identify this device. Draw a ray diagram for this device and use it for obtaining and expression for the refractive index of the material of this device in terms of an angle characteristic of the device and the angle, marked as `delta_m`, in the graph.
    (b) Based on Huuygen's construction , draw the shape of a plane wavefront as it gets refracted on passing through a convex lens.

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  5. When a plane wave front of light, of wavelength `lambda`, is incident on a narrow slit, an intensity distribution pattern, of the form shown is observed on a screen, suitably kept behind the slit. Name the phenomenon observed.

    (a) Obtain the conditions for the formation of central maximum and secondary maxima and the minima.
    (b) Why is there significant fall in intensity of the secondary maxima compared to the central maximum, whereas in double slit experiment all the bright fringes are of the same intensity ?
    (c) When the width of the slit is made double the original width, how is the size of the central band affected ?

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  6. (a) Obtain the condition under which the current flowing in the current detecing device used in the circuit shown in figure, becomes zero.
    (b) Describe briefly the device, based on the above condition. Draw a circuit diagram for this device and discuss, in brief, how it is used for finding as unknown resistance.

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  7. (a) Why do the 'free electrons' , in a metal wire , flowing by themselves' not cause any current flow in the wire ?
    Define drift velocity' and obtain an expression for the current flowing in a wire, in terms of the 'drift velocity of the free electrons.
    (b) Use the above expression to show that the 'resistivity ' of the material of a wire is inversely proportional to the 'relaxation time' for the 'free electrons ' in the metal.

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  8. Draw the Energy bands 'diagrams for a (i) pure semiconductor , (ii) insulator , How does the energy band, for a pure semiconductor , get affected when this semiconductor is doped with (a) an acceptor impurity
    (b) donor impurity ? Hence discuss why the 'holes' and the 'electrons' respectively, become the 'majority change carries' in these two cases ?
    Write the two processes involved in the formation of `p-n` junction.

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  9. Draw the diagram of the circuit arangement used for studying the 'input' and the 'output' characteristics of an n-p-n transistor inits CE configuration. Briefly explain how these two types of characteristics are obtained and draw these characteristics.
    (b) 'Define' the terms (i) Input resistance, (ii) Output resistance , (iii) Current amplification factor, for a given transistor.

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  10. (i) An a.c. Source of voltage `V = V_(0) " sin " omegat` is connected to a series combination of L,C and R . Use the phasor diagram to obtain expression for impedance of the circuit and phase angle between voltage and current . Find the condition when current will be phase with the voltage . What is the circuit in this condition called ?
    (ii) In a series LR circuit `X_(L) = R` and power factor of the circuit is `P_(1)`. When capacitor which capacitance C such that `X_(L) =X_(C)` is put in series , the power factor becomes `P_(2)` .Calculate `P_(1)//P_(2)`

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  11. (i) Write the functions of a transformer . State its principle of working with the help of the a diagram mentions various energy losses in this divice .
    (ii) The primary coil of an ideal step up transformer has 100 turns and transformation ratio is also 100. The input voltage and power are respectively 220 V and 100w. Calculate
    (a) number of turns in secodary
    (b) current in primary
    ( c) voltage across secodary
    (d) current in secondary
    ( e) power in secondary

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  12. (i) In Young's double slit experiment the condition for (a) constructive and (b ) destructive interference at a point on the screen . Draw a graph showing variation of intensity in the interference pattern against position 'x' on the screen .
    (ii) Compare the interference pattern observed in Young's double silt experiment with single slit diffraction pattern pointing out three distinguishing features.

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  13. (i) Plot a graph to show variation of the angle of deviation as function of angle of incidence for light passing through a prism. Derive an expression for refractive index of the prism in terms of angle of minimum deviation and angles of prism.
    (ii) What is dispersion of light ? Why is its cause ?
    (iii) A ray of light incident normally on one face of a right isosceles prism is totally reflected as shown in fig . what must be the minimum value of refractive index of glass ? Give relevant calculations

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  14. (i) Define the term drift velocity .
    (ii) On the basis of electron drift , derive an expression for resistivity of a conductor in terms of number density of free electrons and relaxation time. On what factors does resistivity of a coductor depend ?
    (iii) Why alloys like constantan and manganin are used for making standard restores ?

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  15. (i) State the principle of working of a potentiometer.
    (ii) In the following potentiometer circuit AB is a uniform wire of length 1 m and resistance `10Omega`
    Calculate the potential gradient along the wire and balance length AO (=l)

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section -E questions and complete solutions for chapter XII BOARDS of XII BOARDS PREVIOUS YEAR of Class 12