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Complete Solutions to Solved Example of chapter CALORIMETRY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions13
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A colorimeter contains `400 g` of water at a temperature of `5^(@)C`. Then, `200 g` of water at a temperature of `+10^(@)C` and `400 g` of ice at a temperature of `-60^(@)C` are added. What is the final temperature of the contents of calorimeter?
    Specific heat capacity of water `-1000` cal`//kg//K`
    Specific latent heat of fusion of ice `=80xx1000` cal`//kg`
    Relative specific heat of ice `=0.5`

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  2. In an insulated vessel, `25g` of ice at `0^(@)C` is added to `600g` of water at `18.0^(@)C`.a. What is the final temperature of the system? B. How much ice remains when the system reaches equilibrium?

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  3. A solar cooker consists of a curved reflecting surface that concentrates sunlight onto the object to Earth's surface at the location is `6W//m^(2)`. The cooker face the sun and has a face diameter of `0.600m`. Assume `40.0%` of the incident energy is tranferred to `0.500L` of water in an open container, initially at `20.0^(@)C`. Over what time interval does the water completely boil away? (Ignore the heat capacity of the container.)

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  4. An iron wire AB of length `3 m` at `0^(@)C` is stretched between the oppsote walls of a brass casing at `0^(@)C`. The diameter of the wire is `0.6mm`. What extra tension will be set up in the wire when the temperature of the system is rasied to `40^(@)C`?
    Given `a_("brass")=18xx10^(-6)//k`

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  5. A composite rod is made by joining a copper rod, end to end, with a second rod of different material but of the same area of cross section. At `25^(@)C`, the composite rod is `1 m` long and the copper rod is `30 cm` long. At `125^(@)C` the length of the composte rod increases by `1.91 mm`. When the composite rod is prevented from expanding by bolding it between two rigid walls, it is found that the constituent reds have remained unchanged in length in splite of rise of temperature. Find yong's modulus and the coefficient of linear expansion of the second red (Y of copper `=1.3xx10^(10) N//m^(2)` and `a` of copper `=17xx10^(-6)//K`).

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  6. How should `1 kg` of water at `50^(@)C` be divided in two parts such that if one part is turned into ice at `0^(@)C`. It would release sufficient amount of heat to vapourize the other part. Given that latent heat of fusion of ice is `3.36xx10^(5) J//Kg`. Latent heat of vapurization of water is `22.5xx10^(5) J//kg` and specific heat of water is `4200 J//kg K`.

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  7. A layer of ice of `0^(@)C` of thickness `x_(1)` is floating on a pond. If the atmospheric temperature is `-7^(@)C`. Show that the time taken for thickness of the layer of ice to increase from `x_(1)` to `x_(2)` is given by
    where p is the density of ice, k its thermal conductivity and L is the latent heat of fusion of ice.

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  8. A cylindrical rod of heat capacity `120 J//K` in a room temperature `27^(@)C` is heated internally by heater of power `250W`, The steady state temperature attained by the rod is `37^(@)C`. Fin the following:
    (a) The initial rate of increse in temperature
    (b) The steady state rate of emission of radiant heat.
    If the heater is switched off, find
    (c) The initial rate of decrease is temperature
    (d) The rate of decrease in temperature of the cylinder when its temperature falls to `31^(@)C` and
    (e) The maximum amount of heat lost by the cylinder

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  9. Three rods of material X and three rods of material Y are connected as shown in the figure. All the rods are of identical length and cross-sectional area. If the end A is maintained at `60^@C` and the junction E at `10^@C`. Calculate the temperature of the junction B, C and D. The thermal conductivity of X is `0.92cal//sec-cm^@C` and that of Y is `0.46cal//sec-cm-^@C`.

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  10. A cubical block of co-efficient of linear expansion `alpha_s` is submerged partially inside a liquid of co-efficient of volume expansion `gamma_l`. On increasing the temperature of the system by `DeltaT`, the height of the cube inside the liquid remains unchanged. Find the relation between `alpha_s and gamma_l`.

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  11. One end of a rod of length L and crosssectional area A is kept in a furnace at temperature `T_(1)`. The other end of the rod is kept at a temperature `T_(2)`. The thermal conductivity of the matrieal of the rod is `K` and emissivity of the rod is e. It is gives that `T_(!)=T_(s)+DeltaT`, where `DeltaTltlt T_(s),T_(s)` is the temperature of the surroundings. If `DeltaTprop(T_(1)-T_(2))` find the proportional constant, consider that heat is lost only by rediation at the end where the temperature of the rod is `T_(1)`.

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  12. A metal of mass 1 kg at constant atmospheric pressure and at initial temperature `20^@C` is given a heat of 20000J. Find the following
    (a) change in temperature,
    (b) work done and
    (c) change in internal energy.
    (Given, specific heat `=400J//kg-^@C`, cofficient of cubical expansion, `gamma=9xx10^-5//^@C`, density `rho=9000kg//m^3`, atmospheric pressure `=10^5N//m^2`)

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  13. In a insulated vessel, 0.05 kg steam at 373 K and 0.45 kg of ice at 253 K are mixed. Find the final temperature of the mixture (in kelvin.)
    Given, `L_(fusion) = 80 cal//g = 336 J//g`
    `L_("vaporization") = 540 cal//g = 2268 J//g`
    `s_(ice) = 2100 J//kg.K = 0.5 cal//g.K`
    and `s_("water") = 4200 J//kg.K = 1cal//g.K` .

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Solved Example questions and complete solutions for chapter CALORIMETRY of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11