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Complete Solutions to General Kinematics of chapter GENERAL KINEMATICS AND MOTION IN ONE DIMENSION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

A2ZGeneral Kinematics
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The definition of average velocity is.

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  2. A particle moves along a straight line path. After some time it comes to rest. The motion is with constant acceleration whose direction with respect to the direction of velocity is :

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  3. A particle moves with a uniform velocity. Which of the following statements about the motion of particle is correct ?

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  4. In `1.0 s`, a particle goes from point `A` to point `B` , moving in a semicircle of radius `1.0 m ` (see figure ). The magnitude of the average velocity

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  5. The ratio of the numerical values of the average velocity and average speed of a body is always.

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  6. A lift is coming from `8th` floor and is just about to reach `4th` floor. Taking ground floor as origin and positive direction upwards for all quantities, which one of the following is correct ?

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  7. In one dimensional motion, instantaneous speed `v` satisfies `(0 le v lt v_0)`.

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  8. The displacement of a particle moving along x-axis is given by :
    `x = a + bt + ct^2`
    The acceleration of the particle is.

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  9. A particle moves along a straight line such that its displacement at any time t is given by `s=t^3-6t^2+3t+4` m. Find the velocity when the acceleration is zero.

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  10. The relation between time t and displacement x is `t = alpha x^2 + beta x,` where `alpha and beta` are constants. The retardation is

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  11. A particle travels first half of the total distance with constant speed `v_1` and second half with constant speed `v_2.` Find the average speed during the complete journey.

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  12. A car completes its journey in a straight line in three equal parts with speeds `v_1,v_2 and v_3` respectively. The average speed `v` is given by :

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  13. A man walks `8 m` towards east and `6 m` towards north. The magnitude of displacement is :

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  14. The position vector of a particle is determined by the expression `vec r = 3t^2 hat i+ 4t^2 hat j + 7 hat k`. The displacement travelled in first `10` seconds is :

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  15. A frog walking in a narrow lane takes `5` leaps forward and `3` leaps backward, then again `5` leaps forward and `3` leaps backward, and so on. Each leap is `1 m` long and requires `1 s`. Determine how long the frog takes to fall in a pit `13 m` away from the starting point.

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  16. A particle moving in a straight line covers half the distance with speed of `3 m//s`. The other half of the distance is covered in two equal time intervals with speed of `4.5 m//s and 7.5 m//s` respectively. The average speed of the particle during this motion is :

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  17. A car covers `(1)/(3)` part of total distance with a speed of `20 km hr^-1` and second `(1)/(3)` part with a speed of `30 km hr^-1` and the last `(1)/(3)` part with a speed of `60 km hr^-1`. The average speed of the car is.

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  18. Two particles are `100 m` apart and start approaching each other with constant velocities of `2 m//s and 3 m//s`. The particles will meet after.

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  19. In the above question what are the distance travelled by each of them till they meet ?

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  20. Two cars starts out simultaneously from a point in the same direction, one of them going at a speed of `50 kmhr^-1` and the other at `40 kmhr^-1`. In half an hour a third car starts out from the same point and overtakes the first car `1.5` hours after catching up with the second car. The speed of the third car is.

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  21. A radius vector of point A relative to the origin varies with time t as `vec r = at hat i - bt^2 hat j` where `a and b` are constant. The equation of point's trajectory is.

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  22. An engineer works at a factory out os town. A car is sent for him from the factory every day and arrives at the railway station at the same time as the train. One day the engineer arrived at the station one our before his usual time and without waiting for the car, started walking towards factory. On his way he met the car and reached his factory `10` minutes before the usual time. For how much time (in minutes) did the engineer walk before the met the car ? (The car moves with the same speed everyday.)

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  23. A man moves on his motorbike with `54 km//h` and then takes a U-turn and continues to move with same velocity The time of U-turn is `10 s`. Find the magnitude of average acceleration during U-turn.

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  24. If `v = x^2 - 5x + 4`, find the acceleration of the particle when velocity of the particle is zero.

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  25. A particle is moving eastwards with velocity of `5 m//s`. In `10 sec` the velocity changes to `5 m//s` northwards. The average acceleration in this time is.

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  26. A particle is moving eastwards with a velocity of ` 5 m//s`. In `10 s` the velocity changes to `5 m//s` northwards. The average acceleration in this time is

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  27. A particle moves along `x` axis in such a way that its coordinate `x` varies with time `t` according to the equation `x = A_0 - A_1 t + A_2 t^2`. The initial velocity of the particle is.

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  28. Mr. Verma drives his car at uniform speed from bottom of a mountain to the top in `30` minutes along a helical path as shown.
    At the beginning the speedometer of his car shows `6225 km`, while on reaching the top it reads `6285 km`. (Take upward as positive y-axis and positive x-axis towards right) The total distance covered is.

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  29. In previous question, his displacement vector during the journey is :

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  30. In `Q.28`, the average velocity during the journey is :

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General Kinematics questions and complete solutions for chapter GENERAL KINEMATICS AND MOTION IN ONE DIMENSION of A2Z PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11