The area of a sector of a circle with central angle is A. The circumference of the circle is C. then A is equal to:
केन्द्रीय कोण वाले किसी वृत्त-खंड का क्षेत्रफल A है। वृत्त की परिधि C है। तो A किसके समान होगा?
To solve the problem, we need to find the area A of a sector of a circle with a central angle of 60∘ in terms of the circumference C of the circle.
1. Understand the relationship between the circumference and radius:
The circumference C of a circle is given by the formula:
where r is the radius of the circle.
2. Express the radius in terms of the circumference:
Rearranging the formula for circumference, we can express the radius r as:
3. Calculate the area of the sector:
The area A of a sector of a circle with a central angle θ (in degrees) is given by the formula:
For θ=60∘:
4. Substitute the expression for r:
Now substitute r=C2π into the area formula:
Simplifying this:
5. Conclusion:
Thus, the area A of the sector is:
Final Answer:
The area A is equal to C224π.
The circumference C of a circle is given by the formula:
where r is the radius of the circle.
Rearranging the formula for circumference, we can express the radius r as:
The area A of a sector of a circle with a central angle θ (in degrees) is given by the formula:
For θ=60∘:
Now substitute r=C2π into the area formula:
Simplifying this:
Thus, the area A of the sector is:
The area A is equal to C224π.
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