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Complete Solutions to Exercise Single Correct of chapter VECTORS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE PHYSICSExercise Single Correct
Number Of Questions51
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The sum and diffrence of two perpendicular vector of equal length are

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  2. The minimum number of vector having different planes which can be added to give zero resultant is

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  3. A vector perpendicular to `hat(i)+hat(j)+hat(k)` is

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  4. From figure the correct relation is

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  5. Out of the following set of forces, the rsultant of which cannot be zero?

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  6. The resultant of two vectors `vec(A)` and `vec(B)` is perpendicular to the vector `vec(A)` and its magnitudes is equal to half of the magnitudes of vector `vec(B)` (figure). The angle between `vec(A)` and `vec(B)` is

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  7. The ratio of maximum and minimum magnitudes of the resultant of two vectors `vec(a)` and `vec(b)` is 3:1. Now, `|vec(a)|` is equal to

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  8. Two forces, each equal to F, act as shown in (figure) Their resultant is

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  9. Vector `vec(A)` is 2`cm` long and is `60^(@)` above the x-axis in the first quadrant. Vector `vec(B)` is `2 cm` long and is `60^(@)` below the x-axis in the fourth quadrant. The sum `vec(A)+vec(B)` is a vector of magnitudes

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  10. What is the angle between two vector forces of equal magnitude such that their resultant is one-third of either of the original forces?

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  11. The angle between `vec(A)+vec(B)` and `vec(A)xxvec(B)` is

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  12. The projection of a vector `vec(r )=3hat(i)+hat(j)+2hat(k)` on the `x-y` plane has magnitude

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  13. If `|vec(A)+vec(B)|=|vec(A)|=|vec(B)|` then the angle between `vec(A)` and `vec(B)`is

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  14. If vector `vec(A)=hat(i)+2hat(j)+4hat(k)` and `vec(B)=5hat(i)` represent the two sides of a triangle, then the third side of the triangle can have length equal to

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  15. Given `|vec(A)_(1)|=2,|vec(A)_(2)|=3` and `|vec(A)_(1)+vec(A)_(2)|=3`. Find the value of `(vec(A)_(1)+2vec(A)_(2)).(3vec(A)_(1)-4vec(A)_(2))`.

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  16. Three vector `vec(A)`,`vec(B)`, `vec(C )` satisfy the relation `vec(A)*vec(B)=0`and `vec(A).vec(C )=0`. The vector `vec(A)` is parallel to

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  17. If `vec(A)=vec(B)+vec(C )`, and the magnitudes of `vec(A)`,`vec(B)`,`vec(C )` are 5,4, and 3 units, then the angle between `vec(A)` and `vec(C )` is

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  18. Given: `vec(A)=Acos theta hat(i)+Asin theta hat(j)`. A vector `vec(B)`, which is perpendicular to `vec(A)`,is given by

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  19. The angle which the vector `vec(A)=2hat(i)+3hat(j)` makes with the y-axis, where `hat(i)` and `hat(j)` are unit vectors along x- and y-axis, respectively, is

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  20. Given `vec(P)=3hat(i)-4hat(j)`. Which of the following is perpendicular to `vec(P)`?

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  21. In going from one city to another, a car travles 75`km` north, 60`km` noth-west and 20`km` east,The magnitude of displacement between the two cities is `(take1//sqrt(2)=0.7)`

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  22. What is the angle between `vec(A)` and `vec(B)`, If `vec(A)` and `vec(B)` are the adjacent sides of a parallelogram drwan from a common point and the area of the parallelogram is `AB//2`?

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  23. Two vectors `vec(a)` and `vec(b)` are such that `|vec(a)+vec(b)|=|vec(a)-vec(b)|`. What is the angle between `vec(a)` and `vec(b)`?

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  24. Given `vec(A)=4hat(i)+6hat(j)` and `vec(B)=2hat(i)+3hat(j)`. Which of the following

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  25. Given `vec(A)=2hat(i)+phat(j)+qhat(k)` and `vec(B)=5hat(i)+7hat(j)+3hat(k)`. If `vec(A)||vec(B)`, then the values of p and q are, respectively,

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  26. If `vec(A)` is perpendicular to `vec(B)`, then

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  27. If the angle between the vectors `vec(a)` and `vec(b)` is an acute angle, then the diffrence `vec(a)-vec(b)` is

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  28. Given that `vec(A)+vec(B)=vec(C )`. If `|vec(A)|=4, |vec(B)|=5` and `|vec(C )|=sqrt(61)`, the angle between `vec(A)` and `vec(B)` is

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  29. If `vec(b)=3hat(i)+4hat(j)` and `vec(a)=hat(i)-hat(j)` the vector having the same magnitude as that of `vec(b)` and parallel to `vec(a)` is

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  30. Choose the wrong statement.

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  31. What displacement at an angle `60^(@)` to the x-axis has an x-component of 5`m`? `hat(i)` and `hat(j)` are unit vector in x and y directions, respectively.

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  32. Mark the correct statement.

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  33. Out of the following forces, the resultant of which cannot be `10N`?

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  34. Which of the following pairs of forces cannot be added to give a resultant force of `4N`?

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  35. In an equilateral triangle ABC, AL, BM, and `CN` are medians. Forces along BC and BA represented by them will have a resultant represented by

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  36. The sum of two vectors A and B is at right angles to their difference. Then

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  37. If a parallelogram is formed with two sides represented by vector `vec(a)` and `vec(b)`, then `vec(a)+vec(b)` represents the

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  38. Given that `vec(A)+vec(B)=vec(C )` and that `vec(C )` is perpendicular to `vec(A)` Further if `|vec(A)|=|vec(C )|`, then what is the angle between `vec(A)` and `vec(B)`

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  39. Two forces `vec(F)_(1)=500N` due east and `vec(F)_(2)=250N` due north have their common initial point. `vec(F)_(2)-vec(F)_(1)` is

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  40. Find the resultant of the three vectors `vec(OA), vec(OB)` and `vec(OC)` shown in figure. Radius of the circle is R.

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  41. Two vectors `vec(a)` and `vec(b)` are at an angle of `60^(@)` with each other . Their resultant makes an angle of `45^(@)` with `vec(a)` If `|vec(b)|=2`unit , then `|vec(a)|` is

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  42. The resultant of two vectors `vec(P)` and `vec(Q)` is `vec(R )`. If the magnitude of `vec(Q)` is doubled, the new resultant vector becomes perpendicular to `vec(P)`. Then, the magnitude of `vec(R )` is equal to

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  43. A vector `vec(A)` When added to the vector `vec(B)=3hat(i)+4hat(j)` yields a resultant vector that is in the positive y-direction and has a magnitude equal to that of `vec(B)`. Find the magnitude of `vec(A)`.

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  44. ABCDEF is a regular hexagon with point O as centre. The value of `vec(AB)+vec(AC)+vec(AD)+vec(AE)+vec(AF)` is

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  45. In a two diamensional motion of a particle, the particle moves from point A, with position vector `vec(r )_(1)` to point B, with position vector `vec(r )_(2)`. If the magnitudes of these vectors are, respectively, `r_(1)=3` and `r_(2)=4` and the angles they make with the x-axis are `theta_(1)=75^(@)` and `theta_(2)=15^(@)`, respectively, then find the magnitude of the displacement vector. `

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  46. The sum of two forces at a point is 16N. if their resultant is normal to the smaller force and has a magnitude of 8N, then two forces are

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  47. The angle between two vector A and B is `theta`. Vector R is the resultant of the two vectors. If R makes an angle `(theta)/(2)` with A, then

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  48. The resultant of three vectors 1,2, and 3 units whose directions are those of the sides of an equilateral triangle is at an angle of

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  49. A unit vector along the incident ray of light is `hat(i)`. The unit vector for the corresponding refracted ray of light is `hat(r ).hat(n)`, a unit vector normal to the boundary of the medium and directed towards the incident medium. If `mu` is the refractive index of the medium, then snell's law (second law) of refraction is

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  50. The components of a vector along the x- and y- directions are `(n+1)` and 1, respectively. If the coordinate system is rotated by an angle `theta=60^(@)`, then the components change to `n` and 3. The value of `n` is

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  51. Two point masses 1 and 2 move with uniform velocities `vec(v)_(1)` and `vec(v)_(2)`, respectively. Their initial position vectors are `vec(r )_(1)` and `vec(r )_(2)`, respectively. Which of the following should be satisfied for the collision of the point masses?

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Exercise Single Correct questions and complete solutions for chapter VECTORS of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11