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Two coherent monochromatic point sources S1 and S2 of wavelength λ = 600nm are placed symmetrically on either side of the centre of the circle as shown. The sources are separated by a distance d = 1.8mm. This arrangement produces interference fringes visible as alternate bright and dark spots on the circumference of the circle. The angular separation between two consecutive bright spots is Δθ. Which of the following options is/are correct?A A dark spot will be formed at the point P2B At P2 the order of the fringe will be maximumC The total number of fringes produced between P1 and P2 in the first quadrant is close to 3000D The angular separation between two consecutive bright spots decreases as we move from P1 to P2 along the first quadrant

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B CPath difference at P2 isp = S1P2 – S2P2 = d = 1.8mm = 1.8 × 10–3m= 3000 × 600 × 10–9mp = 3000λ.As the path difference is an integral multiple ofλ P2 should be a bright fringe with 300th maxima. A is incorrect.Further at P1 path difference = 0. Therefore a bright fringe will be present at P1 also. Therefore total number of fringes between P1 and P2 is 3000. C is a correct option.Obviously at P2 the order of the fringe will be maximum. Thus B is a correct option.As we move from p1 to p2  θ  decreases and thereforeΔq increases. Therefore D is incorrect.

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