दो संकेंद्रीय वृत्ताकार कुंडलियाँ, एक कम त्रिज्याr1 की तथा दूसरी अधिक त्रिज्याr2 की (r1<<r2), समाक्षीय रखी हैं। इस व्यवस्था के लिए अन्योन्य प्रेरकत्व ज्ञात कीजिए।
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View SolutionThe figure represents two concentric shells of radii R_(1) and R_(2) and masses M_(1) and M_(2) respectively. The gravitational field intensity at the point A at distance a (R_(1) lt a lt R_(2)) is
View SolutionIn ΔABC, if r1<r2<r3, then find the order of lengths of the sides
View SolutionStatement I In a ΔABC,ifa<b<c and ri si inradius and r1,r2+r2r3 are the exradii opposite to angle A,B,C respectively, then r<r1<r2<r3.
Statement II For, ΔABCr1r2+r2r3+r3r1=r1r2r3r
View SolutionStatement 1: in a ΔABC if a<b<c and r inradius and r1,r2,r3 are the exradii opposite to angle r>r1>r2>r3 respectively then
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View SolutionIn ΔABC, if r1<r2<r3, then find the order of lengths of the sides
View SolutionThe magnitudes of the gravitational fields at distances r1 and r2 from the centre of a uniform sphere of radius R and mass M are F1 and F2 respectively then
(a) F1F2=r1r2 if r1<R and r2<R
(b) F1F2=(r2r1)2 if r1>R and r2>R
(c) F1F2=r1r2 if r1>R and r2>R
(d) F1F2=(r1r2)2 if r1<R and r2<R
View SolutionThe magnitudes of the gravitational fields at distances r1 and r2 from the centre of a uniform sphere of radius R and mass M are F1 and F2 respectively then
(a) F1F2=r1r2 if r1<R and r2<R
(b) F1F2=(r2r1)2 if r1>R and r2>R
(c) F1F2=r1r2 if r1>R and r2>R
(d) F1F2=(r1r2)2 if r1<R and r2<R
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(A)r<R1 only (B)r>R2 only (C)r<R1andr>R2 (D)R1<r<R2
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Statement -2 : for DABC, r1r2+r2r3+r3r1=r1r2r3r
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