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Complete Solutions to Assertion-Reasoning of chapter FLUID MECHANICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE PHYSICSAssertion-Reasoning
Number Of Questions8
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Assertion: Pascal law is the working principle of hydraulic lift.
    Reason: Pressure `=(thrust)/(area)`

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  2. Assertion: In taking into account the fact that any object, which floats, must, have an average density less than that of water, during World War I, a number of cargo vessels are made of concrete.
    Reason: Concrete cargo vessels were filled with air.

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  3. Assertion: A dam for water reservoir is built thicker at bottom than at the loop.
    Reason : Pressure of water is very large at the bottom.

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  4. Statement I: In the three cases shown in the figure, force exerted by liquid on three vessels is the same.
    Statement II: Pressure at the bottom in each case is same.

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  5. Assertion: The velocity increases, when water flowing in broader pipe enter a narrow pipe.
    Reason: According to equation of continuity, product of area and velocity is constant.

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  6. Statement I: When spinning ball is thrown it deviates from its usual path in flight.
    Statement II: Time of flight will remain same if axis of rotation is vertical.

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  7. Statement I: A liquid will flow faster and more smoothly from a sealed can when two holes are punched in the can than when one hole is punched.
    Statement II: The flow becomes streamlined with two holes rather than with one hole.

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  8. A small spherical ball of radius `r` is released from its completely submerged Position (as shown in the figure) in a liquid whose density varies with height `h` (measured from the bottom) as `rho_(L)=rho_(0)[4-(3h//h_(0))]`.The density of the ball is (`5//2)rho_(0)`. The height of the vessel is `h_(0)=12//pi^(2)` Consider `r lt lt h_(0)` and `g = 10 m//s^(2)`.

    Where will the ball come in the equilibrium?

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Assertion-Reasoning questions and complete solutions for chapter FLUID MECHANICS of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11