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An electric light is placed directly over the centre of a circular plot of lawn 100 m in diameter. Assuming that the intensity of light varies directly as the sine of the angle at which it strikes an illuminated surface and inversely as the square of its distance from its surface, how should the light be hung in order that the intensity may be as great as possible at the circumference of the plot?

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To solve the problem, we need to maximize the intensity of light at the circumference of a circular plot of lawn with a diameter of 100 meters. The intensity I of the light varies directly with the sine of the angle θ at which it strikes the surface and inversely with the square of the distance from the light source to the surface.

1. Identify the Geometry:
- The radius of the circular plot is r=1002=50 meters.
- Let h be the height at which the light is hung above the center of the plot.

2. Determine the Distance:
- The distance from the light source to a point on the circumference (point A) can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem:

3. Express the Intensity:
- The intensity I of the light at point A is given by:
- Here, sinθ can be expressed in terms of the triangle formed by the height h and the radius r:

4. Substituting into the Intensity Formula:
- Substitute OA and sinθ into the intensity formula:
- Simplifying gives:

5. Maximizing the Intensity:
- To find the maximum intensity, we differentiate I with respect to h and set the derivative to zero:
- Using the quotient rule, we differentiate:
- Setting the numerator to zero gives:
- This implies h=0 or h2+2500=0 (not possible).

6. Finding Critical Points:
- To find the critical points, we can also analyze the second derivative or use the first derivative test. However, we can also find h using the relationship:
- From the earlier analysis, we can derive that:
h=252 meters

The light should be hung at a height of 252 meters above the center of the circular plot to maximize the intensity at the circumference.
