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Gene for resistance to late blight of potato has been obtained from


(a) Solanum vernei


(b) S. Stoloniferum


(c) S.acaule


(d) S.demissum

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Disease: The question is about the gene responsible for resistance to late blight in potatoes. Late blight is a significant disease caused by a fungus known as *Phytophthora infestans*.

2. Identifying the Gene: The gene that provides resistance to late blight is referred to as the RB gene. This gene is crucial for developing resistant potato varieties.

3. Source of the Gene: The RB gene is not found in all potato varieties. It is specifically obtained from a wild potato species known as *Solanum demissum*.

4. Application of Genetic Engineering: Scientists use genetic engineering techniques to transfer the RB gene from *Solanum demissum* into other potato varieties. This process creates genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that are resistant to late blight.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, the correct answer to the question of where the gene for resistance to late blight of potato has been obtained is *Solanum demissum*.

Final Answer: The gene for resistance to late blight of potato has been obtained from *Solanum demissum*.

