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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter TRAVELLING WAVES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions9
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A transverse mechanical harmonic wave is travelling on a string. Maximum velocity and maximum acceleration of a particle on the string are `3m//s` and `90 m//s^(2)`, respectively. If the wave is travelling with a speed of `20 m//s` on the string, write wave function describing the wave. \

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  2. The equation of a travelling plane sound wave has the form `y=60 cos (1800t-5.3x)`, where y is in micrometers, t in seconds and x in meters. Find
    (a). The ratio of the displacement amplitude with which the particle of the medium oscillate to the wavelength,
    (b).the velocity oscillation amplitude of particles of the medium and its ratio to the wave propagation velocity , (c ).the oscillation amplitude of relative deformation of the medium and its relation to the velocity oscillation amplitude of particles of the medium, (d). the particle acceleration amplitude.

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  3. One end of each of two identical springs, each of force constant `0.5N//m` are attached on the opposite sides the a wooden block of mass `0.01kg`. The other ends of the spring are connected to separate rigid supports such that the springs are unstrtched and are collinear in a horizontal plane. To the wooden piece is fixed a pointer which touches a vertically moving plane paper. The wooden piece kept on a smooth horizontal table is now displaced by `0.02m` along the line of springs and released. If the speed of paper is `0.1m//s`, find the equation of the path traced by the pointer on the paper and the distance between two consecutive maximum on this path.

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  4. A wave pulse starts propagating in the +x-direction along a non-uniform wire of length 10 m with mass per unit length given by `mu=mu_(0)+az` and under a tension of 100 N. find the time taken by a pulse to travel from the lighter end (x=0) to the heavier end. `(mu_(0)=10^(2) kg//m and a=9xx10^(-3)kg//m^(2)).

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  5. When a train of plane wave traverses a medium, individual particles execute periodic motion given by the equation
    `y 4sin(pi)/(2)(2t x/8)`
    Where the length are expressed in centimetres and time in seconds. Calculate the amplitute, wavelength, (a) the phase different for two positions of the same particle which are occupied at time interval 0.4 s apart and (b) the phase difference at any given instant of two particle 12 cm apart.

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  6. How long will it take sound waves to travel the distance l between the point A and B if the air temperature between them varies linearly from `T_(1) to T_(2)`? The velocity of sound propagation in air is equal to `v asqrtT` where a is a constant.

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  7. A wave of frequency f =1000 Hz, propagates at a velocity `v=700 m//s` along the x-axis.
    (a). What is the wavelength of the wave?
    (b). Find all the points at a given time, at which the phase of the wave exceeds the phase at the origin by `pi//3` radian.
    (c ) Find the phase gained at a given point x during a time interval `Deltat 0.5xx10^(-3)s`.

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  8. The equation of a progressive wave is give by `y=0.20 sin 2pi(60t-x//5)` where x and y are in metres and t is in seconds. Find the phase difference (a) between two particles separted by a distance of `Deltax=125 cm, and (b) between the two instants `(1//120 s and 1//40 s`, for any particle.

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  9. Shows a snapshot of a sinusoidal travelling wave taken at `t=0.3s`. The wavelength is 7.5 cm and amplitude is 2 cm. if the crest P was at x=0 at t=0, write the equation of travelling wave.

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter TRAVELLING WAVES of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11