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Complete Solutions to SCQ_TYPE of chapter FLUID MECHANICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions13
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A metal ball immersed in alcohol weights `W_1` at `0^@C` and `W_2` at `50^@C`. The coefficient of expansion of cubical the metal is less than that of the alcohol. Assuming that the density of the metal is large compared to that of alcohol, it can be shown that

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  2. A vessel containing water is given a constant acceleration 'a' towards the right along a straight horizontal path. Which of the following diagrams in Fig. represents the surface of the liquid?

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  3. A body floats in a liquid contained in a beaker. The whole system as shown in Figure falls freely under gravity. The upthrust on the body is

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  4. A U-tube of uniform cross section (see figure) is partially filled with a liquid I. Another liquid II which does not mix with liquid I is poured into one side. It is found that the liquid levels of the two sides of the tube are the same, while the level of liquid I has risen by 2cm. If the specific gravity of liquid I is 1.1, the specific gravity of liquid II must be

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  5. A vessel contains oil (density `=0.8gm//cm^3`) over mercury (density `=13.6gm cm^3`). A homogeneous sphere floats with half its volume immersed in mercury and the other half in oil. The density of the material of the sphere in `gm//cm^3` is

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  6. A homogeneous solid cylinder of length L(LltH/2), cross-sectional area A/5 is immersed such that it floats with its axis vertical at the liquid-liquid interface with length L/4 in the denser liquid as shown in the figure. The lower density liquid is open to atmosphere having pressure `P_0`. Then density D of solid is given by

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  7. A large open tank has two holes in the wall. One is a square hole of side L at a depth y from the top and the other is a circular hole of radius R at a depth 4y from the top. When the tank is completely filled with water, the quantities of water flowing out per second from both holes are the same. Then, R is equal to

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  8. When a block of iron in mercury at `0^@C,` fraction `K_1`of its volume is submerged, while at the temperature `60^@C,` a fraction `K_2` is seen to be submerged. If the coefficient of volume expansion of iron is `gamma_(Fe)` and that of mercury is `gamma_(Hg),` then the ratio `(K_1)//(K_2)` can be expressed as

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  9. A hemispherical portion of radius R is removed from the bottom of a cylinder of radius R. The volume of the remaining cylinder is V and its mass M. It is suspended by a string in a liquid of density `rho` where it stays vertical. The upper surface of the cylinder is at a depth h below the liquid surface. The force on the bottom of the cylinder by the liquid is

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  10. A wooden block, with a coin placed on its top, floats in water as shown in figure. The distance l and h are shown here. After some time the coin falls into water. Then

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  11. Water is filled in a container upto height 3m. A small hole of area 'a' is punched in the wall of the container at a height 52.5 cm from the bottom. The cross sectional area of the container is A. If `a//A=0.1` then `v^2` is (where v is the velocity of water coming out of the hole)

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  12. Water is filled up to a height h in a beaker of radius R as shown in the figure. The density of water is `rho,` the surface tension of water is T and the atmospheric pressure is `P_0.` Consider a vertical section ABCD of the water column through a diameter of the beaker. The force on water on one side of this section by water on the other side of this section has magnitude

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  13. A thin uniform cylindrical shell, closed at both ends, is partially filled with water. It is floating vertically in water in half-submerged state. If `rho_c` is the relative density of the material of the shell with respect to water, then the correct statement is that the shell is

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SCQ_TYPE questions and complete solutions for chapter FLUID MECHANICS of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11