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Complete Solutions to Level 1 MCQ of chapter KINEMATICS of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Choose the correct statement:

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  2. If `T = 2pi sqrt(l/g)` is the time period of a simple pendulu, then the unit of `4pi^(2) l/T^(2)` in the SI system is ________ .

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  3. Can the speed of a body be begative ?

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  4. The motion of a body is depicted graphically as shown in the given figure. Then the average speed of the body is ______ `m ^(-1)`

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  5. A body travels 10 m in 2s then the speed of the body is _____ ` m s^(-1)` .

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  6. A body moves with a speed of `2 pi m s^(-1)` in a cirular path of radius 1 m , then the time taken to compete one revolution is ________.

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  7. The odometer of a bus reads 6700 klm when it starts from the station at 9.m. and when it comes back to the sation at 10 p.m. the odometer reading is found to be 6960 km, then the average speed of the bus in the would journey is _____` km h^(-1)`

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  8. A pendulum completers 120 oscillations hin one minute then the time period of the pendulum is ________ s.

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  9. A body moves with a contant speed of `10 m s^(-1)` for 1 hour. The distance travelled by the body is _____

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  10. It takes 1 s for the bob to moves from one extreme position to other extreme postion. Then the time period of the pendulum is ______ s.

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  11. A body projected upwards from the top of a builing is an example of ______

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  12. Distance versus time graph of an object is as shown in the figure. The average speed of the object is _____ `ms^(-1)`

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  13. ` 20 m s^(-1) ______ km h^(-1)`

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  14. Choose the correct statement:

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  15. A car drive accelerates the car to increase its speed from 30 km `h^(-1)` to `60 km h^(-1)` in 5 min. Arrage the following steps a sequence to obtain the acceleration of the car.
    (A) Use the formula , rate of change of velocity = `(" Total change in veclocity")/("Total time required for change")`
    (B) Obtain the final velocity (v) , of the car.
    (C) Find the time taken to increase the speed of the car from u to v let it be 't'
    (D) find the initial velocity (u) of the car.
    (E) Substitute the values in the formula and calulate the acceleration of the car.

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  16. Find the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon by taking a seconds pendulum from the earth's surface. Arrange the following steps in sequential order to solvbe the above problem.
    (A) Find the time period of this simple pendulum on the surface of the moon using a stop clock `[ T_(M)]`
    (B) The acceleration due to gravity on the moon (gm) is 1/6th the accleration due to gravity on the earth (ge).
    (C) Use the formula , ` T = 2 pi sqrt(l/g)`
    (D) first , take pendulum to the surface of the moon without altering the length of the pendulum (l), .
    (E) Substibe the value of `T_(M)` in (a), then ` (T_(E))/(T_(M)) sqrt ((g_(M))/(g_(E))`, and obtain the value of `(g_(m))`

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  17. The frequency of oscillation of seconds pendulum is ______ HZ.

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  18. The number of ocscillations performed by the bob at the end of 10 s is______

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  19. The time taken to complete 100 oscillations is ______ s.

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Level 1 MCQ questions and complete solutions for chapter KINEMATICS of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 7