A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days. B and C in 15 days and C and A in 20 days. If A B and C work together they will completer the work in :
1 5 days
3 10 days
Answer : 3. " 10 days"
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(A + B) together can do a piece of work in 12 days. While (B + C) together can do a piece of work in 15 days. (C + A) together can do a piece of work in 20 days. In how many days will this work be completed by(A + B + C) together ?
View SolutionA and B can do a work in 12 days .B and C in 15 days .C and A in 20 days. If A,B and C work together ,they will complete the work in :
View SolutionA and B can do a work in 12 days, B and C in 15 days and C and A in 20 days. If A, B and C work together, they will complete the work in :
View SolutionA and B can do a work in 12 days, B and C in 15 days, C and A in 20 days. If A, B and C Work together, they will complete the work in :
View SolutionA and B complete a work in 12 days. B and C can do that work in 15 days and C and A in 20 days. If A, B and C work together, then in how many days will they be able to complete the work?
View SolutionA and B together can do a piece of work in 12 days; B and C can do it in 20 days while C and A can do it in 15 days. A, B and C all working together can do it in
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View SolutionA and B together can do a piece of work in 10 days, B and C together can do it in 15 days while C and A together can do it in 20 days. Together they will complete the work in:
View SolutionA can do a piece of work in 8 days, B in 10 days and C in 20 days, then in how many days will A, B and C together complete the work?
View SolutionA और B किसी को 12 दिनों में , B और C उसी काम को 15 दिनों में तथा C और A उसी काम को 20 दिनों में पूरा कर सकते हैं। यदि A , B और C एक साथ काम करते हैं तो यह काम कितने दिनों में पूरा होगा ? कितने दिनों में उनमे से प्रत्येक अकेला उस काम को पूरा कर पाएगा ?
View SolutionA and B can do a piece of work in 12 days , B and C can do it in 15 days . A,B, C will finish the work together in
View SolutionA and B can do piece of work in 12 days; B and C in 15 days; C and A in 20 days. In how many days will they finish it together and separately ?
View SolutionA and B together can do a piece of work in 12 days, B and C together in 15 days and C and A together in 20 days, the time taken by C alone to do the work
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View Solution(A+ B) to do a piece of work in 12 days, (B+ C) in 15 days and (C+A) Do it in 20 days. So (A+ B+C) In how many days A, B, C will complete the work?
View SolutionA and B can do a piece of work in 10 days, B and C in 15 days and C and A in 20 days. C alone can do the work in :
View SolutionA and B together can complete a piece complete a piece of work in 12 days , B and C together can complete it in 15 days. If A is twice as good a workman as C, in many days will A alone complete the same work ?
View SolutionA and B can do a piece of work in 15 days. B and C can do the same work in 12 days and C and A can do it in 10 days. How many days will A take to complete the work by himself?
View SolutionA can complete a piece of work in 10 days, B in 15 days and C in 20 days. A and C worked together for two days and then A was replaced by B. In how many days, altogether, was the work completed ?
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