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Complete Solutions to Exercise 5.3 of chapter KINEMATICS-2 of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions12
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A `400 - m` wide river is flowing at a rate of `2.0 m s^-1`. A boat is sailing with a velocity of `10 m s^-1` with respect to the water, in a direction perpendicular to the river.
    (a) Find the time taken by the boat to reach the opposite bank.
    (b) How far from the point directly opposite to the starting point does the boat reach the opposite bank ?
    ( c) In what direction does the boat actually move ?

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  2. A ,man wishing to cross a river flowing with velocity `u` jumps at an angle `theta` with the river flow.
    (a) Find the net velocity of the man with respect to ground if he can swim with speed `v` in still water.
    (b) In what direction does the boat actually move ?
    ( c) Find how far from the point directly opposite to the starting point does the boat reach the opposite bank, if the width of the river is `d`.

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  3. Find the time an aeroplane having velocity `v` takes to fly around a square with side `a` if the wind is blowing at a velocity `u` along one side of the square.\

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  4. To a man running upwards on the hill, the rain appears to fall vertically downwards with `4 m s^-1`. The velocity vector of the man w.r.t. earth is `(2 hat i + 3 hat j) ms ^-1`. If the man starts running down the hill with the same speed, then determine the relative speed of the rain w.r.t. man.

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  5. An aeroplane flies along a straight path `A and B` and returns back again. The distance between `A and B` is `l` and the aeroplane maintains the constant speed `v` w.r.t. wind.
    There is a steady wind with a speed `u` at an angle `theta` with line `A B`. Determine the expression for the total time of the trip.

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  6. A pilot is supposed to fly a certain distance `AB`, due east from `A to B` and then due west from `B to A`. The velocity of plane is `v` and that of air is `u`. The time for the round trip is `t_0` in still air. Show that
    (a) if the air velocity be due east or west, the time for round trip will be `t_1 = (t_0)/((1 - (u^2)/(v^2))`.
    (b) if the air velocity is due north or south, the time for a round trip will be `t_2 = (t_0)/sqrt((1 - (u^2)/(v^2)))`.

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  7. Wind blows with a velocity `x` in the direction shown in (Fig. 5.137). Two aeropalnes starts out from point `A` and fly with a constant speed `y`. The first flies from `A to B` and the other `A to C`. Both of them return back to `A`. If `AB = AC`, then which plane will return to point `A` first, and what be the ratio of the times of flight of the two planes ?

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  8. Two ships are `10 km` apart on a line joining south to north. The one farther north is steaming west at `20 km h^-1`. The other is steaming north at `20 km h^-1`. What their distance of closest approach ? How long do they take to reach itb ?

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  9. A boatman finds that he can save `6 s` in crossing a river by the quickest path than by the shortest path. If the velocity of the boat and the river be, respectively, `17 ms^-1 and 8 ms^-1`, find the river width.

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  10. A man directly crosses a river in time `t_1` and swims down the current a distance equal to the width of the river I time `t_2`. If `u and v` be the speed of the current and the man respectively, show that : `t_1 :t_2 = sqrt(v + u) : sqrt(v - u))`.

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  11. A person rows a boat across a river making an anglen of `60^@` with the downstream. Find the percentage time he would have saved, ahd he crossed the river in the shortest possible time.

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  12. A person, intending to cross a river by the shortest path, starts at an angle `prop` with the downstream. If the speed of the person be less than that of water current, show that `prop` must be obtuse.

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Exercise 5.3 questions and complete solutions for chapter KINEMATICS-2 of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11