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Complete Solutions to Exercise 7a of chapter TRIANGLES of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

Class 9MATHS
Number Of Questions35
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following pairs of triangles are congruent ? Also state the condition of congruency in each case :

    (iv) In `DeltaABC` and `DeltaDEF, AB=EF, BC=DF` and `angleB=angleF`
    (v) In `DeltaABC` and `DeltaPQR, AB=QR, AC=PR` and `angleB=angleR`
    (vi) In `DeltaABC` and `DeltaPQR, angleA=angleP, AC=PR` and `AB=PQ`
    (vi) In `DeltaABC` and `DeltaPQR, AB=QR, angle A=angle Q` and `AC=QP`.

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  2. In a `DeltaABC, D` in mid-point of BC, AD is produced upto E so that `DE=AD`, prove that :
    (i) `DeltaABD` and `DeltaECD` are congruent (ii) `AB=EC`
    (iii) AB is parallel to EC.

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  3. In the given figure, AB = DB and AC = DC. If `angle ABD = 58^(@), angle DBC = (2x - 4)^(@), angle ACB = y + 15^(@) and angle DCB = 63^(@)`, find the values of x and y.

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  4. BD is the disector of angle ABC. From a point P in BD, perpendiculars PE and PF are drawn to AB and BC respectively, prove that :
    (i) Triangle BEP is conguent to triangle BFP (ii) PE=PF.

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  5. Given a `DeltaABD` in which `AB=AD` and `AC` bisects `BD`. Prove that :
    `DeltaABC cong DeltaADC`.

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  6. In a tringle ABC, AB = AC and bisector of angle A meets BC at D. Prove that :
    (i) `DeltaABD cong DeltaACD` (ii) `AD` is perpendicular to BC.

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  7. In quadrilateral ABCD, AB=DC and AD=BC. Prove that the sides AB and DC are parallel to each other.

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  8. In `DeltaABC, AB = AC` and the bisectors of `angleB` and `angleC` meet AC and AB at point D and E respectively. Prove that `BD = CE`.

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  9. In `DeltaABC, angleB= angleC`. Prove the perpendiculars from the mid-point of BC to AB and AC are equal.

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  10. Find the value of x and y in each of the following figures containing two congruent triangles :

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  11. In the adjoining figure, `angleBAC=angleBDC` and `angleABC=angleBCD`. Prove that :
    (i) `DeltaABC cong DeltaDCB`
    (ii) `DeltaABE cong DeltaDCF`.

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  12. In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a quadrilateral. M and N are the points on AD and CD respectively such that `AB = BC, angleABM=angleCBN` and `angleMBD=angleNBD`. Prove that `BM = BN`.

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  13. Given `AD=DC` and DB biscets `angleADC`.
    (i) Prove that, `DeltaADB cong DeltaCDB`
    (ii) If `angleABD=48^(@)`, find `angleCBD`.

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  14. The adjoining figure shows a square ABCD and an equilateral triangle DEC. Prove that :
    (i) `angleADE=angleBCE=30^(@)`
    (ii) `DeltaADE cong DeltaBCE`

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  15. Equilateral triangles ABD and ACE are drawn on sides AB and AC respectively of a `DeltaABC` outside it. Prove that :
    (i) `angleDAC= angleEAB` (ii) `DC = BE`

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  16. The following figure shows a square ABCD and an equilateral triangle DCE. Prove that :
    (i) `angleADE=angleBCE=150^(@)`
    (ii) `DeltaADE cong DeltaBCE`
    (iii) `AE = BE`

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  17. The given figure shows a parallelogram ABCD. Squares ABPQ and ADRS are drawn on sides AB and AD of the parallelogram ABCD. Prove that :
    (i) `angle SAQ = angle ABC`
    (ii) SQ = AC

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  18. In a `Delta ABC`, BD is the median to the side AC, BD is produced to E such that BD = DE. Prove that : AE is parallel to BC.

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  19. In the given figure, `angleBDC=angleBEA` and `AB = BC`. Show that AE=CD.

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  20. If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other at right angle, prove that the quadrilateral is a rhombus.
    A rhombus has all its four sides equal.

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  21. In the adjoining figure, BM and DN are the perpendiculars from B and D respectively to AC such that BM = DN. Prove that BO = OD.

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  22. In the adjoining figure, `AB=EF, BC=DE, angleABC=angleFED=90^(@)`, prove that `AD = CF`.

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  23. In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. If `angleMBC = angleNDA`, prove that `AM = NC`.

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  24. In the adjoining figure, QX and RX are the bisectors of the angles Q and R respectively of the angles Q and R respectively of the triangle PQR. If `XS bot PQ`. Prove that :
    (i) `DeltaXTQ cong DeltaXSQ`
    (ii) PX bisects angle P.

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  25. In the following figure, OA = OC and AB = BC. Prove that :
    (i) `angle AOB = 90^(@)`
    (ii) `Delta AOD ~= Delta COD`
    (iii) AD = CD

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  26. In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a paralogram. The side AB is produced to P such that AB=BP and the side AD is produced to Q such that AD = DQ. Prove that CP = CQ.

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  27. In the following figures, `AB=PQ, AC=PR` and `AM=PN`. Prove that `DeltaABC cong DeltaPQR`.

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  28. Prove that the medians of an equilateral triangle are equal.

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  29. ABCD is a square EF is parallel to BD. R is the mid-point of EF. Prove that :
    (i) `BE = DF`
    (ii) AR bisects angle BAD
    (iii) If AR produced it will pass through C.

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  30. The following figure shows a triangle ABC in which AB = AC. M is a point on AB and N is a point on AC such that BM = CN. Prove that :
    (i) AM = AN
    (ii) `Delta AMC ~= Delta ANB`
    (iii) BN = CM
    (iv) `Delta BMC ~= Delta CNB`

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  31. In the given figure, `AB"||"DC` and `angleD=angleC`. Prove that :
    (i) `AD = BC`
    (ii) `AC = BD`

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  32. In the given figure : AB//FD, AC//GE and BD = CE, prove that :
    (i) BG = DF
    (ii) CF = EG

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  33. In the adjoining figure, `angleAYZ=angleBYX=90^(@), AY = YZ` and `XY = BY`. Prove that `AB = ZX`.

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  34. In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a square and PAB is an equilateral triangle. Find :
    (i) `angleAPD`
    (ii) `anglePDC`
    (iii) `angleDPC`
    (iv) Prove that `DP = CP`

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  35. In the adjoining figure, `DeltaABC` is right angled at C and M is the mid-point of hypotenuse AB, If AC = 32 cm and BC = 60 cm, then find the length of CM.

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Exercise 7a questions and complete solutions for chapter TRIANGLES of NAGEEN PRAKASHAN ENGLISH of Class 9