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Complete Solutions to AIIMS Questions of chapter WAVES AND ACOUSTICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

A2ZAIIMS Questions
Number Of Questions55
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Assertion : Compression and rarefaction involve changes in density and pressure.
    Reason : When particles are compressed, density of medium increases and when they are rarefied, density of medium decreases.

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  2. Assertion : Sound would travel faster on a not summer day than on a cold winter day,
    Reason : Velocity of sound is directly proportional to the square of its absolute temperature.

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  3. Assertion : The basic of Laplace correction was that, exchange of heat between the region of compression and rarefaction in air is not possible.
    Reason : Air is a bad conductor of heat and velocity of sound in air is large.

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  4. Assertion : When we start filling an empty bucket with water, the pitch of sound produced goes on decreasing.
    Reason : The frequency of man voice is usually higher than of woman.

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  5. Assertion : Solids can support both longitudinal and transverse waves but only longitudinal waves can propagate in gases.
    Reason : For the propagation of transverse waves, medium must also necessarily have the property of rigidity.

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  6. Assertion : Under given conditions of pressure and temperature, sound travels faster in a monoatomic gas than in diatomic gas.
    Reason : Opposition for wave to travel is more in a monoatomic gas than in diatomic gas.

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  7. Assertion : The speed of soun in solids is maximum though density is large.
    Reason : The coefficient of elasticity of solid is large.

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  8. Assertion : On a rainy day sound travel slower than on a dry day.
    Reason : When moisture is present in air the density of air increases.

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  9. Assertion : To hear distinct beats, difference in frequencies of two sources should be less than `10`.
    Reason : More the number of beats per sec more difficult it is to hear them.

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  10. Assertion : Sound produced by an open organ pipe is richer than the sound produced by pipe from both ends, in case of oper organ pipe.

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  11. Assertion : It is not possible to have interference between the waves produced by two violins.
    Reason : For interference of two waves the phase difference between the wave must remain constant.

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  12. Assertion : Beats can also be observed by two light sourcesas in sound.
    Reason : Light sources have constant phase deference.

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  13. Assertion : In the case of a stationary wave, a person hear a loud sound at the nodes as compared to the particles of the medium vibrate in phases.

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  14. Assertion : Velocity of particles, while crossing mean position (in stationary waves) varies from maximum at antinodes to zero at nodes.

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  15. Assertion : Where two vibrating tuning forks having frequencies `256 Hz` and `512 Hz` are held near each other, beats cannot be heard.
    Reason : The principle of superposition is valid only if the frequencies of the oscillators are nearly equal.

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  16. Assertion : The fundamental frequency of an open organ pipe increases as the temperature increases, the velocity of sound increases more rapidly than length of the pipe.

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  17. A is singing a note and at the same time B is singing a note with exactly one eighth the frequency of the note of A. The energies of two sounds are equal, the amplitude of the note of B is

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  18. The tension in a piano wire is `10 N`. The tension ina piano wire to produce a node of double frequency is

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  19. In a sinusoidal wave the time required for a particular point to move from equilibrium position to maximum displacement is `0.17s`, then the frequency of wave is:

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  20. Two sound waves have phase difference of `60^(@)`, then they will have the path difference of:

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  21. A siren emitting sound of frequency `800Hz` is going away from a static listener with a speed of `30 m//s`. frequency of sound to be heard by the listener is: `("velocity of sound" = 330 m//s)`

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  22. The velocities of sound at same temperature in two monoatomic gases densities `rho_(1)` and `rho_(2)` are `v_(1)` and `v_(2)` respectively , if `(rho_(1))/(rho_(2)) = 4 `, then the value of `(v_(1))/(v_(2))` will be

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  23. The equation of a sound wave is `y=0.0015sin(62.4x+316t)` the wavelength of this wave is

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  24. A wave representing by the equation `y = a cos(kx - omegat)` is suerposed with another wave to form a stationary wave such that point `x = 0` is a node. The equation for the other wave is

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  25. A string in a musical instrument is `50 cm` long and its fundamental frequency is `800 Hz`. If the frequency of `1000 Hz` is to be produced then required length of spring is

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  26. The diagram below shows the propagation of a wave. Which points are in same phase?

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  27. Water waves are

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  28. An organ pipe is closed at one end has fundamental frequency of 1500 Hz. The maximum number of overtones generated by this pipe which a normal person can hear is

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  29. In the `5th` overtone of an open organ pipe, these are (N-stands for nodes and A- for antinodes)

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  30. Two waves are propagating to the point P along a straight line produced by two sources A and B of simple harmonic and of equal frequency. The amplitude of every wave at P is `a` and the phase of A is ahead by `pi//3` than that of B and the distance AP is greater than BP by `50 cm`. Then the resultant amplitude at the point P will be if the wavelength `1` meter

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  31. An open pipe is suddenly closed at one end with the result that the frequency of third harmonic of the closed pipe is found to be higher by `100 Hz` then the fundamental frequency of the open pipe. The fundamental frequency of the open pipe is

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  32. A person speaking normally produces a sound intensity of `40 dB` at a distance of `1 m`. If the threshold intensity for reasonable audibility is `20 dB`, the maximum distance at which he can be heard cleary is.

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  33. A closed organ pipe of length 1.2 m vibrates in its first overtone mode. The pressure variation is maximum at

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  34. The ratio of intensities between two coherent sound sources is `4:1` the difference of loudness in decibels between maximum and minimum intensities, when they interfere in space, is

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  35. A fork A has frequency `2%` more than the standard fork and B has a frequency `3%` less than the frequency of same standard frok. The forks A and B when sounded together produced 6 beats/s. The frequency of fork A is

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  36. A source of sound S is moving with a velocity of `50m//s` towards a stationary observer. The observer measures the frequency of the source as 1000 Hz. What will be the apparent frequency of the source as 1000 Hz. What will be the apparent frequency of the source when it is moving away from the observer after crossing him? The velocity of the sound in the medium is `350m//s`

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  37. The fundamental of a closed pipe is 220 Hz. If `(1)/(4)` of the pipe is filled with water, the frequency of the first overtone of the pipe now is

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  38. A transverse sinusoidal wave of amplitude `a`, wavelength `lambda` and frequency `f` is travelling on a stretched string. The maximum speed of any point in the string is `v//10`, where `v` is the speed of propagation of the wave. If `a = 10^(-3)m` and `v = 10ms^(-1)`, then `lambda` and `f` are given by

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  39. Three similar wires of frequency `n_(1),n_(2)` and `n_(3)` are joined to make one wire. Its frequency will be

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  40. The velocity of sound waves in air is `330m//s`. For a particluar sound in air, a path difference of `40 cm` is equivalent to a phase difference of `1.6pi`. The frequency of this wave is

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  41. A person carrying a whistle emitting continuously a note of `272 Hz` is runnig towards a reflecting surface with a speed of `18km//h`. The speed of sound in air is `345ms^(-1)` The number of beats heard by him is

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  42. A wave packet with angular frequency `omega_0` is propagating in dispersive medium with phase velocity of `1.5xx10^3m//s`. When the frequency is increased by `2%`, the phase velocity is found to decrease by `3%` what is the group velocity of the wave packet?

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  43. When a stretched wire and a tuning fork are sounded together, `5` beats per second are produced, when length of wire is `95 cm` or `100 cm`, frequency of the fork is

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  44. Assertion: soldiers are asked to break steps while crossing the bridge.
    Reason: The frequency of marching may be equal to the natural frequency of bridge and may lead to resonance which can break the bridge.

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  45. Assertion: Speed of wave `(wave l ength)/(timeperiod)`
    Reason: Wavelength is the distance between two nearest particles in phase.

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  46. Assertion: The flash of lightening is sees before the sound of thunder is heard.
    Reason: Speed of sound is greater than speed of light.

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  47. Asserion: When a beetle moves along the sand within a few tens of centimeters of a sand scorpion, the scorpion immedeately turn towards the beetle and dashes to it.
    Reason: When a beetle disturbs the sand, it sends pulses along the sand surface one set of pulses in londitudinal while other set is transvers.

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  48. Assertion: Sound travels faster in solids than gases.
    Reason: Solid possesses greater density than gases.

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  49. Assertion: The change in air pressure effects the speed of sound.
    Reason: The speed of sound in gases is proportional to the square of pressure.

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  50. Assertion: The fundamental frequency of an open organ pipe increases as the temperature is increased.
    Reason: As the temperature increases, the velocity of sound increases more rapidly than length of the pipe.

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  51. Assertion: In a stationary wave, there is no transfer of energy.
    Reason: There is no outward motion of the distubance from one particle to adjoing particle in a stationary wave.

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  52. Assertion : It is not possible to have interference between the waves produced by two violins.
    Reason : For interference of two waves the phase difference between the wave must remain constant.

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  53. Assertion: Transverse waves are not produced in liquids and gases.
    Reason: Light waves are transverse waves.

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  54. Assertion: Water waves in a river are not polarized.
    Reason: Water waves are longitudinal in nature.

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  55. Assertion: In a string wave, during reflection from fix boundary, the reflected wave is inverted.
    Reason: The force on string by clamp is in downward direction while string is pulling the clamp is upward direction.

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AIIMS Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVES AND ACOUSTICS of A2Z PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11