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Complete Solutions to Exercise 2.2 of chapter KINETIC THEORY OF GASES AND FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions28
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Explain why the temperature of a gas drops in an adiabatic expansion, on basis of the kinetic theory of gases,

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  2. Explain why a gas cools on sudden expansion on the basis of the principles of thermodynamics.

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  3. A mass M = 15 g of nitrogen is enclosed in a vessel at temperature T = 300 K. What amount of heat has to be transferred to the gas to increase the root-mean-square velocity of molecules 2 times ?

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  4. A gas consisting of rigid diatomic molecules (degrees of freedom r = 5) under standard conditions `(P_(0) = 10^(5)` Pa and `T_(0) = 273 K`) was compressed adiabatically `eta = 5` times. Find the mean kinetic energy of a rotating molecule in the final state.

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  5. Can one distinguish between the internal energy of a body acquired by het transfer and that acquired by the performance of work on it by an etenal agent ?

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  6. A theoms flask contains coffee. It is vigorously sheken, considering the coffee as the system. (a) Does its temperature rise ? (b) Has heat been added to it ? (c ) Has work been done on it ?

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  7. Does a gas do any work when it expands adiabatically ? If so, what is the source of the energy needed to do this work ?

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  8. A block returns to its initial position after dissipating mechanical energy in the from of heat through frictionn. Is this process reversibe or irreversible ?

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  9. Explain why the temperature of a gas drops in an adiabatic expansion, on basis of the kinetic theory of gases,

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  10. In what process is the heat added entirely converted into internal energy of the system ?

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  11. When a gas is compressed adiabaticlly, it becomes more elasitc. Is this ture ?

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  12. A cylinder contains 3 moles of oxygen at a temperature of `27^(@)C`. The cylinder is provided with a frictionless piston which maintains a constant pressure of 1 atm on the gas. The gas is heated until its temperature rises to `127^(@)C`.
    a. How much work is done by the gas in the process ?
    b. What is the change in the internal energy of the gas ?
    c. How much heat was supplied to the gas ?
    For oxygen `C_(P) = 7.03 cal mol^(-1) .^(@)C^(-1)`.

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  13. What amount of heat is to be transferred to nitrogen in an isobaric heating process so that the gas may perform 2 J work?

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  14. As a result of the isobaric heating by `DeltaT=72K`, one mole of a certain ideal gas obtain an amount of heat `Q=1.6kJ`. Find the work performed by the gas, the increment of its internal energy and `gamma`.

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  15. A certain mass of a gas is compressed first adiabatically, and then isothermally. In both cases, the initial state of the gas is the same. Is the work done `W_(1)` in the first case greater than the work done `W_(2)` in the second case ? Explain.

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  16. A cylindrical vessel of 28 cm diameter contains 20 g of nitrogen compressed by a piston supporting a weight of 75 kg. The temperature of the gas is `17^(@)C`. What work will the gas do if it is heated to a temperature of `250^(@)C` ? What amount of heat should be supplied ? To what distance will the weight be raised? The process should be assumed to be isobaric, the heating of the vessel as well as the external pressure is negligible.

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  17. One mole of oxygen is heated at constant pressure starting at `0^(@)C`. How much heat energy must be added to the gas to double its volume ?

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  18. An ideal gas expands from an initial temperature `T_(1)` to a final temperature `T_(2)`. Prove that the work done by the gas is `C_(V) (T_(2) - T_(2))`.

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  19. An ideal gas whose adiabatic exponent equals `gamma` expands so that the amount of heat transferred to it is equal to the decrease of its internal energy. Find
    a. the molar heat capacity of the gas, and
    b. the T -V equation for the process.

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  20. On mole of argon expands polytropically, the polytropic constant being 1.5, that is, the process proceeds according to the law `pV^(1.5)` = constant. In the process, its temperature change by `Delta T = - 26 K`. Find
    a. the amount of heat obatined by the gas.
    b. the work performed by the gas.

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  21. Find out the work done in the given graph. Also draw the corresponding T -V curve and P-T curve.

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  22. Two moles of a diatomic gas at 300 K are kept in a nonconducting container enclosed by a piston . Gas is now compressed to increase the temperature from 300 K to 400 K. Find word done by the gas

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  23. A sample of an ideal gas is taken through the cyclic process `abca` . It absorbs `50 J` of heat during the part `ab`, no heat during `bc` and rejects `70 J` of heat during `ca`. `40 J` of work is done on the gas during the part `bc`.
    (a) Find the internal energy of the gas at `b` and `c` if it is `1500 J` at `a`.
    (b) Calculate the work done by the gas during the part `ca`.

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  24. The internal energy of a monatomic ideal gas is `1.5 nRT`.One mole of helium is kept in a cylinder of cross section `8.5 cm^(2)`. The cylinder is closed by a light frictionless piston. The gas is heated slowly in a process during which a total of `42J` heat is given to the gas. If the temperature rise through `2^(@)C`, find the distance moved by the piston. atmospheric pressure `=100 kPa.`

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  25. A sample of ideal gas `(gamma = 1.4)` is heated at constant pressure. If an amount `140 J` of heat is supplied to the gas, find (a) the changes in internal energy of the gas, (b) the work done by the gas.

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  26. P-V curve of a diatomic gas is shown in the Fig. Find the total heat given to the gas in the process `A rarr B rarr C`

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  27. A monoatomic gas is enclosed in a nonconducting cylinder having a piston which can move freely. Suddenly gas is compressed to `1//8` of its initial volume. Find the final pressure and temperature if initial pressure and temperature are `P_(0)` and `T_(0)` respectively.

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  28. A nonconducting cylinder having volume `2 V_(0)` is partitioned by a fixed non conducting wall in two equal part. Partition is attached with a valve. Right side of the partition is a vacuum and left part is filled with a gas having pressure and temperature `P_(0)` and `T_(0)` respectively. If valve is opened find the final pressure and temperature of the two parts.

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Exercise 2.2 questions and complete solutions for chapter KINETIC THEORY OF GASES AND FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11