Motion of the Centre of Mass
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View SolutionSeparation of Motion of a system of particles into motion of the centre of mass and motion about the centre of mass :
(a) Show P=Pi+miV
where pi is the momentum of the ith particle (of mass mi) and pi=mivt Notevi is the velocity of the ith particle relative to the centre of mass.
Also, prove using the definition of the centre of mass ∑pt=0
(b) Show K=K'+1/2MV2
where K is the total kinetic energy of the system of particles. K' is the total kinetic energy of the system when the particle velocities are taken with respect to the centre of mass and MV2/2 is the kinetic energy of the translation of the system as a whole (i.e. of the centre of mass motion of the system). The result has been used in Sec. 7.14.
(c ) Show L=L'+R×MV
where L'=∑r't×p't is the angular momentum of the system about the centre of mass with velocities taken relative to the centre of mass. Remember r'i=ri−R, rest of the notation is the standard notation used in the chapter. Note L' and MR×V can be said to be angular momenta, respectively, about and of the centre of mass of the system of particles.
(d) Show dL'dt=∑r'i×dp'dt
Further, show that
where τext is the sum of all external torques acting on the system about the centre of mass.
(Hint : Use the definition of centre of mass and third law of motion. Assume the internal forces between any two particles act along the line joining the particles.)
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Knowledge Check
Two bodies AandB initially at rest are attrached towards each other due to gravitation. Given that A is much heavier. Than B. Which of the followings correctly describes the relative motion of the centre of mass of the bodies ?
Ait moves towards ABit moves towards BCit moves perpendicular to the line joining the particlesDit remains at rest.A man inside a freely falling box throws a heavy ball towards a side wall. The ball keeps on bouncing between the opposite walls of the box. We neglect air resistance and friciton. Which of the following figures depicts the motion of the centre of mass of the entire system (man, the ball and the box)?
ABCDThe position of the centre of mass of a cube of uniform mass density will be at
Athe centre of one faceBthe centre of the interaction of diagonals of one face.Cthe geometric centre of the cubeDthe edge of a cube
In a certain (25)th of the energy of molecules is associated with the ratation of molecules and the rest of it is associated with the motion of the centre of mass.
(a) What is the average translational energy of one such molecule when the temperature id 27∘C ?
(b) How much energy must be supplied to one mole of thsi gas constant volume to raise the temperature by 1∘C ?
View SolutionFigure (a) and (b) shows two different arrangements of a spool being pulled with a constant force F in each case. Identify the direction of motion of the centre of mass, and the direction of friction force in each case.
a. The CM moves along……………….x-axis .
b. The friction force acts along…………………. x-axis.
c. The CM moves along .....x-axis.
d. The friction force acts along…………….. x-axis.
View SolutionIn a certain (25)th of the energy of molecules is associated with the ratation of molecules and the rest of it is associated with the motion of the centre of mass.
(a) What is the average translational energy of one such molecule when the temperature id 27∘C ?
(b) How much energy must be supplied to one mole of thsi gas constant volume to raise the temperature by 1∘C ?
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