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With a neat labelled diagram, explain the working of a solar cell. Give its output characterisitics.

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A solar cell is an unbiased pn-junction diode that converts sunlight directly into electricity.
Woking : When exposed to sunlight, the absorption incident radiation (in the range near-UV to infrared) creates elecron-hole pairs in and near the depletion layer.
Consider light of fequency v incident on the pn-junction such that the incident photon energy hv is greater than the band gap energy EG of the semiconductor. The photons excite electrons from the valence band to the conduction band, leaving vacancies or holes in the valence band, thus generating electron-hole pairs.
The photogenerated electron and holes move towards the n side and p side, respectively. if no external load is connected, these photo-generated charge through the external load as long as the solar cell is exposed to sunlight. ltbr gt output characteristics : The input characteristics, I-V curve, of a solar cell is plotted y varying the load resistance (RL) from zero to infinity and measuring the corresponding current and voltage.
