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Pathogen free plants can be obtained from


Shoot tip/bud culture


Callus formation


Embryoid formation


All the above.

Video Solution
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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question: The question asks about the source from which pathogen-free plants can be obtained.

2. Identifying the Options: The options provided are:
- Shoot tip
- Bud culture
- Callus formation
- Embryo formation

3. Explaining Tissue Culture: Pathogen-free plants are typically obtained through a technique known as tissue culture or tissue propagation. This involves using specific parts of the plant that are free from pathogens.

4. Choosing the Right Plant Parts: The meristematic tissues (shoot meristem or root meristem) are chosen for this process because they are actively dividing and are generally free from pathogens.

5. Culturing the Meristem: The selected meristematic tissue is placed in a culture medium, which often includes nutrients and growth regulators (like coconut water).

6. Formation of Callus: After a period of growth in the culture medium, a mass of undifferentiated cells known as callus is formed. This callus can then differentiate into various plant tissues.

7. Differentiation into Plantlets: The callus undergoes further differentiation to form embryoids, which eventually develop into small plantlets.

8. Micropropagation: The small plantlets can then be taken out of the lab and planted in soil, a process referred to as micropropagation.

9. Conclusion: Since all the mentioned options (shoot tip, bud culture, callus formation, and embryo formation) can be used to obtain pathogen-free plants, the correct answer is all of the above.
