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Complete Solutions to EXAMPLES of chapter EXPANSION OF GASES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions40
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The volume of a fixed mass of gas at STP is `500 cm^3.` What will be its volume at 700 mmHg pressure if its temperature remains constant?

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  2. While tabulating the pressures and volumes for a fixed mass of a gas at a fixed temperature , a student forgets to records a few observation, as shown below. Fill in the blanks.

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  3. The volume of a gas at 1 standard atmosphere is compressed to `1/6th` of its value at constant temperature.What will be its final pressure.

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  4. A 100 cm long vertical cylinder,closed at the bottom end , has a movable,frictionless,air tight disattached at its other end. An ideal gas is confined within the cylinder. Initially when the disc between the confined gas and atmosphere is in equilibrium,the length of the gas column is 90 cm. Mercury is poured slowly on the disc. When the disc descends by 32 cm,mercury over it is just about to overflow. Find the atmospheric pressure if the operation took place at a constant temperature of the gas. Neglect the weight or thickness of the disc.

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  5. Volume of a gas is doubled by raising its temperature at constant pressure . Initial temperature of the gas was `13^@C`. Find the final temperature.

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  6. The volume of fixed mass of a gas at `47^@C` is `640cm^3` and its pressure is 75 cm of Hg. To which temperature should the gas be related at constant volume to make its pressure double?

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  7. The volume of a fixed mass of gas is `300 cm^3` at STP. When the temperature is related to `50^@C` at constant volume, the pressure exerted by the gas becomes 900mmHg. What is the pressure coefficient of the gas?

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  8. At constant pressure if the volume of a fixed mass of gas at temperature `80^@C` is `500cm^3` and that at `150^@C` is `600cm^3`, what is the coefficient of volume expansion `(gamma_p)` of the gas?

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  9. IF heated to `35^@C` at constant pressure, the volume of gas increases from 5L to `0^@C` by `640 cm^3`. What should be the value of absolute zero for this gas in Celsius scale?

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  10. A hydrogen cylinder can withstand an internal pressure of `7 times 10^6 Pa`. The pressure of hydrogen inder at `15^@C` is `1.7 times 10^6` Pa. At what minimum temperature an explosion may take place?

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  11. A glass vessel is filled with air at `30^@C`. Up to which temperature should the vessel the heated kepping the pressure constant so that `1/3rd` of the initial volume of air is expelled? `gamma_p=1/273^@C^-1`.

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  12. At `27^@C` and at a pressure of 76 cmHg `100cm^2` of a gas is collected over water surface. The space occupied by the gas is saturated with water vapour. Maximum vapour pressure of water at `27^@C` is 17.4mmHg. What will be the volume of dry gas at STP?

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  13. A person measure the presssures of his car tyre to be `2 times 10^5 Pa` At that time the temperature and pressure of the atmosphere are `27^@C`and `1 times 10^5 Pa` respectively. Then he travels to another city where the temperature and pressure of the atmosphere are `12^@C` and `6.7 times 10^4 Pa` respectively. Them what will be the pressure of his car tyre at that time. Assume the volume of the tyre is same in both cases.

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  14. Mass of 1 litre of hydrogen at STP is 0.0896 g. Calculate the value of R from this date.

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  15. Mass of 3.76 litre of oxygen at 2 standard atmosphere pressure and `20^@C` is 10 g. find the value of R.

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  16. Density of air at STP `=1.293 g.L^-1` and that of mercury `=13.6^-3`. Find the value of the gas constant for 1 g of air.

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  17. The masses, volumes and pressures of two samples of oxygen and hydrogen gases are equal.Find the ratio of their absolute temperatures.

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  18. Temperatures and pressure on top of the hill are `7^@C` and 70 cmHg and the corresponding values at its base are `27^@C` and 76cmHg. Compare the densities of air at the top and the base of the hill.

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  19. Density of argon at `27^@C` and 76 cmHg pressure is `1.6 g.L^-1` .An electric bulb of volume `200 cm^3` is filled with argon. The pressure of the gas inside the bulb is 75 cmHg and the average temperature is `127^@C`. Find the mass of argon gas in the bulb.

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  20. At a place air pressure is 75 cmHg and temperature is `27^@C`. At another place, the respective values are 70 cmHg and `17^@C`. Compare the densities of air in the two places.

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  21. When an air bubble rises from the bottom of a lake to the upper surface , its diameter increases from 1mm to 2mm. IF the atmospheric pressure is 76 cmHg,calculate the depth of the lake. Density of mercury is `^-3`.

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  22. An electronic vaccum tube is constructed and sealed at `27^@C` and `1.2 times 10^-6 cm Hg` pressure. The tube has a volume of `100 cm^3`. Calculate the number of gas molecules left in the tube.Avogadro number is `6.02 times 10^23`, and the gas occupies a volume of 22.4 litre at STP.

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  23. While constructing a bulb of volume `250 cm^3`, it is sealed at `27^@C` temperature and `10^-3` mmHg pressure. Find the number of gas molecules in the bulb. Avogadro number `=6.0 times 10^23`.

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  24. Two containers of volume 5L and 3L.contain air at 3 standard atmospheres and 7 standard atmospheres respectively. The containers are now connected by a short narrow tube. What will be the common pressure in both the containers?

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  25. Two bulbs of equal volume are connected by a narrow tube of negligible volume and filled with a gas at STP. IF one of the bulbs is kept in melting ice and the other in the water bath at `62^@C`,what will be the new pressure of the gas?

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  26. An air bubble rises from the button of a lake to its upper surface.The diameters of the bubble at the bottom and the surface are 3.6mm and 4 mm respectively.Depth of the lake is 2.5m and the temperature at the upper surface is `40^@C`. Find the temperature at the bottom of the lake. Ignore the change in density of water with height. (Atmospheric pressure =76 cmHg and g=`980 cm.s^-2`)

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  27. A ballon at STP can lift a total mass of 175 kg attached with it.When the barometer reads 50 cmHg and the temperature becomes `-10^@C` at an upper point to where the balloon rises, find the maximum mass that can be lifted.Consider the volume of the balloon to be a constant.

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  28. A chamber contains a mass `m_1` of a gas at pressure `p_1`.A second chamber contains a mass `m_2` of the same gas at pressure `p_2`.IF the two chambers are now connected, what will be the pressure of the gas mixture?

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  29. A 100cm long glass capillary tube closed at both ends, has a mercury thread of length 10 cm.When the tube is horizontal the mercury thread stays at the middle of the tube with air columns of equal length on either side,at 76 cmHg pressure and `27^@C`. Now the temperature of one side is changed to `0^@C`,and of the other side to `127^@C`. Find the length and the pressure of the air column kept at `0^@C`. Neglect expansions of glass and mercury.

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  30. Two heat proof containers of volumes 1L and 2L are connected by a tube.Keeping the valve attached to the tube closed,the 1st container is filled with nitrogen at `0^@C` and at 0.5 standard atmosphere pressure, and the 2nd container with argon at `100^@C` and 1.5 standard atmosphere pressure. The temperature of the gas mixture becomes `79^@C` when the valve is opened,find the pressure of the gas mixture.

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  31. Two glass bulbs of volumes 3L and 1L are connected by a narrow tube. The system is filled with air at`30^@C` temperature and at 76 cmHg pressure. Now the bulb of volume 3L is immersed in water vapour at temperature `100^@C` while the other bulb is kept at `30^@C`. Find the air pressures in the two bulbs.Neglect the volume expansion of the 3L bulb.

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  32. A narrow tube of uniform cross-section is closed at one end.Inside this tube a mercury thread of length hcm detaches some air from the atmosphere outside.When the tube is held vertical keeping its closed ends up,the length of the confined air column becomes `l_1`cm.Again the length of the air column becomes `l_2`cm. When the tube is held vertical keeping it open end up.Find the magnitude of the atmosphere spherical pressure.

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  33. A glass tube of uniform area of cross section and open at one end encloses some air at `27^@C` by a 4 cm long mercury thread that acts like a piston. When the tube is held vertical with its open end up length of the air column in the tube is 9 cm.When the open end is held downwards by turning the tube,the length of the enclosed air column becomes 10 cm. Find () the value of the atmospheric pressure (ii) the temperature at which the length of the air column becomes 9cm again,while the tube is still held inverted.

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  34. A uniform gets tube closed at both ends, encloses air columns of equal lengths 5cm,when the tube is placed horizontally.The pressure of the enclosed air is p.When the tube is placed at `60^@` to the vertical the upper and the lower columns of air are of lengths 46 cm and 44.5 cm respectively.Find the value of p.temperature of the system remains constant at `30^@C`.

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  35. The reading in a barometer changes from 75 cmHg to 25 cmHg when `10 cm^3` of air of atmospheric pressure is introduced in the vaccum space of the barometer tube. What is the volume of air in the tube?

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  36. The reading of a barometer decreases from 75 cmHg to 65 cmHg when some air is introduced in the vaccum space of the tube.Initial length of the space was 6 cm.IF the area of cross section of the tube is `1 cm^2` What is the volume of this air at standard pressure?

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  37. An air bubble of volume `20cm^3` forms in a lake at a depth of 40 m below the water surface.What will be its volume when it rises just below the water surface?(Standard atmospheric pressure=76 cmHg)

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  38. In a capillary tube,closed at one end,some air is enclosed by a mercury thread of length 10 cm. When the tube is kept horizontal the length of the air column is 17 cm. When it is held vertical with the open ends up,the length changes to 15 cm,what will be the length of the air column when the tube is held vertical with the open ends downwards?

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  39. Volume of a room is `15 m times 12 m times 8m`. The room was at `22^@C` in the morning.What is the percentage of initial volume of air of the room that is expelled when the room temperature reaches `30^@C` at noon? The pressure remains constant during the change of temperature.

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  40. Air is enclosed in a glass container at `67^@C`. Find the temperature to which the container is to be raised at constant pressure, so that `1/3 rd` of the final volume of the air is expelled from the vessel?{Neglect the expansion of glass}?

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EXAMPLES questions and complete solutions for chapter EXPANSION OF GASES of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 11