Doubtnut Promotions Sticky


In the middle of a narrow horizontal tube sealed at both ends is a column of mercury 10cm in length. Both halves of the tube contain air under a pressure of 76cm of mercury. By what distance will the mercury column be displaced if the tube is held vertically? The length of the tube is 1 m.

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Answer: x = 2.95cmExplanation:We denote by x the displacement of the mercury column by l0 the length of tube occupied by the gas in each half of the tube in the horizontal position by P1 and P2 the gas pressure in the upper and lower halves of the tube after being placed in a vertical position by h0 the length of the mercury column. The equations of the change of state of the gas in each half of the tube may now be written in the following form:The solution of this set of equations gives the result we are seeking.

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