The least perfect square, which is divisible by each of 21, 36 and 66, is (a) 213444 (b) 214344 (c) 214434 (d) 231444
To find the least perfect square that is divisible by 21, 36, and 66, we will follow these steps:
Step 1: Find the LCM of 21, 36, and 66
First, we need to find the prime factorization of each number.
- 21: 21=31×71
- 36: 36=22×32
- 66: 66=21×31×111
Now, we take the highest power of each prime factor from the factorizations:
- For 2: The highest power is 22 (from 36).
- For 3: The highest power is 32 (from 36).
- For 7: The highest power is 71 (from 21).
- For 11: The highest power is 111 (from 66).
Thus, the LCM is:
Step 2: Calculate the LCM
Now we calculate the LCM:
Calculating step-by-step:
1. 4×9=36
2. 36×7=252
3. 252×11=2772
So, the LCM of 21, 36, and 66 is 2772.
Step 3: Make the LCM a Perfect Square
Next, we need to convert 2772 into a perfect square. The prime factorization of 2772 is:
To make this a perfect square, all prime factors must have even powers. Currently, 7 and 11 have odd powers. We need to multiply by 71 and 111 to make their powers even:
Required number=22×32×72×112
Step 4: Calculate the Required Perfect Square
Now we calculate this perfect square:
Required number=4×9×49×121
Calculating step-by-step:
1. 4×9=36
2. 36×49=1764
3. 1764×121=213444
Thus, the least perfect square that is divisible by 21, 36, and 66 is 213444.
Final Answer
The answer is (a) 213444.
First, we need to find the prime factorization of each number.
- 36: 36=22×32
- 66: 66=21×31×111
- For 3: The highest power is 32 (from 36).
- For 7: The highest power is 71 (from 21).
- For 11: The highest power is 111 (from 66).
Now we calculate the LCM:
1. 4×9=36
2. 36×7=252
3. 252×11=2772
Next, we need to convert 2772 into a perfect square. The prime factorization of 2772 is:
Required number=22×32×72×112
Now we calculate this perfect square:
Required number=4×9×49×121
1. 4×9=36
2. 36×49=1764
3. 1764×121=213444
The answer is (a) 213444.
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