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Banana can be rapidly multiplied by


Multiple shoot production


Embryoid formation


Shoot tip culture.


Callus formation.

Video Solution
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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Banana Propagation:
- Bananas are commonly propagated through vegetative methods, primarily using suckers. Suckers are shoots that grow from the base of the banana plant.

2. Identifying Limitations of Sucker Propagation:
- While using suckers is a traditional method, it has limitations such as a slow rate of multiplication and the risk of transmitting viral diseases to the new plants.

3. Exploring Alternative Methods:
- To overcome the limitations of sucker propagation, alternative methods of propagation can be considered. These include embryoid formation, shoot tip culture, and callus formation.

4. Evaluating the Options:
- Multiple Fruit Production: This option does not directly relate to the rapid multiplication of banana plants.
- Embryoid Formation: This is a technique used in plant tissue culture but is not the most common method for bananas.
- Shoot Tip Culture: This method allows for the rapid multiplication of banana plants by producing multiple shoots from a small piece of the plant, which can be rooted to form new plants.
- Callus Formation: This is a process in tissue culture where a mass of undifferentiated cells is formed, but it is not specifically a method for rapid multiplication of bananas.

5. Conclusion:
- The most effective method for the rapid multiplication of bananas is through shoot tip culture, as it allows for the production of multiple shoots quickly and reduces the risk of disease transmission.

Final Answer: Banana can be rapidly multiplied by shoot tip culture.

