Class 11 | PHYSICS |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 1
A material particle is moving along a straight line in such a manner that its velocity varies as shown in the figure. At which moment in time numbered successively on the time axis will the acceleration of the particle be maximal? How should one use the graph to determine the average velocity of motion over the time interval from t1 to t2 ?View SolutionQuestion 3
At a certain moment in time the angle between the velocity vector v of a material particle and the acce leration vector w of that particle is θ. What will be the motion of the particle at this moment for different θs: rectilinear or curvilinear, accelerated or uniform or decelerated?View SolutionQuestion 5
A particle is moving in a circular orbit with a constant tangential acceleration. After a certain time t has elapsed after the beginning of motion, the between the total acceleration a and the direction along the radius r becomes equal to 45∘. What is the angular acceleration of the particle.View SolutionQuestion 9
A stunt rider on a unicycle is riding around thearena of a circus in a circle of radius R. The radius of the wheel of the unicycle is r and the angular velocity with which the wheel rotates is ω. What is the angular acceleration of the wheel ? (Ignore the fact that the wheel axis is inclined.)View SolutionQuestion 10
A liquid has been poured into a cylindrical vessel of mass M (the mass of the vessel bottom can be ighored) and height H. The linear density of the liquid, that is, the ratio of the mass of the liquid column to its height, is δ. What is the height x of the column of liquid at which the common center of gravity of the liquid plus the vessel is in the lowest position?View SolutionQuestion 11
A cone-shaped funnel is being rotated with constant angular velocity ω An object is placed on the inner wall of the funnel. The object can freely move along the generatrlx of the cone, but during the motion of the funnel the body is in a state of equilibrium. Is this equilibrium stable or unstable?View SolutionQuestion 14
A piece of cork has been attached to the bottom of a cylindical vessel that has been filled with water and is rotating about the vertical axis with a constant angular velocity ω. At some moment the cork gets free and comes to the surface. What is the trajectory along which the cork moves to the surface: does it approach the wall or the axis or does it move vertically upward?View SolutionQuestion 15
A force acting on a material particle of mass m first grows to a maximum value Fm and then decreases to zero. The force varies with time according to a linear Iaw, and the total time of motion is tm− What will be the velocity of the particle by the end of this time interval if the initial velocit is zero?View SolutionQuestion 17
An object of mass m slides down a hill of arbitrary shape and after travelling a certain horizontal path stops because of friction. The total vertical height descended is h. The friction coefficient is different for different segments for the entire path but is independent of the velocity and direction of motion. The work that a tangerial force must perform to return the object to its initial position along the same path isView SolutionQuestion 18
An object whose density is Pob falls from a certain height into a liquid whose density is pliq In the figure the potential energy W of the object is plotted along the vertical axis and the position of the object (its altitude) is plotted along the horizontal axis. The potential energy of the object at the level of the liquid is taken zero and the positive direction of the vertical axis (the W axis) is the one pointing upward from the liquid's surface. Determine which of the five straight lines, 1−5, corresponds to an object with the highest density and which to an object with the lowest density. Is there a straight line among these five for which Pob=(112)Pliq ? The arrows on the straight lines point in the direction of motion of the object.View SolutionQuestion 19
The dependence of tho potential energy W of the interaction between objects on the distance r separating thorn is shown ill t.he figure. What will be the distances between the objects that correspond 1.0 equilibrium positions? At what dislancc will the equilibrium be stable? (Answer the same question for unstable equilibrium.) What segments of the curve correspond to a repulsive force and what segments, to an attractive force?View SolutionQuestion 20
A load of mass m2 is hanging from a string. A bullet flying horizontally hits the load. Three cases are possible here, namely, (1) the bullet pierces the load and, retaining a fraction of its velocit.y, rontinues its flight., (2) the bullet gets stuck in the load, and (3) the bullet. recoils from the load. In which of these three cases will the load he deflected by an angle a with the greatest magnitude and in which wi ll it be deflected by an angle with the smallest magnitude?View SolutionQuestion 22
A sphere of mass m1 moving with a velocity vo hits a sphere of mass m2 that is at rest. The collision is absolutely elastic "and central. The velocities of the spheres after collision are u1andu2, respectively. What are the mass ratios for the following values of velocities: u1=0,u1<0,andu1>0?View SolutionQuestion 24
A shaft whose diameter is d and length is l is rotating without friction in bearings with an angular velocity ω0. A sleeve of height h and outer diameter D is fitted on the shaft (the materials of the sleeve nod the shaft are the same). At first the sleeve is not connected with the shaft and is a t rest. Then at some moment the sleeve is clamped to the shaft. What will be the common angular velocity of the shaft plus the sleeve?View Solution