Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Draw a neat and well labelled diagram for the silver plating on an iron spoon.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To draw a neat and well-labeled diagram for the silver plating on an iron spoon, follow these steps:

1. Draw the Setup:
- Start by drawing a rectangular container to represent the electroplating cell. This container will hold the electrolyte solution.

2. Add the Electrolyte:
- Inside the container, draw a wavy line to indicate the silver nitrate (AgNO3) aqueous solution. Label this as "Silver Nitrate Solution".

3. Draw the Iron Spoon:
- On one side of the container, draw the iron spoon. Make sure to label it as "Iron Spoon (Cathode)".

4. Draw the Silver Plate:
- On the opposite side of the container, draw a thin rectangular shape to represent the silver plate. Label this as "Silver Plate (Anode)".

5. Add the Battery:
- Above the container, draw a battery symbol. Connect the positive terminal of the battery to the silver plate (anode) and the negative terminal to the iron spoon (cathode).

6. Indicate Electron Flow:
- Draw arrows to indicate the flow of electrons from the battery to the iron spoon. Label this as "Electron Flow".

7. Indicate Ion Movement:
- Draw arrows from the silver plate towards the iron spoon to show the movement of silver ions (Ag⁺) from the solution to the spoon. Label this as "Ag⁺ Ions".

8. Label the Components:
- Ensure all components are clearly labeled: the container, the electrolyte solution, the iron spoon, the silver plate, and the battery.

Final Diagram:
- Your final diagram should clearly show the electroplating setup with all components labeled correctly.
