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Complete Solutions to Exercise 8.1 of chapter WORK, POWER & ENERGY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions25
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Discuss whether any work is being done by each of the following agents and, if so, whether the work is positive or negative: (a) a chicken scratching the ground, (b) a person studying, (c) a crane lifting a bucket of concrete, (d) the gravitational force on the bucket in part (c), and (e) the leg muscles of a person in the act of sitting down.

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  2. State the following statements as true or false.
    a. The work done by a force on a body is equal to the dot product of the force and displacement of the body.
    b. Instantaneously, work is not defined.
    c. When several forces act on a body, the total work is the same as the work done by their resultant.

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  3. When we apply a force on a wall of infinite mass but the wall remains at rest, have we done any work on the wall? Does the wall do work on us?

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  4. When you walk on a surface, who does work on what? If the surface has more friction, will more work be doen? If the surface is frictionless and we try to walk, will any work be done?

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  5. A man is running down an inclined plane. Is he doing work or is work being done on him? Why is it that under normal circumstances when we are running down an inclined plane we feel that we are doing work?

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  6. A car is travelling on road at `50kmh^-1`. The driver applies brakes and brings the car to rest. Which frictional force does more work: (a) the force between the wheels and the brakes or (b) the force between the wheels and the road?

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  7. There are two inclined planes with the same vertical height, but with different angles of inclination. Two bodies of mass m each are placed at the bottom of the inclined plane. Two external forces of equal magnitude do work in taking the bodies to the top of the inclined plane. Which force does more work?

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  8. In a tug of war, one team is giving way to other. What work is being done and by whom?

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  9. A cyclist comes to a skidding stop in `10m`. During this process, the force on the cycle due to the road is `200N` and is directly opposite to the motion.
    a. How much work does the road do on the cycle?
    b. How much work does the cycle do on the road?

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  10. A gardener moves a lawn roller through a distance of `100m` with a force of `50N`. Calculate his wages if he is to be paid 10 paise for doing `25J` of work. It is given that the applied force is inclined at `60^@` to the direction of motion.

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  11. A body constrained to move along the z-axis of a co-ordinate system, is subjected to a constant force `vec(F)` given by `vec(F)=-hat(i)+2hat(j)+3hat(k)` Newton where `hat(i),hat(j)`and `hat(k)` represent unit vectors along x-,y-,and z-axes of the system, respectively. Calculate the work done by this force in displacing the body through a distance of `4m` along the z-axis.

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  12. An object is displaced from point `A(2m,3m,4m)` to a point `B(1 m,2 m,3 m)` under a constant force ` F=(2hati + 3hatj + 4hatk)N`. Find the work done by this force in this process.

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  13. An object is displaced from positin vector `r_1=(2hati+3hatj)` m to `r_2=(4hati+6hatj)` m under a forc `F=(3x^2hati+2yhatj)N` Find the work done by this force.

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  14. An object is displaced from a point A(0, 0, 0) to B(1m, 1m , 1m) under a force `vecF=(yhati+xhatj)N`. Find the work done by this force in this process.

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  15. A force `vecF=(3xN)hati+(4N)hatj`, with x in meter, acts on a particle, changing only the kinetic energy of the particle. How mcuh work is done on the particle as it moves from coordinates `(2m, 3m, 5m)` to `(3m, 0m, 6m)`? Does the speed of the particle increase, decrease, or remain the same?

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  16. A body moves from point A to B under the action of a force, varying in magnitude as shown in figure. Obtain the work done. Force is expressed in newton and displacement in meter.

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  17. A `10-kg` block moves in a straight line under the action of a force that varies with position as shown in figure. How much work does the force do as the block moves from origin to `x=8m`?

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  18. A force F acts on a body such that it is always at an angle of `45^@` to the direction of motion. The body moves in a circle and covers a semicircle of radius R. What is the work done by the force F?

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  19. A force F is exerted on a body of mass M, which is connected to a spring (spring constant k). The body has a constant acceleration a. Calculate the work done by the external force in moving the body by a distance D.

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  20. A body is thrown on a rough surface such that the friction force acting on it is linearly varying with the distance travelled by it as `f=ax+b`. Find the work done by the friction on the box if before coming to rest the box travels a distance s.

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  21. One end of a fixed spring is pulled by an average force of `10N` through a distance of `5cm`, find the work done by the spring.

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  22. A block of mass m is pulled slowly by a minimum constant force on a rough (`mu`) horizontal surface through a distance x. Find work done by force F.

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  23. The work done by an external agent in pulling a spring from a deformation of `10cm` to `15cm` is `W_1`. When pulled, the spring from a deformation of `15cm` to `20cm`, the work done is `W_2`. Find `W_1//W_2`.

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  24. A block of mass m is kept on a rough plank which moves with a horizontal acceleration a. If the plank was at rest at `t=0`, and the block does not slide relative to the plank, find the work done by friction on the (a) block, (b) plane, (c) system, (block+plank) during time `t`.

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  25. In the previous question, if `agtmu_sg`, find the work done by friction on the block during time t.

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Exercise 8.1 questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK, POWER & ENERGY of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11