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Complete Solutions to Exercise Subjective of chapter VECTORS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE PHYSICSExercise Subjective
Number Of Questions28
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A cube is placed so that one corner is at the origin and three edges are along the x-,y-, and ,z-axes of a coordinate system (figure).Use vector to compute
    a.The angle between the edge along the z-axis (line ab) and the diagonal from the origin to the opposite corner (line ad).
    b. The angle between line ac (the diagonal of a face ) and line ad.

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  2. You are given vector `vec(A)=5hat(i)-6.5hat(j)` and `vec(B)=10hat(i)-7hat(j)`.
    A third vector `vec(C )` lies in the `x-y` plane. Vector `(C )` is perpendicular to vector `vec(A)` and the scalar product of `vec(C )` with `vec(B)` is 15. From this information, find the component of `vec(C )`

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  3. Two vector `vec(A)` and `vec(B)` have magnitudes A=3.00 and B=3.00. Their vector product is `vec(A)xxvec(B)=-5.00hat(k)+2.00hat(i)`.
    What is the angle between `vec(A)` and `vec(B)`?

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  4. Given two vectors `vec(A)=3hat(i)+hat(j)+hat(k)` and `vec(B)=hat(i)-hat(j)-hat(k)`.Find the
    a.Area of the triangle whose two adjacent sides are represented by the vector `vec(A)` and `vec(B)`
    b.Area of the parallelogram whose two adjacent sides are represented by the vector `vec(A)` and `vec(B)`
    c. Area of the parallelogram whose diagnoals are represented by the vector `vec(A)` and `vec(B)`

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  5. On a horizontal flat ground, a person is standing at a point `A`. At this point, he installs a `5m` long pole vertically. Now , he moves `5m` towards east and then `2m` towards north and reaches at a point `B`. There he installs another `3m` long vertical pole . A bird flies from the top of the first pole to the top of the swecond pole. Find the displacement and magnitude of the displacement of the bird.

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  6. Find the vector sum of `N` coplanar forces, each of the magnitude `F`,when each force makes an angle of `2pi//N` with that preceding it.

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  7. Can you find at least one vector perpendiculr to `3hat(i)-4hat(j)+7hat(k)`?

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  8. Two forces P and Q acting at a point are such that if P is reveserd, the direction of the resultant is turned through `90^(@)`. Prove that the magnitudes of the forces are equal.

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  9. Unit vector `hat(P)` and `hat(Q)` are inclined at an angle `theta`. Prove that `|hat(P)-hat(Q)|= 2 sin(theta//2)`.

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  10. A sail boat sails `2km` due east, `5km 37^(@)` south of east, and finally an unknown displacement. If the final displacement of the boat from the starting point is `6km` due east,determine the third displacement.

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  11. Two forces of magnitudes P and Q are inclined at an angle `(theta)`. The magnitude of their resultant is 3Q. When the inclination is changed to `(180^(@)-theta)`, the magnitude of the resultant force becomes Q. Find the ratio of the forces.

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  12. A vector `vec(B)` which has a magnitude 8.0 is added to a vector `vec(A)` which lies along the x-axis. The sum of these two vector is a third vector which lies along the y-axis and has a magnitude that is twice the magnitude of `vec(A)`. Find the magnitude of `vec(A)`

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  13. Three vector as shown in (figure) have magnitudes `|vec(a)|=3,|vec(b)|=4`,and `|vec(c )|=10`

    a.Find the `x` and `y` components of these vectors.
    b.Find the numbers `p` and `q` such that `vec(c )=pvec(a)+qvec(b)`.

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  14. A bouy is attached to three tugboats by three ropes. The tugboats are engaged in a tug-0f-war. One tugboat pulls west on the buoy with a force `vec(F)_(1)` of magnitude `1000N`. The second tugboat pulls south on the buoy with a force `vec(F)_(2)` of magnitude `2000N`. The third tugboat pulls northeast (that is, half way between north and east), with a force `vec(F)_(3)` of magnitude `2000N`
    a. Express each force in unit vector from `(hat(i),hat(j))`.
    b. Calculate the magnitude of the resultant force.

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  15. Two horizontal forces of magnitudes of `10N` and `P N` act on a particle. The force of magnitude `10N` acts due west and the force of magnitude `P N` acts on a bearing of `30^(@)` east of north as shown in (figure) The resultant of these two force acts due north. Find the magnitude of the resultant.

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  16. The position vectors of two balls are given by
    `vec(r )_(1)=2 (m)i+7(m)j`
    `vec(r )_(2)= -2(m)i+4(m)j`
    What will be the distance between the two balls?

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  17. A particle whose speed is `50ms^(-1)` moves along the line from `A(2,1)` to `B(9,25)`. Find its velocity vector in the from of `ahat(i)+bhat(j)`.

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  18. A particle travels with speed `50ms^(-1)` from the point `(3,-7)` in a direction `7hat(i)-24(j)`. Find its position vector after `3s`.

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  19. A particle has an initial velocity of `3hat(i) + 4 hat(j)` and an acceleration of `0.4 hat(i) + 0.3 hat(j)`. Its speed after `10s ` is :

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  20. Forces X,Y and Z have magnitudes `10N 5(sqrt(3)-1) N` and `5(sqrt(3)+1) N`, respectively. The forces Y and Z act in the same direction as shown in (figure) The resultant of X and Y and the resultant of X and Z have the same magnitudes. Find `theta`, the angle between X and Y.

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  21. A particle of `m=5kg` is momentarily at rest at `x= at `t=. It is acted upon by two forces `vec(F)_(1)` and `vec(F)_(2)`. `Vec(F)_(1)=70hat(j)` N. The direction and manitude of `vec(F)_(2)` are unknown. The particle experiences a constant acceleration, `vec(a)`,in the direction as shown in (figure) Neglect gravity.

    a.Find the missing force `vec(F)_(2)`.
    b. What is the velocity vector of the particle at `t=10 s`?
    c. What third force, `vec(F)_(3)` is required to make the acceleration of the particle zero? Either give magnitude and direction of `vec(F)_(3)` or its components.

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  22. A spy plane is being tacked by a radar. At `t`=0, its position is reported as (100`m` ,200`m`, 1000`m`). 130`s` later, its position is reported to be (2500`m`,1200`m` ,1000 `m`). Find a unit vector in the direction of plane velocity and the magnitude of its average velocity.

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  23. a. Calculate `vec(r )=vec(a)-vec(b)+vec(c )`, where `vec(a)=5hat(i)+4hat(j)-6hat(k)`,
    `vec(b)= -2hat(i)+2hat(j)+3hat(k)`, and `vec(c )= 4hat(i)+3hat(j)+2hat(k)`.
    b. Calculate the angle between `vec(r )` and the `z`-axis.

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  24. A force `vec(F)=3hat(i)+2hat(j)+chat(k)`N causes a displacement `vec(r )=chat(i)+4hat(j)+chat(k)` `m`. The work done is 36 `J`. Find the values `(s)` of c.

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  25. When two vectors of magnitudes P and Q are inclined at an angle `theta`, the magnitudes of their resultant is 2P. When the inclination is changed to `180^(@)-theta`, the magnitudes of the resultant is halved. Find the ratio of `P` and `Q`.

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  26. Find the magnitudes of the unknown forces if the sum of all forces is zero (figure)

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  27. Three boys are pulling a heavy trolled by means of three ropes. The boy in the middle is exerting a pull of `100N`. The other two boys ,whose ropes both make an angle `30^(@)` with the central rope, are pulling with forces of `50sqrt(3)N` and `100sqrt(3)N`. Find the magnitudes of the resultant pull on the trolltey.

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  28. If `vec(A)=2hat(i)+hat(j)` and `vec(B)=hat(i)-hat(j)`, sketch vector graphically and find the component of `vec(A)` along `vec(B)` and perpendicular to `vec(B)`

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Exercise Subjective questions and complete solutions for chapter VECTORS of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11