The wavelength of a resonat mercury line is λ==253.65nm. The mean life time of mercury atoms in the state of resonance excition is τ=.15μs. Evaluate the ration of the Doppler line broadening to the the natural linewidth at a gas temperature T=300K
A short lived state of mean life T has an uncertainity in energy of ΔE~ħT which is transmitted to the photon it emits as natural broadening. Then
Δωnat=1T so Δλ_(nat)=λ22πcτ
The Dopper broadening on the other hand arises from the thermal motion of radiating atoms. The effect is non-relativistic and the maximum brodening can be written as
Thus ΔλDoppΔλnat=4πvprτλ
substitution gives using vpr=√2RTM=157m/s
Note:- Our formula is an order of magnitude estimate.
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View SolutionConsider the neutron capture reaction
109Ag+n→110A>o110Ag+γ (40-34)
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ΔE.Δt≈ˆh. (40-35)
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Reasoning: We see that the relative reaction rate peaks sharply at a neutron energy of about 5.2 eV.This suggests that we are dealing with a single excited energy level of the compund nucleus 110Ag. When the availabel energy(of the incoming neutron) just matches the energy of this level above the neutron) just matches the energy of this level above the 110Ag ground state, we have resonance and the reaction of Eq. 40 -34 really goes.
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Calculation : Subsitiuting that uncertainty of 0.20 2V into Eq. given us
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