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What is the coefficient of x100 in the expansion of (1+x+x2+x3+.....+x100)3

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To find the coefficient of x100 in the expansion of (1+x+x2+x3++x100)3, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the series
The series 1+x+x2+x3++x100 is a geometric series. The sum of a geometric series can be expressed as:
where n is the highest power of x. In this case, n=100. Therefore, we have:

Step 2: Raise the series to the power of 3
Now, we need to raise this sum to the power of 3:
This can be expanded using the binomial theorem:

Step 3: Expand each part
1. Expand (1x101)3:

2. Expand (1x)3 using the binomial series:
Here, (k+22) gives the coefficients for each power of x.

Step 4: Find the coefficient of x100
We need to find the coefficient of x100 in the product of the two expansions:
The coefficient of x100 comes only from the first term 1k=0(k+22)xk, since 3x101 will not contribute to x100.

Thus, we need to find (100+22):

Final Answer
The coefficient of x100 in the expansion of (1+x+x2++x100)3 is 5151.

