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One kilogram of ammonia in a piston/cylinder at 50°C 1000 kPa is expanded in a reversible isobaric process to 140°C. Find the work and heat transfer for this process.

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Control mass.mu2 - u1 = 1Q2 - 1W2Process: P = constant⇒ 1W2 = mPv2 - v1State 1:  v1 = 0.145 m3/kg u1 = 1391.3 kJ/kgState 1:  v2 = 0.1955 m3/kg u2 = 1566.7 kJ/kg1W2 = 1 × 10000.1955 - 0.145 = 50.5 kJ 1Q2 = mu2 - u1 + 1W2 = 1 × 1566.7 - 1391.3 + 50.5 = 225.9 kJ

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