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Complete Solutions to CONCEPT APPLICATION (LEVEL 2 (SELECT THE CORRECT ALTERNATIVE)) of chapter KINEMATICS of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A vechicle travels along a straight path between two places `alpha and beta`. It travels first half of the distance with a velocity of 72 km `h^(-1)` and the remaining distance with a velocity of 36 km `h^(-1)` then the average velocity of the vehicle is ______ m`s^(-1)`

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  2. An electric motor winds 200 turns of a thin coper wire on a unifrom of diameter 10 cm, in 2 seconds.then the length of the wire that is wound over the rod in one second is _______ m.

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  3. A graph is drawn between the displacement and time taken for the oscillations of a simple pendulum is 2s. The length of the penddulum is _______ m ( if g = 10 `s^(-2) and pi^(2) =10`)

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  4. An athelete runs alongs a circular track of radius 14 m with a speed of 11 m `s^(-1)` then the time taken by the althete to complete 6 rounds is ______

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  5. A car is moving along a semicircular track ashsown in the figure in a duration of `2pi` second from P to Q. then choose the correct statement (s).

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  6. A boy dropped a ball from the top of a tower of height 125 m then the average velocity of the ball at the end of 5 second if it takes 5 s to reach the ground _______ ` m s^(-1)`

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  7. An electric fan rotates 100 times in one second. If the length of its wing from its axis of rotation is 0.5 m . Then the speed of the fan is ______ m `s^(-1)`

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  8. An object moves the first half of the total distance with a speed of 2 m `s^(-1)` . If the average of the body is ` 3m s ^(-1)` , the speed of the body when it travelles the remaining distance is _______ ` m s^(-1)`

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  9. An ant moves along the identical steps from P to Q as shown in the figure in a figure in a duration of 8.5 seonds. Then the speed and velocity of the ant respectively are _____ m `s^(-1) and ______ m s ^(-1)`

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  10. An athelete moves along a path PQRSTUVP, in 44 seconds as shown in the figure, then the average speed of the athlete is ______ `m s^(-1)`

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  11. A trian of length 200 m is moving along a circular path as shown in the figure. If it completers one rotation with a speed of `54 km h^(-1)` , then the time taken by it to trace the path is ______ seconds.

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  12. A body is dropped from the top of a tower. If its average velcoity when it reaches the ground, is ` 10 ms^(-1)` and the time taken by it to reach the ground is 2s, the height of the tower is ______ m.

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  13. A simple pendulum makes 20 oscillations in one second on the surface of the earth. Determine the time period of the simple pendulum on the surface of a planet where the acceleration due to gravity is one fourth of the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth .

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  14. Which of the following distance-time graphs is not possible? Explain why?

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  15. The distance between two railwat stations A and B is 440 km. two trains ` T_(1) and T_(2)` start simultaneously from the stations A and B , respectively , and move twards each other. Then train ` T_(1) and T_(2)` start simultaneouslym from the station A and B respectively, and move towards each other. the train` T_(1)` moves with a constant speed of 60 km` h^(-1)` and the train `T_(2)` moves with a speed of `50 km h^(-1)` , Determine the point where they meet and the time taken for this.

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  16. A body travels a distance of 500 m in 10 minute. Find out the speed of the body in km ` h^(-1)` .

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  17. A student goes to school with a uniform speed of ` 3 km h^(-1)` and returns to his home with a speed of ` 2km h^(-1)` , if the student taken 1 hour in all, then find out find distance between the school and the house.

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  18. Kishore walking with a uniform speed covers 20 km in 5 h. find the distance he covers in 7 hours.

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  19. Determine the speed of the tip of a minute hand of length 10 cm of a wall clock.

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  20. The distance- time graph for the motion of three vechicles,A , B and C are as shown in the figure , `S_(A), S_(B) nd S_(C)` are the speeds, of A,B and C , respectively , compare the speeds of A, B and C.

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  21. Usha particpated in a marathon walk and completes the journey in 10 h. if she travels half the distance with a speed of `10 km h^(-1)` and rest of the distance with the speed of `15 km h^(-1)` then calculate the total distance of the marathon walk.

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  22. Vikash went to his collage from his house on his car with a unifrom speed of 60 km` h^(-1)` and returns to his house with a different speed. If the average speed of the car, for whole journey is `50 km^(h-1)` , then find the speed of his car when it travelled from college to house.

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  23. A boy goes to a cycle shop by walk at ` 5 km h^(-1)` and comes back home by cycle at a speed of ` 15 km h^(-1)` , find out the average speed of the boy.

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  24. The distance between two stations A and B is 200 km. A train from A to B at a unifrom speed of `60 km h^(-1)` , After half an hour another train leaves B towards, A with a unifrom speed of `80 km h^(-1)` , Determine the distance of the point from A where the two train s meet each other.

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  25. A train starting from a railway station and moving with uniform acceleration attains a speed `40 km//h` in `10` minutes. Find its acceleration.

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  26. Raj dropped a cricket ball of mass 700 g from the top of a tower and the ball takes 5 s to reach the ground. He then determined the maximum velocity of the body by taking acceleration of the ball as ` 10 ms^(-2)` find out the value of maximum velocity.

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  27. An ant moves a rectangular path as shown in the figure. It starts A and moves with a uniform speed of `0.01 m s^(-1)` , Determine the average speed after 1 hour.

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  28. The distance -time graph of a body moving in a straight line is shown below. Draw the speed time graph of the motion of the body.

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  29. Asish took a challenge to cover a distance of 1 km in 1 minute on his racing bicyle. If he covers half the distance in 3/5th of a minute. With what speed should he ride the remaining journey on his biycle ?

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  30. A body moves along a straight line. In every t-s the speed of the body decreases uniformly to half of the original speed. Draw the speed-time graph of the body.

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