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The following distribution gives the state-wise teacher-student ratio in higher secondary schools of India. Find the mode and mean of this data. Interpret the two measures.

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To find the mode and mean of the given state-wise teacher-student ratio in higher secondary schools of India, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the Modal Class
The modal class is the class interval with the highest frequency. From the data provided, we can see that the class with the maximum frequency is 30-35, which has a frequency of 10.

Hint: Look for the frequency that appears most often in the data.

Step 2: Calculate the Mode
The formula for calculating the mode is:
- L = lower limit of the modal class
- F1 = frequency of the modal class
- F0 = frequency of the class preceding the modal class
- F2 = frequency of the class succeeding the modal class
- H = width of the class interval

From our data:
- L=30
- F1=10 (frequency of the modal class)
- F0=9 (frequency of the class before the modal class)
- F2=3 (frequency of the class after the modal class)
- H=5 (width of the class interval)

Substituting the values into the formula:

Step 3: Calculate the Mean
To calculate the mean, we first need to find the midpoints of each class interval and then multiply these midpoints by their corresponding frequencies.

1. Calculate Midpoints (xi):
- For class 15-20: x1=15+202=17.5
- For class 20-25: x2=20+252=22.5
- For class 25-30: x3=25+302=27.5
- For class 30-35: x4=30+352=32.5
- For class 35-40: x5=35+402=37.5
- For class 40-45: x6=40+452=42.5
- For class 45-50: x7=45+502=47.5
- For class 50-55: x8=50+552=52.5

2. Multiply Midpoints by Frequencies:
- f1×x1=3×17.5=52.5
- f2×x2=8×22.5=180
- f3×x3=9×27.5=247.5
- f4×x4=10×32.5=325
- f5×x5=3×37.5=112.5
- f6×x6=0×42.5=0
- f7×x7=2×47.5=95
- f8×x8=0×52.5=0

3. Sum of Frequencies and Weighted Frequencies:
- Total of fi×xi=52.5+180+247.5+325+112.5+0+95+0=1112.5
- Total frequency =3+8+9+10+3+0+2+0=35

4. Calculate the Mean:

Step 4: Interpret the Results
- Mode: The mode of 30.625 indicates that the most common teacher-student ratio in higher secondary schools is approximately 30.625 students per teacher.
- Mean: The mean of approximately 31.79 suggests that, on average, there are about 31.79 students for every teacher across the data set.
