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Convert each of the following fractions into a decimal :

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

The correct Answer is:2.036.

To convert the fraction 20361000 into a decimal, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the fraction
We start with the fraction 20361000.

Step 2: Write down the numerator
We can write down the numerator, which is 2036.

Step 3: Identify the denominator
The denominator is 1000. Since 1000 is a power of 10 (specifically 103), we can easily convert this fraction into a decimal.

Step 4: Count the number of zeros in the denominator
The number 1000 has 3 zeros.

Step 5: Place the decimal point
To convert the fraction into a decimal, we need to move the decimal point in the numerator (2036) three places to the left (because there are three zeros in 1000).

- Start with 2036, which can be thought of as 2036.0.
- Moving the decimal point three places to the left gives us:
- First move: 203.60
- Second move: 20.360
- Third move: 2.036

Step 6: Write the final answer
After moving the decimal point three places to the left, we get the decimal representation of the fraction:

Final Answer:
The decimal equivalent of 20361000 is 2.036.

