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A cylindrical transparent vessel of height h h < Rves where Rves is the radius of the vessel is filled with an ideal gas of molar mass μ at a temperature T and a pressure p0. The dependence of the refractive index n of the gas on its density ρ obeys the law n = 1 + αρ. The vessel is rotated at an angular velocity o about its axis. A narrow parallel beam of light of radius Tbeam is incident along the axis of the vessel.Determine the radius R of the spot on the screen placed at right angles to the vessel axis at a distance L behind the vessel assuming that the change in the gas pressure at each point of the vessel due to rotation is small as compared with p0. The effect of the end faces of the vessel on the path of the rays should be neglected.

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Let us first determine the distribution of the gas pressure near the axis of the vessel. We shall consider the volume element Δr ΔS of the gas Fig. 227. The centripetal acceleration a = ω2r of this element is ensured by the difference in the corresponding pressures:Therefore for the variation of pressure we obtain the following equation:Since the relation μp = ρRT is satisfied for an ideal gas R is the universal gas constant we obtainLet us now find the angle of refraction of a ray passing through the vessel at a distance r from the axis. The optical path length in the vessel is n r l.The optical path difference δopt between two close rays emerging from the vessel must be equal to the geometrical path difference δ due to the deflection of the rays from the initial direction of propagation. In this case the interference of the rays will result in their augmentation Huygens principle. It follows from Fig. 228 thatThis leads to the following conclusion. If we consider a narrow beam of light such that the deflection angle φ is small then φ ∝ r i.e. the rotating vessel will act as a diverging lens with a focal length F = 2kl -1.Therefore for the maximum deflection angle we obtainConsequently the required radius of the spot on the screen isIn the diverging lens approximation we obtain

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