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If x denotes the digit at hundreds place of the number 67x19 such that the number is divisible by 11. Find all possible values of x .

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To find the possible values of x in the number 67x19 such that the number is divisible by 11, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the divisibility rule for 11
A number is divisible by 11 if the difference between the sum of the digits at the odd positions and the sum of the digits at the even positions is either 0 or a multiple of 11.

Step 2: Identify the positions of the digits
In the number 67x19:
- The digits at odd positions are: 6 (1st position), x (3rd position), and 9 (5th position).
- The digits at even positions are: 7 (2nd position) and 1 (4th position).

Step 3: Calculate the sums
Now, we can calculate the sums:
- Sum of digits at odd positions: 6+x+9=x+15
- Sum of digits at even positions: 7+1=8

Step 4: Set up the equation based on the divisibility rule
According to the divisibility rule, we need:
This difference should be equal to 0 or a multiple of 11.

Step 5: Solve the equation
1. Case 1: x+7=0
- This gives x=7 (not a valid digit).

2. Case 2: x+7=11
- This gives x=4 (valid digit).

3. Case 3: x+7=11
- This gives x=18 (not a valid digit).

4. Case 4: x+7=22
- This gives x=15 (not a valid digit).

Step 6: Conclusion
The only valid value for x that satisfies the condition is x=4.

Final Answer
Thus, the possible value of x is 4.

