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Complete Solutions to NEET Questions of chapter THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

A2ZNEET Questions
Number Of Questions47
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A cylindrical rod having temperature `T_(1)` and `T_(2)` at its ends. The rate of flow of heat is `Q_(1) cal//sec`. If all the linear dimensions are doubled keeping temperature constant, then rate of flow of heat `Q_(2)` will be

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  2. A body of length `1 m` having cross sectional area `0.75 m^(2)` has heat flow through it at the rate of `6000 "Joule"//sec`. Then find the temperature difference if `K = 200 Jm^(-1) K^(-1)`.

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  3. The energy supply being cut-off, an electric heater element cools down to the temperature of its surrounding, but it will not cool further because

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  4. A rectangular body has maximum wavelength `lambda_(m)` at `2000 K`. Its corresponding wavelength at `3000 K` will be

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  5. The temperature of the body is increased from `-73^(@)C` to `357^(@)C`, the ratio of energy emitted per second is

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  6. Triple point of water is

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  7. Which of the following is the example of ideal black body?

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  8. Two identical metal balls at temperature `200^(@)C` and `400^(@)C` kept in air at `27^(@)C`. The ratio of net heat loss by these bodies is

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  9. A black body at a temperature of `227^(@)C` radiates heat at a rate of `20 cal m^(-2)s^(-1)`. When its temperature is raised to `727^(@)C` the radiated by it in cal `m^(-2)s^(-1)` will be closet to

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  10. Newton's law of cooling is used in laboratory for the determination of the

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  11. Consider a compound slab consisting of two different material having equal thickness and thermal conductivities `K` and `2K` respectively. The equivalent thermal conductivity of the slab is

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  12. Heat travels through vaccum by

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  13. We consider the radition emitted by the human body which of the following statements is true?

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  14. Mercury boils at `367^(@)C`. However, mercury thermometers are made such that they can measure temperature up to `500^(@)C`. This is done by

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  15. A steel scale measures the length of a copper wire as `80.0 cm` when both area at `20^(@)C` (the calibration temperature for scale). What would be the scale read for the length of the wire when both are at `40^(@)C`? (Given `alpha_("steel") = 11 xx 10^(-6) per ^(@)C` and `alpha_("copper") = 17 xx 10^(-6) per^(@)C`)

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  16. If the temperature of the sun (black body) is doubled, the rate of energy received on earth will be increase by a factor of

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  17. If `lambda_(m)` denotes the wavelength at which the radiative emission from a black body at a temperature `T K` is maximum, then

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  18. Which of the following circular rods (given radius `r` and length `l`) each made of the same material and whose ends are maintained at the same temperature will conduct most heat?

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  19. The temperature of inversion of a thermocouple is `620^(@)C` and the neutral temperature is `300^(@)C`. What is the temperature of cold junction?

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  20. A black body at `1227^(@)C` emits radiations with maximum intensity at a wavelength of `5000 Å`. If the temperature of the body is increased by `1000^(@)`, the maximum intensity will be observed at

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  21. A black body is at `727^(@)C`. It emits energy at a rate which is proportional to

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  22. If the cold junction of thermocouple is kept at `0^(@)C` and the hot junction is kept at `T^(@)C`, then the relation between neutral temperature `(T_(n))` and temperature of inversion `(T_(i))` is

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  23. Assuming the sun to have a spherical outer surface of radius `r` radiating like a black body at temperature `t^(@)C`. The power received by a unit surface (normal to the incident rays) at a distance `R` from the centre of the sun is
    where `sigma` is the Stefan's constant.

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  24. On a new scale of temperature (which is linear) and called the `W` scale. The freezing and boiling points of water are `39^(@)W` and `239^(@)W` respectively. What will be the temperature on the new scale, corresponding to a temperature of `39^(@)C` on the Celsius scale?

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  25. An electric kettle takes `4 A` current at `220 V`. How much time will it take to boil `1 kg` of wate from temperature `20^(@)C`? The temperature of boiling water is `100^(@)C`

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  26. The two ends of a rod of length `L` and a uniform cross-sectional area `A` are kept at two temperature `T_(1)` and `T_(2)` `(T_(1) gt T_(2))`. The rate of heat transfer. `(dQ)/(dt)`, through the rod in a steady state is given by

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  27. A black body at `227^(@)C` radiates heat at the rate of cal `cm^(-2) s^(-1)`. At a temperature of `727^(@)C`, the rate of heat radiated in the same unit will be

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  28. A cylindrical metallic rod in thermal contact with two reservation of heat at its two ends conducts an amount of heat `Q` in time `t`. The metallic rod is melted and the material is formed into a rod of half the radius of the original rod. What is the amount of heat conducted by the new rod when placed in thermal contact with the two reservation in time t?

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  29. The total radiant energy per unit area, normal to the direction of incidence, received at a distance `R` from the centre of a star of radius `r` whose outer surface radiates as a black body at a temperature `T K` is given by
    (where `sigma` is Stefan's constant)

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  30. If the radius of a star is `R` and it acts as a black body, what would b the temperature of the star, in which the rate of energy production is `Q`?

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  31. Liquid oxygen at `50 K` is heated to `300 K` at constant pressure of `1 atm`. The rate of heating is constant. Which of the following graphs represents the variation of temperature with time?

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  32. A slab of stone of area of `0.36 m^(2)` and thickness `0.1 m` is exposed on the lower surface to steam at `100^(@)C`. A block of ice at `0^(@)C` rests on the upper surface of the slab. In one hour `4.8 kg` of ice is melted. The thermal conductivity of slab is
    (Given latent heat of fusion of ice `= 3.63 xx 10^(5) J kg^(-1)`)

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  33. A piece of iron is heated in a flame. It first becomes dull red then becomes reddish yellow and finally turns to white hot. The correct explanation for the above observation is possible by using.

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  34. The molar specific heats of an ideal gas at constant pressure and volume are denotes by `C_(P)` and `C_(upsilon)` respectively. If `gamma = (C_(P))/(C_(upsilon))` and `R` is the universal gas constant, then `C_(upsilon)` is equal to

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  35. Steam at `100^(@)C` is passed into `20 g` of water at `10^(@)C` when water acquire a temperature of `80^(@)C`, the mass of water present will be
    [Take specific heat of water `= 1 cal g^(-1).^(@) C^(-1)` and latent heat of steam ` = 540 cal g^(-1)`]

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  36. Certain quantity of water cools from `70^(@)C` to `60^(@)C` in the first `5` minutes and to `54^(@)C` in the next `5` minutes. The temperature of the surrounding is

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  37. On observing light from three different stars `P`, `Q` and `R`, it was found that intensity of violet colour is maximum in the spectrum of `P`, the intensity of green colour is maximum in the spectrum of `R` and the intensity of red colour is maximum in the spectrum of `Q`. if `T_(P)`, `T_(Q)` and `T_(R)` are respective absolute temperature of `P`, `Q` and `R`. then it can be concluded from the above observation that

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  38. The two ends of a metal rod are maintained at temperature `100^(@)C` and `110^(@)C`. The rate of heat flow in the rod is found to be `4.0 J//s`. If the ends are maintained at temperature s `200^(@)C` and `210^(@)C`. The rate of heat flow will be

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  39. The value of coefficient of volume expansion of glycerin is `5 xx 10^(-4) K^(-1)`. The fractional change in the density of glycerin for a rise of `40^(@)C` in its temperature is

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  40. A black body is at a temperature of `5760 K`. The energy of radiation emitted by the body at wavelength `250 nm` is `U_(1)` at wavelength `500 nm` is `U_(2)` and that at `1000 nm` is `U_(3)`. Wien's consant, `b = 2.88 xx 10^(6) nmK`. Which of the following is correct?

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  41. Coefficient of linear expansion of brass and steel rods are `alpha_(1)` and `alpha_(2)`. Length of brass and steel rods are `l_(1)` and `l_(2)` respectively. If `(l_(2) - l_(1))` is maintained same at all temperature, which one of the following relations holds good?

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  42. A piece of ice falls from a height `h` so that it melts completely. Only one-quarter of the heat produced is absobed by the ice and all energy of ice gets converted into heat during its fall. The value of `h` is
    [Latent heat of ice is `3.4 xx 10^(5) J//kg` and `g = 10 N//kg`]

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  43. Two identical bodies are made of a material for which the heat capacity increases with temperature. One of these is at `100^(@)C`. While the other one is at `0^(@)C`. If the two bodies are brought into contact, then assuming no heat loss, the final common temperature is

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  44. A body cools from a temperature `3 T` to `2 T` in `10` minutes. The room temperature is `T`. Assume that Newton's law of cooling is applicable. The temperature of the body at the end of next `10` minutes will be

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  45. Two rods `A` and `B` of different materials are welded together as shown in figure. Their thermal conductivities are `K_(1)` and `K_(2)`. The thermal conductivity of the composite rod will be

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  46. A spherical black body with a radius of 12 cm radiates 450 W power at 500 K. If the radius were halved and the temperature doubled, the power radiated in watt would be
    (a)225 (b)450
    (c) 900 (d)1800

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  47. The energy spectrum f a black body exhibits a maximum around a wavelength `lamda_0`. The temperature of the black body is now changed such that the energy is maximum around a wavelength `3 lamda_0//4`. The power radiated by the black body will now increase by a factor of

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NEET Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER of A2Z PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11