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Complete Solutions to TOPIC 1 (3 Marks Questions ) of chapter FLUIDS of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

OSWALTOPIC 1 (3 Marks Questions )
Number Of Questions18
Academic Year2023-24
  1. We do not feel uneasy even under enormous pressure of the atmosphere above as well as around us. Give a reason.

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  2. A balloon collapses when air is removed from it. Explain.

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  3. Water does not run out of a dropper unless its rubber bulb is pressed.

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  4. Two holes are made in a sealed tin can to take out oil from it. Explain.

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  5. In a hydraulic machine, the two pistons are of area of cross section in the ratio 1:10. What weight force in needed on the narrow piston to overcome a force of 100 N on the wide piston?

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  6. How does the pressure at a certain depth in water differ from that of the same depth in river water. Explain year answer.

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  7. A human exerts a force of 1.5 N on each of the two nails A and B the area of cross secton of tip of nail A in `2 "mm"^2` while that of B in `6 "mm"^2` Calculate the pressure on each nail in pascal.

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  8. At a given place, a mercury barometer records a pressure of 0.70 m of Hg. What would be the height of water column if mercury in barometer is replaced by water? Take R.D. of mercury = 13.6.

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  9. Assuming the density of air to be `1.295 "kg m"^(-3)`, find the fall in barometric height in mm of Hg at a height of `107`m above the sea level. Take density of mercury = `13.6 xx 10^3 "kg m"^(-3)` .

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  10. How is the barometric height of a simple barometer affected if Its tube is pushed down into the trough of mercury?

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  11. How is the barometric height of a simple barometer affected if Its tube is slightly tilted from vertical?

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  12. How is the barometric height of a simple barometer affected if A drop of liquid is inserted inside the tube?

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  13. Calculate the height of a water column which will exert on its base the same pressure as the 70 cm column of mercury. Density of mercury is `13.6 "g cm"^(-3)`

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  14. Will the height of the water column change if the cross section of the water column is made wider ?

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  15. The pressure of water on the ground floor is 40,000 Pa and on the first floor is 10,000 Pa. Find the height of the first floor. (Take : density of water = `1000 "kg m"^(-3) , g=10 "m s"^(-2)` )

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  16. Differentiate between thrust and pressure .

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  17. A simple U tube contains mercury to the same level in both of its arms. If water is poured to a height of 13.6 cm in one arm, how much will be the rise in mercury level in the other arm ?
    Given : density of mercury = `13.6 xx 10^3 "kg m"^(-3)` and density of water = `10^3 "kg m"^(-3)`.

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  18. A force of 50 kgf is applied to the smaller piston of a hydraulic machine. Neglecting friction, find the force exerted on the large piston, if the diameters of the pistons are 5 cm and 25 cm respectively.

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TOPIC 1 (3 Marks Questions ) questions and complete solutions for chapter FLUIDS of ICSE of Class 9