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A steady current is flowing in a circular coil of radius R, made up of a thin conducting wire. The magnetic field at the centre of the loop is BL. Now, a circular loop of radius R/n is made from the same wire without changing its length, by unfounding and refolding the loop, and the same current is passed through it. If new magnetic field at the centre of the coil is BC, then the ratio BL/BC is









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To solve the problem, we need to find the ratio of the magnetic fields BLBC at the center of two circular loops made from the same wire but with different radii.

1. Magnetic Field at the Center of the Original Loop (B_L):
The magnetic field at the center of a circular loop of radius R carrying a current I is given by the formula:
where μ0 is the permeability of free space.

2. Length of the Wire:
The length of the wire used to make the original loop is:

3. New Loop with Radius Rn:
When the wire is refolded to form a new loop of radius Rn, the length of the wire remains the same. The circumference of the new loop is:

4. Number of Turns (n):
Since the length of the wire remains constant, we can find the number of turns n in the new loop:

5. Magnetic Field at the Center of the New Loop (B_C):
The magnetic field at the center of the new loop with n turns and radius Rn is given by:

6. Finding the Ratio BLBC:
Now we can find the ratio of the two magnetic fields:

Final Result:
Thus, the ratio BLBC is:
