Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Write a composition (in approximately 450-500 words) on the following subject :
(You are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of material, use of appropriate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar.)
You had gone on a trekking expedition with a group of friends. As night closed in, you realised that you were separated from the group. Describe your initial feelings and the place where you got lost. How did you spend the night alone before you were reunited with your group? 

Text Solution
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This happened almost a week ago. We had just finished with our gruelling board exams. My friends and I had gone out to celebrate having survived the exams when Amit, my closest friend suggested we do something new, something that we will remember for the rest of our lives for we had realized that after getting our results, we would be going our separate ways to the colleges of our choices.
  This thought made the decision for us. We decided to go to Ladakh for a trekking expedition. Our parents agreed on the provision that we take along a guide with us. All seven of us packed our bags and booked tickets to Ladakh. Upon reaching, the tour instructor told us about the importance of being fit and prepared for the trek ahead. For a couple of days, we exercised with him and built up a bit of stamina.
  Finally, three days later, we started our trek up a craggy mountain. Having climbed quite a considerable height of the mountain, we made camps to spend the night. Upon completing all our chores, we bunked down in our tents and decided to sleep the exhaustion off. In the middle of the night however, I had to leave the camp to answer nature.s call.
I tried not to make any sound as everyone was pretty tired from the day.s adventure. Taking my flashlight with me, I left the clearing and walked to find a secluded spot. It was when I was trying to come back that I realized, I had gone farther than I should have !
I was lost! I sunk down on my knees in shock. The first thing I felt was panic. What if they left me behind ? What if I could never find my way out ? Trying to move past these sad feelings, I tried to make myself comfortable as it was very cold.
Thankfully, I had layered up completely before leaving my tent. I spent some time walking forward in the direction that I hoped was the campsite, but then I decided to wait for the sunrise. It would be better to let them start searching for me. I was feeling pretty hungry and extremely exhausted. I should have woken up Amit and brought him along. At least we could have found our way back together.
I prayed to God to help me reunite with my friends, all night. I don.t know when I fell asleep, but I remember waking up to my friends. voices, the next morning. I had only strayed a few meters away from the camp, and they had found me easily. I could not help thanking God!

Updated on:21/07/2023

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