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Complete Solutions to Multiple Correct of chapter WORK, POWER & ENERGY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions25
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Referring the graphs, which of the following is/are correc?

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  2. Which of the following is//are conservative force (s) ?

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  3. One of the forces acting on the particle is conservative, then

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  4. A long block A is at rest on a smooth horizontal surface. A small block B whose mass is half of mass of A is placed on A at one end and is given an initial velocity u as shown in figure. The coefficient of friction between the blocks is `mu`.

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  5. Choose the correct statement(s) from the following.

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  6. Mark the correct statement(s).

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  7. Mark the correct statement(s).

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  8. Select the correct option(s).

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  9. When two blocks connected by a spring move towards each other under mutual interaction,

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  10. When a bullet is fired from a gun

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  11. A vehicle is driven along a straight horizontal track by a motor which exerts a constant driving force. The vehicle starts from rest at `t=0` and the effects of friction and air resistance are negligible. If the kinetic eneryg of the vehicle at time t is E and power developed by the motor is P, which of the following graphs are correct?

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  12. A block hangs freely from the end of a spring. A boy then slowly pushes the block upwards so that the spring becomes strain free. The gain in gravitational potential energy of the block during this process is not equal to

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  13. A charged particle X moves directly towards another charged particle Y. For the X plus Y system, the total momentum is p and the total energy is E.

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  14. The potential energy `varphi`, in joule, of a particle of mass `1kg`, moving in the x-y plane, obeys the law `varphi=3x+4y`, where `(x,y)` are the coordinates of the particle in metre. If the particle is at rest at `(6,4)` at time `t=0`, then

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  15. A body of mass M was slowly hauled up a rough hill by a force F which at each point was directed along a tangent to the hill. Work done by the force

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  16. A block is suspended by an ideal spring of force constant k. If the block is pulled down by applying a constant force F and if maximum displacement of the block from its initial position of rest is `delta`, then

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  17. A horizontal plane supports a plank with a block placed on it. A light elastic string is attached to the block, which is attached to a fixed point O. Initially, the cord is unstretched and vertical. The plank is slowly shifted to right until the block starts sliding over it. It occurs at the moment when the cord deviates from vertical by an angle `theta=0^@`. Work done by the force F equals

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  18. A particle is projected from a point at an angle with the horizontal at `t=0`. At an instant t, if p is linear momentum, x is horizontal displacement, y is vertical displacement, and E is kinetic energy of the particle, then which of the following graphs are correct?

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  19. In which of the following cases no work is done by the force?

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  20. A man of mass m is standing on a stationary flat car of mass M. The car can move without friction along horizontal rails. The man starts walking with velocity v relative to the car. Work done by him

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  21. The kinetic energy of a particle continuously icreses with time

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  22. The potential energy curve for interaction between two molecules is shown in figure. Which of the following statements are true?

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  23. A particle is taken from point A to point B under the influence of a force field. Now it is taken back from B to A and it is observed that the work done in taking the particle from A to B is not equal to the work done in taking it from B to A. If `W_(nc)` and `W_c` are the work done by non-conservative and conservative forces present in the system, respectively, `DeltaU` is the change in potential energy and `Deltak` is the change in kinetic energy, then

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  24. Which of the following statements is/are correct about work?

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  25. A body of mass `1kg` is taken from infinity to a point P. When the body reaches that point, it has a speed of `2ms^-1`. The work done by the conservative force is `-5J`. Which of the following is true (assuming non-conservative and pseudo-forces to be absent).

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Multiple Correct questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK, POWER & ENERGY of CENGAGE PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11